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   I turned my phone off and sighed. Should I tell Seven? I pondered about this for a few minutes until I came to the conclusion that I wouldn't. He is already sick and has his work piling up on him. It would just add to the pressure. Plus his job obviously isn't a normal one. I mean, hacking? Isn't that illegal? Well, he saved me, so I'm sure he has his reasons. I changed his washcloth once more before entering the chatroom, hoping for a better result than last time.

~Y/N has entered the chatroom~

Y/N: Is anyone there?

   I waited a bit for a reply but no one answered. As I was about to leave the chatroom, someone came.

~Jaehee Kang has entered the chatroom~

Jaehee Kang: Oh, Y/N. You're here.
Y/N: I was waiting a bit and was about to leave but you came, Jaehee.
Y/N: Anyway, what's up?
Jaehee Kang: Earlier you entered the chatroom and said some weird things. Did something happen?
Y/N: What do you mean?
Jaehee Kang: You said, "Umm...Hi, who are you?" and "How did you even get here?"
Y/N: Oh, um, were there any other messages?
Jaehee Kang: Only messages from you. Who were you texting? Should I alert Seven about this?
Y/N: NO! ...I must've just been half asleep or something. Sorry! ;;
Jaehee Kang: Alright then. I don't trust you yet, though. You'll have to earn it.
Jaehee Kang: I'll be off now. Goodnight, Y/N.

~Jaehee Kang has left the chatroom~

   I stared at my screen in shock of what I had just been told. But as for earning her trust...a great way to start off was lying to her. Just wonderful. I can't let them know, though. It would just eventually go around to Seven. I logged off and put my phone down. This had to stay a secret. I laid on the foot of Seven's bed staring at the ceiling for about a half hour until I heard a notification from his phone. I'm not a creep or anything, I just REALLY need this to be secret from them. Plus, I can deal with it myself. I snuck over to his nightstand and turned on his phone. Of course it was locked. I knew his phone must have high security so one wrong password and I'm done. I tried to think in his mindset. It was a worded password. I haven't known him for that long, but he definitely has a different mindset than most people. From what I can tell, he hides his true feelings most of the time but I definitely know he has some sort of important relationship with Saeran. So, hesitantly, that's what I tried, and surprisingly, I got it correct.
   I stared at the screen in shock. I had just got into a hacker's phone. A HACKER. But that just made me wonder more about their relations. If he had that reaction when I mentioned him, and he had his name as his phone password, then what could Saeran be to him? I decided to leave that mystery for later. I'd just ask Ray and Saeran when I fell asleep again. I found the text he received. It was from Unknown. It read: "It's been a while, hasn't it, Saeyoung? Just to let you know, I'll be taking your precious Y/N. Good luck." "Saeyoung?" I accidentally questioned aloud. I heard a rustle in the bed covers and quickly replied, "Wrong number." And deleted the private text. I turned his phone off and slid it back to it's place on the nightstand. "What did you say?.." I heard a muffled voice say from behind me. "S-Saeyoung..?" I repeated more quietly as I turned towards him. He stood up and grabbed my shoulders. "Where did you hear that name?" Seven demanded. I flinched and thought for a moment. If I told him I heard it from Unknown, he would start focusing on that and skip out on his work. But if I said would be a different story. "I-um... I heard it from S-Saeran."
   It was now his turn to flinch. His expression turned from angry to teary-eyed. "O-okay..." His grip loosened on my shoulders and his arms fell to his sides. I felt horrible for lying to him like this, but I needed to. "I'm going to go back to work..." He said weakly as he put his striped glasses on. He walked out of the room and went into the bathroom to do his business. I didn't want to bother him anymore so I just sat on his bed instead of the couch. I turned on my phone, took Seven's jacket off, and went to call Reo. The phone rang and rang but he didn't pick up. I then realized it was a little past 2:00 am. I sighed. I then called my other friend, who was definitely awake right now. Her name is Aislinn. I hadn't talked to her in what seemed like forever now, but I called her anyway. After a few rings, she picked up. "Hello, Y/N! Long time no see!" Aislinn was cheerful, as usual. "Haha, yup!" I replied. "So what's up?" she asked. "I was wondering if you could pick me up in half an hour a block away from the park?" I figured Seven's location was top secret so I was going to walk as close as I could to the park. "Sure. See you then!" Aislinn hung up and I walked out of Seven's room. I slipped my shoes on and was about to step out the door when I heard his voice. "Where are you going, Y/N?.." He sounded worried.
   I turned to see him at his computer desk looking at me. "Ah, I'm just going out for a bit!" I tried to stay happy with a closed-eye smile, but I was on the verge of tears. I was a horrible person for lying so much. He opened his mouth to speak, but I ran out, closing the door behind me. I ran and ran as fast as I could towards the park when I got a text. I figured it was Aislinn asking me where I was by now, but instead it was Unknown again. "I can see exactly where you're going." It said. I ran faster as I approached Aislinn's car. I jumped in, panting, and locked the door. She looked at me, confused. I laughed it off and she seemed frightened now. I followed her gaze and I saw someone that looked like Saeran. Wait. Saeran? Instead of a friendly approach though, he was running towards the car with a gun. Aislinn was about to step on it, but I stepped out of the car before she could. "Are you crazy?!" She screamed at me. I ignored her and walked over towards Saeran.
   "Saeran? Is that you?" I asked. He pointed the gun at me while he was running. "Saeran?" I asked once again. He set his finger on the trigger. "SAERAN!" I ran over to him and hugged him. "I finally met you! Haha!" I smiled. Then I felt the gun pressed to my temple. "You need to be more careful who you trust." He stated. I then heard a bang and something hit me as I fell and it all went dark.

*DISCONTINUED* My Cute Tomato (Saeran x Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora