At His House

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    We arrived at 707's house pretty late at night. I checked the time on my phone as the car pulled into a large garage filled with all sorts of expensive cars. Unfortunately, I was too tired to care. It was 10:52 pm. 707 snatched my phone from my hand once he saw it and said, "Sorry, I'll need this for tonight," I responded with a puzzled expression. "Why?" "Um...Well, you'll see, okay?" "Yeah...sure," I replied, really not sure if I should agree to this. "Don't worry, I won't break it!" 707 smiled to reassure me of my decision. "Oh, by the way, can I call you Seven instead of 707?" "That's what my friends call me, and I consider you a new friend, so yeah," Seven replied. I laid down on the couch after setting my shoes aside and wondered aloud, "What am I going to do for clothes?.." Seven looked over his shoulder at me and said, "For now you can wear some of mine, but after you meet my friends you can go out and buy some with them. I'm sure Jumin will help you." He turned back around and sat in front of his many computer screens, then started to type away. I decided not to bother him, although I was curious who Jumin was.
    I laid down on the couch and closed my eyes. Before I knew it, I had fallen asleep and started to dream. I dreamt that I had met this white-haired boy with pink tips. There were two of him- one in a tuxedo and the other in a pink overcoat with formal attire underneath. They were arguing, the tuxedo boy shouting, "You're just a marshmallow boy!" While the pink-coated one cried and said, "You're so mean!.." I walked up to them and both boys simultaneously turned their heads to look at me. I said, "Hi, I'm Y/N. I don't know how I got here but...who are you two and why do you look the same? Are you two twins?" They both flinched at the word "twins" like I had just said something horrible. "N-No. NO WE ARE NOT!" the tuxedo boy shouted angrily at me. The "marshmallow boy" just quietly responded, "I'm Ray..." I saw another tear roll down his face and I went over to him. I wiped the tear off and hugged him. "You seem like a wonderful person," I said kindly. He immediately stopped crying at my words and I let go of him. I turned to the tuxedo boy and asked, "And you are..?" "Why should I tell you?" he responded rudely. "You seem nice," I said sarcastically. "Not possible," he shot back. "Oh really? Then why do you wait for me to finish speaking before you do?" "Well- That's-" He gave in and said in a defiant voice, "My name is Saeran..." I grinned and asked why they were arguing and where I was. They responded instantly.
    "We're two different personalities of the same person," Ray had said while Saeran said, "You're in our mind for some reason." I gave a confused look and Ray explained while Saeran rolled his eyes. "The mind you are in is Saeran's mind. Not him, but the original Saeran. He is both of us put together, but we were split apart from the elixir and I don't know how or why you are here." "Thank you, Ray," I said with a smile. He blushed. Saeran scoffed and asked Ray, "Why would you even tell her that, airhead?" Ray's face saddened at this remark and I slapped Saeran. "You both need to get ahold of yourselves. I'll help you both out but I'm not sure what I can do." "Why would you help us?" Saeran rudely asked. "Because I believe I met you both for a reason. I couldn't have just ended up here by chance." Ray was smiling so much it looked like he was sparkling. I went to say something again but I suddenly started to dematerialize. My body was fading and they both looked worried, even Saeran. I was reaching out to them now, but they couldn't grab ahold of me. I was suddenly just floating in a black void and my eyes snapped open and I sat up. "Mgh..." I stretched and yawned. "I should ask Seven about this..." I mumbled. "Ask me what?" I looked behind me and he looked tired, but he was standing there sipping from a Ph  D. Pepper can. "Ah, just about this dream I had. There were these two guys and their names were Saeran an-" He spit out his drink when I said 'Saeran'. "Um...You okay?" He was choking now and I stood up and patted him on the back. He looked shocked.
    Seven looked at me with worry and practically screamed, "How is he!? Where is he?! H-ho-how..." I just rubbed his back to comfort him and replied, "I'm going to help him, I promise." I stared into his eyes with a serious expression. "O-okay." He stumbled back to his chair and started typing away, but in a sort of off way. I must've said something weird I guess. I pondered momentarily on whether I was the issue here, but came up with nothing. The sun was just coming up and it was 5 am. I walked into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. "I have morning hair..." I sighed. I leaned my head out of the door and said, "Seven, do you have some clothes and a hairbrush I could use?" There was silence. I walked into the living room and saw him just staring at his computer screens, seeming to analyze the codes with his headphones on. I walked over to him and knocked on the computer desk. "Seven?" I called. "What?" he replied blandly, seeming to be neutral with emotion. "I need some clothes and a hairbrush, please," I answered. "Sure," he replied, once again blandly.
    He stood up and walked into what looked like a bedroom and closed the door. He came out a few minutes later and said, "Here, wear these." I took the clothes and they weren't really what I expected. He had handed me a pair of girls' underwear, who knows why he had those, some cute knee-high cat stockings, a pair of short shorts, a red crop top, and his jacket. "Um, Seven?" He glanced at me with sad eyes and responded, "Yeah?" He continued typing as he spoke. I held up his sweatshirt, "Are you sure you don't want to wear it?" "You'll look cute, Y/N. Don't deny it." he said and attempted to smirk. I felt his sadness from here so I went over and patted his head. I rested my head on his right shoulder and took his headphones off. I whispered right into his ear, "It'll be okay. I promise." I then took off towards the bathroom to shower and change. After showering, I looked into the mirror at my new outfit, and surprisingly, it looked good on me.
   I walked out of the bathroom and went to sit on the couch again when I noticed for the first time how dirty everything was. There were Honey Buddah Chip bags everywhere and Seven's clothes were strewn all over everything. I decided to surprise him and clean everything. He had his headphones on again so he couldn't hear my vacuuming and the crunching of the HBC bags. In the end, I had a whole trash bag full of garbage and I left the door slightly open when I took it out so I wouldn't be locked out. I came back in and sat on the now fluffy and clean couch. "Ah, so clean..." I awed and snuggled into the pillows. Seven looked behind him at me for the first time since he had handed me the clothes. His jaw dropped as he saw the cleanliness of his place. "Y-Y/N! What did you do!?" Seven yelled. "U-um I cleaned the house?..Did I do something wrong?" He groaned and said, "Dirty it again!" "Nope. Sorry, but you need a clean house." "MARY VANDERWOOD THE 3RD WILL BE HERE SOON!" he screamed. "Who?" I said. "JUST HIDE!" He pointed towards his room and grabbed my wrist and dragged me towards the door of the only bedroom in the house.

*DISCONTINUED* My Cute Tomato (Saeran x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now