Rika and V

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  We approached the big building, Saeran ahead of me. He came to the door of it, with two people in cloaks standing beside it, one on each side. "State your purpose and Believer Number," the two cloaked figures said simultaneously. He motioned for me to come over to him, so I did so with no hesitation. "Believer Number K0006. I am here with the person requested by the Savior. Now let me in," Saeran answered. I was very confused. Why would they have a such thing as a "Believer Number"? I sighed and followed in after him. Mint Eye was even larger than it looked on the outside. I examined my surroundings as I blindly followed Saeran into the unknown building.
   "Hello," I heard a voice greet us. "Greetings, Savior," Saeran politely greeted the 'Savior'. As I studied the woman, I noticed that she looked somewhat like the Rika from the RFA. Seven had shown me a picture of her from V, after showing me a picture of him cross-dressing as her yesterday. She shifted her gaze from Saeran to me. "Ah, you must be Y/N," she said as she walked up to me. "Yes, I am," I answered. "Ray has told me much about you. You seem to be an influence to him," She gave me a weird look as she mentioned this. I gave a half-hearted smile and said, "Nice to meet you. What should I call you?" "You can call me Savior. I am pleased to meet you as well."
   Savior turned back to Saeran and told him, "Show her to her room, Saeran. Then get back to work. I expect your task to be fully accomplished by the morning." He nodded and grabbed my wrist. "Let's go." He continued to drag me along up flights of stairs and down a hallway to a room with some pink bordering. I smiled and he said to me, "Don't think I set this room up for you. That was Ray, that airhead..." "Please don't call Ray an airhead, Saeran. You should try to be more kind, okay?" I suggested. "Sure, fine," he replied. I sighed and opened the door to the room. I saw a whisk of something out of the corner of my eye, but brushed it off as nothing. "I'm going to work now. I'll come back sometime, I don't know when, though. Goodbye," He waved me off and walked back downstairs.
   I walked into the room and sat down on the bed. I noticed that on a small table there was a bouquet of flowers in a vase. It was a pretty collection of flowers and I went over to them to admire them. "Those are blue roses. They symbolize the unattainable or the impossible, things that are difficult to achieve." A voice came from behind me. I spun around on my knees and I faced a man. He had mint-colored hair and eyes of slightly differing color. He looked down at me with a gentle smile, and a far-off look in his eyes, like he couldn't see me that well. "I've heard about you...You're V, the RFA leader, correct?" I asked. "Yes, I am V, though my real name is Jihyun Kim. I'm sorry I was here when you came in. I didn't expect them to bring you so early." He was also wearing one of those robes that the "believers" wore. "Do you believe in this way of life, too, V?" "What do you mean? The robes? They're just a disguise. I heard from Rik-erm...the leader of this place, that they were bringing you here, so I decided to scout out the place to take you out of it as soon as possible." "So...the Savior is Rika, isn't she? And this place isn't good, correct?" I determined. "Erm, yes...to both of those questions..." V nervously answered.
   I took note of his answers. "One more thing, Jihyun," I said to him in a serious tone. "Yes, Y/N?" he responded. I stood up to look him in the eye and asked, "I need you to answer this question. What kind of relationship do Saeyoung and Saeran have?" He sweatdropped and looked away. "U-um...I don't think I can answer that...but how do you know Luciel's real name?..." "I have my connections. And relationships," I answered vaguely. "I might not be able to come visit you again, so I'll tell you...and since you know Luciel's real name. They're...twins...they were raised in an abusive household and I was a guardian of both of them...but then when Rika went away I had to make it seem like suicide to protect everyone...she took Saeran, too...and then...I didn't mean for this to happen...it's my fault, I'm so sorry..." V teared up as he told me this. Instinctually, I hugged him. "It's not your fault. I promise you. You shouldn't have faked Rika's suicide, though. That's just not right. It'll be okay, though, Jihyun. I'll make sure of it," I comforted him. The tears fell faster down his face and onto my shirt. "Y/N..." He said my name in a sad but understanding way, like he wasn't used to this treatment.
   I hugged him tighter. "You'll be okay. We'll all be okay. Got it? And if I understand anything, it's abuse. But Rika, she seems to have abused you...hasn't she? Is that why you can't see me well?" I asked. We let go of each other and he looked at me as well as he could. "H-how?..." V stuttered as I figured out what had happened. "You should get surgery to fix them if you can. Please, Jihyun?" I asked him kindly. "N-no...I can't...it's my reminder of her...I need her...I love her..." "Do you though? Do you love her to the extent to ruin yourself for her empowerment so she can torment you and others more? She doesn't deserve you, Jihyun," I told him. "No...stop, please...I need her...my sun..." I placed my finger right before his lips to quiet him. "She isn't the one...okay? You'll find the right person someday. Maybe I can introduce you to one of my childhood friends, Vanya. She seems like a match for you," I suggested. "M-maybe soon...it's a possibility, I think..." he said, giving in. "Good. If you can't visit me and you want or need to, text me. I'll make my way to you instead," I smiled. "Okay. I need to go now before they find me, I'm sorry, Y/N." V apologized once more. "No, no. Don't be sorry. It's okay." "I'll get going now. Goodbye, Y/N." "See you around, V!" I waved as he used a rope to get down from my balcony.
   I pulled the rope back up and put it underneath the bed. I sighed as I sat down on my bed. V was really nice, but also extremely vulnerable. I couldn't completely pull apart his personality yet, though. I want to understand everyone and try to fix their problems, sort of like V...but I need to make them all happy before everything falls apart like it did back then.

*DISCONTINUED* My Cute Tomato (Saeran x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now