Getting to Know Them

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   I saw Ray and Saeran's faces light up when they saw me materialize into the mind they were in. Ray ran over with tears streaming down his face and hugged me tightly. "Y-Y/N..!" Ray wailed. I hugged him back. "I'm here now, Ray..." I soothed him with gentle words. I looked over Ray's shoulder at Saeran and saw his face looking at the ground, clearly saying, 'I'm not important to her...' but keeping it to himself. I shot a sympathetic look at him when he looked up at me, and he scoffed and turned away. "Y-Y/N..." Ray sniffled as he gradually calmed down. He let go of me and looked me in the eye. "W-where did you g-go?" "I figured out that I come here when I sleep. So my physical figure isn't actually here," I responded. "Tch, I don't even know why you came here anyway. Not like you can help someone who you haven't even physically met." Saeran butted in, of course, rudely. I spun around to face Saeran's direction and said, "You know you want me to help you." He let go of that topic and faced the other direction while I talked to Ray.
   Ray looked at me, again, teary-eyed and asked, "C-can you please he-help us?" I smiled, both out of reassurance and a small amount of sadness for them both. "Of course I'll help you out. As well as Saeran," I said to Ray. He sniffled and returned a smile. "Where should we start?" I asked him. Before Ray could reply, Saeran huffed to draw attention to himself. I turned and saw a small pouty look on his face. "You are ignoring me..." Saeran mumbled in a sad tone. I'm sure he thought I couldn't hear him. I walked over to him and grabbed his arm gently for him to acknowledge that I was there. "It's okay, Saeran. Just try to be a tiny bit nicer from now on and I won't ignore you." I kindly said to him. His face went a little white as I said those last words. He then got very red, turned away and covered his face. "Okay..." Saeran muttered in defeat. I giggled at the level of cuteness he was showing and went back over to Ray.
   He had a surprised look on his face and whispered to me, "How did you do that..?" "What?" I questioned in a whisper. "Get him to calm down? I've never seen someone do it..." Ray responded. "I don't know, ask him yourself?" I suggested. Saeran came over to us, his face dusted with pink. " asked where we should start, correct?" Saeran had a nicer tone now. I could tell he was really trying. "Yeah, I did," I responded. "Well, I have an idea, airhead," he seemed to either not realize what he was saying or just didn't care since it was somewhat nice. Ray looked at both of us in curiosity as I brushed Saeran's hair out of his eyes. He gave me a glare and I backed up a little. Ray stood next to me as Saeran suggested in a mysterious tone, "You could try to make one of us the dominant personality of Saeran..." I flinched at the thought of that. "No," I quickly stated. "I won't do that." I put two and two together and figured, "If what you just said is possible, then it should be possible to put the two of you back into one!" Saeran looked disgusted and Ray looked at me sadly, but then smiled. "That's fine with me, Y/N...It would be better that way..." Ray said. Saeran scoffed at the idea and, again, turned away.
   "I do NOT want to be part of that AIRHEAD! I won't do it!" He shouted at me furiously. I stared down at the ground and didn't look up. Ray came over and patted my back. I'm guessing he has been through Saeran's anger before. It really is scary. I sat down, still staring at the ground. Ray walked over to Saeran and started to scold him. It made me a bit happier, and braver, that Ray did this when he, too, was afraid of his anger. Saeran yelled, "I DON'T CARE IF I HURT HER!!" Ray just responded with a slight hint of annoyance, "Y/N is trying to help us both. If you don't appreciate it, then you can stay out of it, okay?" Saeran scoffed at this remark and Ray just came back over to me. "I'm sorry..." Ray apologized to me. "It's not your fault, Ray," I said in a small voice. He then left me to myself and I stood up. Ray had given me determination when he talked Saeran down. Ray didn't seem like he would do that. In fact, I don't think he has ever done anything like that due to his personality. Or...since he is a personality himself?.. I made some calculations and came to the conclusion that the first step of bringing them back together was already done. Ray had the courage to fight for me when he has never had anything like that. He's the more doubting and gentle side of the original Saeran. So that could only mean...we accomplished the first step of the long journey the three of us had ahead of us.
   I walked over to Saeran who was muttering to himself, "I'm the strong one...I'm the strong one..." repeatedly with his hands clutching his head. I decided to try to calm him down a little bit. "Saeran? Saeran, it's me, Y/N." I called in a gentle tone. He didn't even glance up once, just kept muttering to himself. I touched my hand to his and he stopped dead in his tracks. "DON'T TOUCH ME!" He screamed, not out of anger, but out of fear, and stumbled backward. "I'm going to help you, don't worry, Saeran. I know you're scared but-" I was cut off. "Scared? SCARED? Why would I, of all people, be SCARED? I'm the strongest...I-I'm.." His words seemed weaker and weaker as he went on. I grabbed his shaking hand and intertwined our fingers. His mint orbs looked crazed, but were calming down, as he looked into my E/C eyes. He looked like he wanted to jerk his hand away from mine, but he didn't. He just stared into my eyes and started to calm down. I pulled him into a hug and whispered, "It'll be okay, Saeran. I promise." He had completely stopped shaking now and had a calmer presence.
   I pulled back from the embrace and we still had our fingers intertwined. He looked at our fingers and suddenly jerked his hand away. "I-I DON'T NEED YOUR REASSURANCE! I DON'T EVEN NEED YOU! JUST GO AWAY!" Saeran yelled. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Ray tear up. He was now bawling and I realized what was happening. I was dematerializing once again. Saeran whipped around to yell at Ray for crying but then realized what was happening. "Y-Y/N!..." Saeran started. "No, I don't care about you anyways...!" Saeran had told me right before the black void engulfed me once more and I woke up.

*DISCONTINUED* My Cute Tomato (Saeran x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now