Staying With Sae Again

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I followed all the Believers' movements, copying them. I didn't want to give away my position for any reason. When they cheered, I cheered. When they bowed, I bowed. I didn't have an exact plan, but I knew I had to save the Choi twins no matter the cost. Soon enough, the time for the liquid to be given to the twins had come. I was nervous. I was scared. But still, I needed to do something to help them. Rika pulled out the two elixirs, time was running short. Then, I met eyes with Saeyoung. He looked at me as if to say, "Ready?" I nodded slightly. I didn't know what the plan was, or even if there was a plan, but I picked up a piece of glass from the smashed bottle and hid it in my sleeve as I walked up to them. "Savior, if you would allow me to, I would like to tell them our Believer rules. It is mandatory to know them, after all." Rika eyed me skeptically. "And what's your Believer number?" she asked me. I sweatdropped. I didn't know what it was. I didn't ask V before I... "Well?" she pushed. "I-It's um..." I trailed off. Saeran groaned from behind me. "N18....6..." he barely managed to get out. "My Believer number is N186, my Savior," I said. "Oh, yes. N186. Well then, I give you permission to tell them one thing before they drink the elixir." I thanked her. That was close. I walked over to the twins and in a quick, jerking motion, I cut the ropes that held the two together with the piece of glass in my sleeve. One of the observing Believers yelled, "TRAITOR!"
Saeyoung swiftly grabbed Saeran up and ran towards the hidden entrance which he would use as an exit. I stayed behind and grabbed ahold of Rika as my hood fell off. "You..." she sneered. "I should've known it was you...YOU LET THEM GET AWAY! HOW COULD YOU!?" she screamed at me, ear-deafeningly. I winced and drove the glass up against her throat. "Don't. Move," I threatened. "The Believers too. Don't move or she's gone." I waited until I heard V and Vanderwood leave and stayed in that position. Of course, I wasn't actually going to cut her throat. I would plunge it into her stomach if anyone did move, though. I heard rustling. Then a click. I quickly drove it into her stomach and turned to run as a gunshot sounded. Rika fell to the floor. The bullet inched closer. The Believers murmered. Still it inched closer. It got closer and closer until it reached me. It broke through my skin and went right into my bone. I screamed and held my left upper arm as it bled, and I ran out of the exit to the vehicle. I hopped in the backseat with Saeran and V and took off the cloak to use to slow the blood loss. "Y/N..?" Saeran slurred, still not fully awake from the smashing of the bottle. "I-It's okay, Sae. I-I'm ok, d-don't worry," I tried to assure him. "But you're bleeding...Did they shoot you?.." he asked me as worried as he could be at the moment. I slowly answered. "...Y-Yes...yes they did Sae. But I'll be fine. Everyone will fix me right up as soon as we get back, okay?" I rubbed his head with my left hand, still gripping onto my wound with my right. "Are you really gonna be ok?" he asked, gaining more consciousness. "Yes. I will be okay, Saeran."
Saeyoung watched me with worry and listened to us with sadness. "I can help you as soon as we get to the cabin," Saeyoung said and turned to Saeran. "She's going to be alright," he assured his brother. Saeran was sitting upright now and was sadly gazing out of the window. I leaned on his shoulder, still gripping my wound with the cloak. He put his arm around my waist, but didn't look at me. "Sae," I said to him. "...Yeah?" he replied. "I love you and I promise to you that I will get better, ok?" I said, slightly wincing from the pain. "I know," he said and turned towards me, kissing my forehead. "I know." My breath trembled with the pain of the bullet. "Y/N?" Saeran asked me. "Y-Yeah?" I replied. "Can you hold off for another half hour? We'll arrive at the cabin then." "I think so," I said.
When we arrived at the cabin, blood was gushing out of my arm and I was ready to pass out. Saeran and V acted as my personal crutches as they brought me into the house. Saeyoung was clutching onto my wound with the dark cloak for me, since my body was so weak. "We don't have any painkillers so you'll feel when I take the bullet out and patch you up," Saeyoung told me. Despite being very close to unconsciousness, my eyes went wide and I said, "Please don't make it that painful." "I'll try," he answered. Saeyoung continued talking, but I couldn't hear him, because at that point, my vision was blurring and I couldn't carry myself anymore. Everything went dark after that.
I woke up hours later. Saeran was crying next to the bed that I was on. I gathered my strength, still not fully awake, and said, "Sae?..." He immediately looked at me and hugged me. "Y/N!" he exclaimed. "I-I...They said the amount of blood you lost and were still losing could result in..." Saeran trailed off. "I'm here now..." I told him and lifted my left arm to put on his head and winced and set it back down instead. "...How long ago did they remove the bullet?" I asked. "...Eleven hours ago. You've been out for a little over twelve hours," he said, still wiping his tears. "Saeran?" I asked. "Yeah, Y/N?" "Can you come closer please?" His eyes got wide. "You're not gonna have me lean in so you can say your last words like in the movies, are you?" I laughed. "No, Sae. I'm not gonna do that," I said with a smile. He sat on the bed and got closer to me. I pulled him in with my right arm and kissed him. Right on the lips. Our kiss lasted for a whole minute before we parted. "I love you so much Y/N. Please don't ever leave me. Don't leave me behind," Saeran told me with teary eyes. I looked him in his eyes, seeing Ray's pleading look in them. I kissed him once more and leaned my forehead against his. "Of course I'll never leave you, my very handsome Saeran. I love you."
Saeran stayed with me for hours and hours on end besides the occasional bathroom breaks for the both of us and him getting me water or food. "You're not gonna sleep?" I asked him as I laid back down, returning from him carrying me to the bathroom since my body was still so weak from the blood loss. "I want to make sure you're okay," he told me with a smile, barely managing to keep his eyes open. "Come lay down with me," I said, scooching over to the left so he could lay on my right. "I think I might take up that offer," he said sleepily. I smiled, kissing his cheek as he laid down. "Goodnight, Sae," I said. "Goodnight, Y/N," he responded. I turned off the light and we slept.

*DISCONTINUED* My Cute Tomato (Saeran x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now