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As we finished up our meal together, Ray stood up and offered to take the dishes. I accepted and he smiled, "It's the least I can do for you." After putting the dishes into the sink his sweet smile turned into a frown. "Y/N...I..." he started. "Yeah?" I responded. "No, never mind." "Okay," I said. We both headed upstairs and to his room. "Maybe we shouldn't sleep together this time..." I suggested. "No, no. It's fine." He said something after that, too, but I couldn't quite hear what he said. I brushed it off and sat down on the bed. "Y/N..." Ray said, with a hint of sadness. "Yes, Ray?" "Can you hug me until I fall asleep, please?" he asked. "Anything you want, Ray. I love you," I said to comfort him. "I love you, too, Y/N. I wish I could stay with you forever," he replied.
I hugged Ray close to me until he fell asleep. I waited until it was safe to leave him for a bit to shower. I borrowed some of Aislinn's clothes and put them on after showering. I checked in on Ray, who was still sleeping, and went out onto the balcony in Aislinn's room to look at the starry sky. As I was gazing at the beautiful sky, the wind blew through my hair and it felt magical as the moon came out from behind the clouds that looked as if they were to rain soon. It shone down from the sky and as I followed its path, it shone through the window into Ray's room. I smiled and took it as a sign to go back to him. I walked into his room, finding his peaceful face being embraced gently by the soft moonlight.
I laid back down with him and closed my eyes, being shrouded in the soothing moonlight as I did so. I lovingly wrapped my arms around Ray and fell asleep, smiling. I saw Ray and Saeran, first thing. Instead of fighting, they were discussing something by whispering together. That didn't seem usual at all. It wasn't usual. "What's going on?" I asked. "Why are you whispering? What's happening you two?" "Ah, Y/N...you're here..." Ray said nervously. "It's something you don't need to know about," Saeran said bluntly. I gave a worried look and continued. "I want to know." "You'll find out soon enough," they said simultaneously. I decided to drop the topic and gave a sad look. "Okay..." I gave in.
I turned around and had a bad feeling about the whole thing. "What's going to happen?..." I asked, looking down and facing away from them. "Y/N..." Ray extended his arm towards me. Saeran denied Ray's arm towards me and put it down. "It's something bad, isn't it?" I added. Saeran came over to me and grabbed my hand with a slight smile. As he did this, I looked up at him and realized I just took the next step to putting them back together. Saeran felt empathy now. I gave a worried look in response and he looked me in the eye and said, "It'll be alright. Just...you'll have to wait for a little while, okay?" Saeran asked. "Okay..." I replied. He let go of my hand and went back over to Ray and said a few more things before disappearing.
My eyes widened as Ray became teary-eyed. "You'll be okay, Y/N. Just wait for me please, okay?..." His tears rolled down his face as tears streamed down mine. I started to run towards him until I heard something. A voice. "Y/N, goodbye." It wasn't Ray, he didn't open his mouth to say that. It was Saeran. I felt a small peck on my lips before I woke up. I gasped and looked around me. "Ray? Saeran? Where are you? Come back, please!" I heard my echo around the empty house as I realized, they weren't here anymore. I moved my teary-eyed gaze over to the once moonlight-filled window of the room. It was open. I ran over to it and looked out, rain pouring onto my head as I did. He had went out of the window. I ran to check on the dresser, where Saeran's outfit was, and it was gone. 'He didn't have time to dress into it, so he must've taken it with him.' I thought. I rushed downstairs to where my phone was plugged in with his charger, and the charger was gone. Every trace of him was gone.
I cried as I sunk to the floor, realizing that he was really gone. 'He went back to that abusive place, didn't he? Where he said he wasn't allowed to eat much and told he was worthless and useless.' More thoughts rushed in, crowding my brain as I cried. I knew it would happen, I just didn't know when. I reached for my phone and tried to call him, but it just went to voicemail. I tried once more, but again, the same thing. 'His gun!' I realized. I ran out to the car in the pouring rain, not bothering to even put shoes on. I opened the door and I didn't find that, either. I could've had something to go by...My feet wandered back to the bed. I laid facedown on it and as I inhaled, I smelled his scent. It smelled like strawberries, like his hair, and partially like vanilla.
I picked up my phone once more and dialed Aislinn. She picked up and I heard the whirring of something like a washer and also...a vacuum? "What's up, Y/N?" she asked. "What are you doing?" I asked, forgetting the reason why I called momentarily. "Cleaning. Sorry, Y/N. I need to go, I'm busy. I'll try to call back later. Bye!" she said and hung up. I opened my mouth to speak, but the call had ended too fast. I sighed and resorted to my last option, Seven. He picked up nearly immediately. "Hey, Y/N. You need something?" he asked. "Yeah, can you come pick me up?" I requested and told him the address. I went upstairs and closed the window that Saeran left out of and went to the door, slipping my shoes on for when Seven would come. I washed our dishes from our breakfast while waiting and teared up again at the thought of Saeran and Ray. It took about half an hour for Seven to get here and he honked when he did.
I turned off all the lights, gathered all my things, and ran out, locking the door behind me, and got into the car. I gave him back the outfit and panted as Seven looked at me. "You okay, Y/N?" Seven asked me, taking the clothes and studying my current state. "Yeah, just...tired," I answered. "So where's that person you said I knew well?" he teased. "They left a little earlier than expected, haha..." I nervously laughed while trying desperately to keep my composure. On the ride back to Seven's, I fell asleep once more. Instead of going to Saeran and Ray in their mind, I had a nightmare. A blonde girl that everyone called 'Savior' was forcing something she called 'The Elixir of Salvation' down Ray's throat. He had begged her not to, but she refused to listen and did it anyways, saying that he needed to be 'cleansed'. The next thing I knew, I was on Seven's couch and gasped as I sat up, terrified from that horrible nightmare.

*DISCONTINUED* My Cute Tomato (Saeran x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now