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   We finished up the delicious food Saeran made, set our plates in the sink, and he grabbed the ice cream and walked over to the couch with me. I turned on the TV and flicked through the channels to see if there was anything good on. "Wait. Go back. What was that?" Saeran told me. I flicked back to the news channel. "Today's news is on the Prime Minister of South Korea, Saejoong Choi." Saeran started to choke on a bite of his ice cream when the news reporter said the name. I helped him to stop choking and asked him what was wrong. "T-that's my f-father..." He held a certain look in his eyes, both of fear and hatred. I placed my hand on his shoulder to comfort him. "Did your father abuse you?" I asked. "No...he abandoned my mother and Saeyoung and I, leaving my mom with us...My mother was the one who abused us...but she would also use us for money out of my father...At the same time, though, my father was always trying to kidnap us...It was complicated..." Saeran explained. I hugged him and we continued to listen in to the news.
   "The Prime Minister is running for a re-election this year, and it is said that he would the best candidate for this position. He is the best at what he does compared to the other candidates, and he's both loved by children and is very good at taking care of them. It is said that not a single child has ever felt any reason to dislike him in his presence. Next up..." the reporter's voice faded out as I looked over at Saeran again. He looked very angry and was muttering things like, "Good with children my ass..." and "Tch...Tell that to his children..." I was honestly worried for him. Here was another thing to add to his list of issues right now. I gazed at him with a worrysome look and he turned to look at me. "Sorry..." he apologized. After he said that, he got up, put his ice cream away, and went into our room upstairs, closing the door behind him. I sighed and thought more about his past. I closed my eyes and looked back on mine. The hitting, the screaming, the blood, and it seemed to be just like his. Saeran's past was probably worse than mine was definitely more complicated.
   I stood up and started looking around at the objects of the house, not wanting to bother Saeran. My thoughts piled on top of eachother, most of them yelling at me to go up to him. I hadn't let him have a moment to himself practically since we met. Maybe it was good for him. I examined a cute plushie Aislinn owned. She liked to show it off because it was extremely cute, soft, and it was a custom plushie. I picked it up and pet it while still thinking. 'Just get up there. He needs you and you know it. He hasn't had anyone for the majority of his life, so of course he doesn't know how to talk to others about his feelings well. Just go up there and comfort him. He needs it. He needs you.' I finally gave in to my conscience and took the plushie with me up the stairs. "Saeran?..." I gently called his name and knocked. "Can I come in?" While listening for a response, I heard both sniffles and mutters of words. "Sae? I'm coming in okay?" I told him and grabbed the handle. "Please...don't. I dont want you to s-see me like this..." I heard him say. I took my hand off of the door handle and sunk down to the floor in front of the door.
   "You know, I went through a lot of what you did, too..." I said, a little hesitant. I had never really told anyone about my past. The people who knew either heard it from the orphanage caretakers or they knew from the bruises I had and my open wounds. Those wounds are now scars that I try my best to conceal. "Y-you did...?" his voice was small. "Yeah...I would always get screamed at and beaten, told I was worthless and a waste of space, I wasn't allowed to go out, if I did something bad or just for the fun of it, I would be tied up by my left ankle to a stake in the backyard and it always left me bloody..." I started to explain my experiences from my childhood to him. Before I knew it, tears had spilled all down my face. Regardless, I continued to release my problems from the past. "I-It hurt...but I-I'm sure others have a m-more difficult past than I d-do..." I tried my best to stifle my uncontrollable tears and sniffles, but my attempts failed. My cries grew louder and louder, despite my efforts to quiet them. "I-I'm so s-sorry S-Saeran..." I managed to apolgize.
   Suddenly, the door's support was no longer there and, before I hit the floor, Saeran embraced me warmly from behind and whispered to me, "It's okay...I'm here for you now...You don't have to suffer any longer...I love you, Y/N. Please know that..." My cries made me choke on the words I desperately wanted to come out. I wanted to thank him, for telling me these words that I hoped were the truth. Those were the words I had longed for someone to tell me my whole life. That I wouldn't be alone anymore. That someone would help me put an end to my trauma and suffering. My tears continued, but my fear of being alone slowly faded and I leaned into Saeran. He hugged me tighter and whispered in my ear, "I won't leave you alone...I promise you, Y/N." His words touched me deep inside. Anyone else who said something comforting to me only skimmed the surface of my pain. It only scraped so little of it away. But his words were special. They felt...different in a way. I smiled to myself and closed my eyes while leaning into him, and I let him completely embrace me and my emotions.
   "Thank you...Saeran," I mumbled, just loud enough for him to hear me. Instead of accepting me with words, he accepted me with his own emotions and love. He embraced me with his entire existence and also loved me with that existence, too. He was my salvation, my angel. He was the love and warmth I had always prayed for. He was Saeran, the one I love with everything I have. Saeran Choi. The only one to ever take a chance on me. My tears slowly ceased and dried up soon after. "You dont have to cry, because I'm here and will forever be here, Y/N. Please don't worry from now on, okay?" Saeran asked of me. "Okay, I'll do that. Thank you so much, Saeran," I told him "Of course," he said and the silence closed in, but in a peaceful way, as we sat there together.


*DISCONTINUED* My Cute Tomato (Saeran x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now