Back Then

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   I closed my eyes and thought back to the past, back to when it all broke. "Y/N!" A voice called. I turned to face my first friend, who I had met at the playground when I snuck out after my parents left. "Aislinn!" I called back, running to hug her. We laughed and we fell to the ground and looked up at the sky, the clouds slowly passing above us. It was so peaceful outside when I heard a scream. It was coming from somewhere behind us. I turned around along with Aislinn, the both of us fearful of what was happening. I scanned our surroundings as I shook, terrified. That was when I saw it. My father. He was holding a boy that looked to be about my age by the collar of his shirt and yelling at him saying, "WHERE IS MY DAUGHTER?!" My eyes widened at this sight. A boy with red hair and gold eyes, shaking, covered in bruises, being held up by my father. His blue ice cream fell out of his hand onto the ground. Someone who looked exactly like him, but wore glasses, was asking my father to put him down with a determined but fearful look.
   I couldn't take it anymore. "Father! Stop it!" I screamed and ran up to him, causing him to drop the child and his look-alike caught him. "There you are, you little brat." He spat out his words and grabbed me by the wrist tightly. I winced as the pain grew. He dragged me across the playground back towards our house. I looked back at Aislinn, who was now crying, and the boy who was held up by my wretched father. We locked eyes with eachother, both of us teary-eyed, and I was dragged back home. The door slammed behind us and he looked me straight in the eyes. "You. I told you to STAY IN THE HOUSE!" Slap. "YOU NEED TO START LISTENING!" Slap. "YOU AREN'T GOING ANYWHERE FOR A WEEK NOW!" Slap. "Out to the stake." he said, as I was dragged there once again. He tied the rope tighter than it had ever been and I whimpered. Of course, another slap. He stormed back off into the house and slammed the door again.
I silently cried as I laid there. Thoughts ran through my mind, horrible thoughts. 'Worthless. Animal. Useless. Good-for-nothing. Wretched BEAST.' The thoughts rang throughout my mind as I clutched my head. "Uhm...hello?" I heard a small voice from the bushes. I turned to face the direction of the voice, and there was the look-alike of the little boy. Tears continued streaming down my face as I whispered to him, "I'm so sorry...It's my fault. No..." "I wanted to tell you that my brother and I know what it's like. You're not alone. I need to go now. I'm sorry. Bye." The boy glanced around him and rushed back to the playground. I sighed as I laid down and looked up at the sky.
   I sat up and sighed. Back then. When everything was ruined. I didn't see Aislinn again until high school, where we coincidentally met after nine whole years. I never saw the two boys again, either. That day was a turning point in my life. That day determined my parents giving me up, my friends, my whole future. That day was my fault. The boy being interrogated by my father, Aislinn being scarred, and my broken mind. I still wonder who those boys were, though. I want to apologize to them, and to make it up to them. One of them said they knew what it was like to be treated like that. Is it possible that they didn't make it through the pain and suffering? Could they have died from it? Questions crossed my mind and I felt worse and worse for that day.
I heard knocking on my door and got up to open it. "Yeah?" I asked as I opened the door. "Hi, Y/N! I missed you!" Ray said as he jumped onto me. "Ray!" I exclaimed and hugged him. "I missed you, too!" I told him and kissed him on the cheek. A light blush crossed his face and he kissed my cheek in return. We let go of our hug and held hands. "I have a question for you, Ray..." I started. "Yes, Y/N?" He asked. "Why have you and Saeran constantly switched out lately? You've never switched like that before, have you?" "Uhm..." he thought. "Well, I guess because of you..." Ray looked at me with his kind and gentle eyes. I smiled at his response. "Do you think I'm closer to reuniting the two of you?" "Yes, you are. Thank you, Y/N. And I love you," he said. "I love you, too, Ray. Both you and Saeran."
   We held hands for a little while longer before letting go and he told me his original purpose for visiting my room. "Uhm, Y/N, I-I came to tell you that the Savior wants to see you immediately...Please try not to upset her, she already seems to be in a bad mood," he advised me. "Thank you, Ray. Is it in the main entrance with the throne?" I asked. "Yes. Please be cautious." I nodded and headed down to see Rika. Although I didn't want to see her, since she looked to be the cause of this all, I kept myself going down to the first floor. Once I reached that floor and stepped into the main corridor, she saw me. "Y/N, hello. You came, I didn't think you would come willingly." She grinned, but not an inviting grin, a grin that seemed...bloodthirsty. I nervously laughed and greeted her in return. "Hi Rik-uhm Savior."
   Her glare was directed towards me even more when I nearly called her by her name. "What did you call me here for?" I asked. "Hm...would you like some tea first? I can make some." "Oh um, sure!" I responded. Shortly after I sat down at the table, waiting for her to make the tea, I realized I had just agreed to something that made me very vulnerable. She could easily taint the tea with something harmful, like the elixir or poison. 'I'll just switch the two out when she's not looking...' I thought to myself. After a few more minutes of waiting, Rika came back with the tea. She handed me a cup and set one on the table for herself. Luckily for me, a "believer" walked in and asked her a question, causing her to step away from our little tea party. I quickly switched out the two cups of the beverage and acted as if nothing had happened when she came back.
I sipped the tea and realized, it was actually pretty good. I took a few more sips and set the cup down. "Do you like your tea?" She asked me with a weird smile. "It's delicious! You're really good at making tea!" I exclaimed. She took the compliments and sipped her tea, then spat it out. "Did you perhaps, switch our cups of tea?" She asked with a glare. "Maybe I did," I answered her. She stood up and came over to my side of the table. "That was a special tea made just for you. It contained the newest elixir recipe made and YOU were supposed to drink it," she snarled. She grabbed my wrist and pulled me out of the chair. She took out a knife to plunge into me, and I struggled against her. I couldn't change what I had now. My life was better now. I can't give up now. The weapon inched closer and closer to me as I tried my best to hold her back.

*DISCONTINUED* My Cute Tomato (Saeran x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now