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This chapter is in your POV


   "It's my body, too, you know!" Saeran screamed and I sweatdropped. "Haha..." I laughed nervously. Ray interrupted, "Saeran, would you please calm down a bit?" "NO, I WILL NOT, YOU AIRHEAD!" The two bickered back and forth for some time until Ray suddenly disappeared, leaving me with Saeran. He looked a bit confused at first, then turned to me. "You are sleeping with him. That's technically me, too!" I sighed. "I mean, I like him so...It's normal..? I think?" "IT'S BEEN TWO DAYS WOMAN!" he screamed. "Well, I've known you both longer than two days," I reminded him. "Oh, sorry, FOUR DAYS." "Well, you can't stop us," I stubbornly said. "You must have some affection for me, too, since you're the same person, correct?" "Why would I have any affection for YOU?!" Saeran snapped. "Fine, Mr. Denial," I said. "Be that way." "You're lucky I'm not the one in control right now, Y/N..." He spat.
  Ray appeared again and saw us. Saeran was glaring at me angrily. Well, more of a death stare. "Ah, um, Y/N. Aislinn woke me up accidentally instead of you. Sorry," Ray apologized for his sudden disappearance. "It's okay. But what did she want?" I asked. Little did I know, I was about to find out. Before Ray could answer, I was awoken by her. I opened my eyes to immediately look at Aislinn. "Hmm? What's up, Aislinn?" I questioned. "I was going to ask for your charger but Saer- I mean Ray, let me use his." I gave her an annoyed look as I sat up, raised an eyebrow, and said, "And?" Aislinn sighed and told me she promised to go to Yoosung's home and play LOLOL there and she wanted me to take her. I reluctantly accepted and got up to get ready to leave while Aislinn ran downstairs, beaming.
   I put my jacket on and looked over at Ray. He looked so cute sleeping on that bed. I smiled to myself, feeling a little guilty for leaving him so suddenly. I kissed his cheek and whispered in his ear, "I'll be back." I wandered out of the room and into the restroom to use it before heading out. The whole time I was in there, all I heard were small squeals and the moving of items. Once I got out, I ended up going to sit on the bed again. I watched Ray sleeping peacefully and kissed his cheek once more. "Y/N..." He mumbled sweetly in his sleep. A slight blush spread across my face when I remembered I needed to leave. I hesitantly made my way out of the room and outside to the car, grabbing the keys on my way out.
   I exited the household and saw Aislinn closing the trunk. As I sat in the driver's seat, I noticed all the equipment loaded in the backseat. "Jeez, how much did you bring?" I asked her while starting the car. "Everything." She smiled. I drove to Yoosung's small apartment and Aislinn immediately got out and unloaded everything into the small place. She looked at me through the window and I waved, not having enough energy to do much more. That girl barely got any sleep and she was more energetic than me. I drove off, on my way back to her house. My eyes started to close and would open repeatedly, until they didn't open again. I felt the car move off the road, but I couldn't lift my body to stop it.
   I entered their mind again, Ray shouting, "Y/N! Wake up! You told me you were leaving, so you still must be driving! Y/N!" I stared into his teary eyes as I listened to his calls. I just couldn't wake up. I heard my name being called again, by a different voice, but it was distant. "Y/N!" It sounded like...Seven? "Y/N!" My eyes pulled open and I saw Seven. "S-Seven? How did you..." My sleepy voice trailed off and he slapped me. "Wake up!" he demanded. "Okay, okay!" I said, fully awake now. "You're lucky you didn't get hurt, but I was tracking you with a small tracking device I may or may not have attached to those clothes. But I saw you trail off the road and it wasn't that far from here. I came as fast as I could." he explained. My eyes widened as I heard his words. "R-Ray!" I exclaimed. "What?" "Ray! I need to go back to Ray!"
   I stepped out of the car and luckily, the car got stopped in a ditch. "Seven, do you think you could help me get this car out of this, please?" I asked. "Sure. I'll be right back." About 15 minutes later, he was back in one of his cars and brought a chain to get it out. I let him do that, and once he did, I thanked him profusely. I was about to get in the car, when he grabbed my shoulder, stopping me. "Y/N. I want you back at my house by tomorrow, okay?" he requested. "I-um...I don't know if I can do that." I stammered. "You need to, okay?" he said. "O-okay...but I might bring a guest, is that okay?" "No." "It's someone you know. Someone you know very well." "Fine..." He let go of my shoulder, and turned from serious, to happy. "I'll see you tomorrow, Y/N! Bye bye!" he called as I got in the vehicle and drove away.
   I arrived at Aislinn's house and rushed inside. When I entered, I heard Ray crying and muttering to himself in the quietness of the home. I snuck upstairs to surprise him, being careful not to make any noise. "Ray?" I poked my head into the room. He looked up at me the moment he heard me, and jumped up off the bed to come and embrace me happily. "Y/N! You're okay! I was so worried..." he sniffled and I embraced him back. "It's okay, Ray. I'm here now." I comforted him. He snuggled his face into my neck and hugged me tighter. My face reddened and I leaned my head into his chest. "I love you, Y/N." he said in a sincere voice. "I love you, too, Ray. I love you, too." I replied.
  We slowly let go of our embrace and Ray went downstairs. I followed him in curiosity. "Y/N...I'm hungry..." he whined cutely. "I'll make you something if you want, Ray." I offered. "I thought maybe we could cook together? I'm fairly good at cooking and I wanted to see if we could do something like that together..." he said in return. "Well then, of course we can!" I replied enthusiastically. We both pondered on meals we could make and decided on Bibimbap, a mixed rice bowl with beef, which is a Korean dish. We took out all the ingredients and we made Gochujang Sauce for it as well. After about 15 minutes of preparing, we cooked our meal together and put it on our plates. "It looks delicious..." Ray said, with an amazed look on his face. "We did great, Ray. We should cook again tomorrow!" I suggested. "Yeah, we should," he said, and we sat down to enjoy our delicious meal.

*DISCONTINUED* My Cute Tomato (Saeran x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now