Waking Up (the rest of what I'd written)

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  We both woke up, gasping simultaneously as we sat up. I felt something in my hand and I squeezed it in attempt to figure out what it was. Saeran looked over at me. "Yeah?" He asked. I lifted my hand up out of the covers to find my fingers entertwined with his. My face turned red and I said, "O-oh." I was holding his hand?? When did we do this? "You don't like it?" Sae interrupted my thoughts. "N-no, I like it very much, it's just...I didn't think...Mmmph...." I buried my head into Sae's chest in embarrassment. "Do you really think it's been as long as in the Dream World?" he asked. I sat up and looked at him. "Let's go check," I responded. We both got up from bed, letting go of each other's hands. "I'll check my phone. You can use the bathroom if you want," I offered. He nodded, "Thanks."
   I grabbed my phone from the nightstand and unplugged it. Turning it on, I found some messages from Saeyoung. I ignored them for now and checked the date. Upon seeing it, surprise overtook my face. It had been close to a day, around seventeen hours. Not as long as it felt, but that was quite a long time to sleep, especially for Saeran, whose body is accustomed to short bouts of it.
   Hearing a shuffle by the door, you voiced what you had discovered before looking up. "Wait, really?" Saeran questioned. You simply responded with a hum and showed him your screen. "That's...ugh I don't want to bother my mind with this right now, I'm still groggy," he said with a yawn. You giggled, "Me too," before heading off to use the bathroom yourself, stumbling a few times on the way due to your blood loss from the bullet.
   Before you left the bathroom you decided to check the wound, which was wrapped in a tight bandage with a decent-sized dried blood patch staining it. You had found a new one in the cupboard and decided to change it, wincing when it peeled off your injury. "Ugh...damn this sucks," you complained, attempting to wrap the other bandage onto your arm, but it was quite futile. You set the bandage aside, sighing, when a voice from outside the door made you jump, "Y/N are you alright?" "Oh, um, yeah. Just trying to change the bandage but well...I can't," you sighed out an answer. "I could help you if it's alright," Sae suggested. In response, you opened the door for him to come in. Within a matter of seconds he had you wrapped up perfectly and kissed your forehead, a slight pink dusting his cheeks. "Better?" he asked. "Much better."


  The two of you decided to check around the building to see if Saeyoung or Vanderwood had returned, but your efforts proved useless.

*DISCONTINUED* My Cute Tomato (Saeran x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang