Seeing Him Again

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   "You done with your little speech yet?" I heard a voice say behind me. I spun around and saw a freezing Vanderwood outside the window. "I've been out here all night, are you gonna let me in or what?" he asked. "O-Oh...yeah..." I stuttered, embarrassed, and headed over to unlock the door. Vanderwood rushed inside and I closed the door behind him. "We might need to leave any minute now," I said to him. "At least let me warm up first," he uttered, huddling next to the furnace. "I can make you some hot cocoa or tea if you'd like," I suggested. He nodded immediately, "Tea, please." With that, I headed off into the kitchen to make us both a cup of tea. By the time I came back out to the living room with our teas, Vanderwood was clutching on to the furnace trying to get warm. I snickered and he snapped back, "Well if you hadn't left me out there for hours, I wouldn't be in this position." "Fair," I replied and handed him his tea. He drank the whole cup in two minutes, despite the fact that it was very hot. He must have been trained like that at the agency. With a slight shudder, he stood up and sat on the couch instead of right next to the furnace, where he previously was.
   "You were saying we could leave any minute now, huh?" Vanderwood asked, finally warmed up enough to ask about the mission. "Yeah, whenever V texts me that it's time, we take our stuff, then we leave immediately," I answered. He nodded and we sat in silence for a bit with only the sound of me sipping my tea between us. After a few minutes, Vanderwood broke the silence. "You really miss him, don't you?" he asked, turning to face me. "Yeah...I really do...It's just so scary to think that at any moment the love of my life could disappear from existence in an instance. It..." I paused for a moment to hold back my tears before finishing. "It terrifies me." Vanderwood took note of my composure and, not knowing much about emotional situations, he just opened his arms and offered me a hug. I took up his offer and leaned into him and he hugged me. "I-I'm scared but n-not for me-e..." My voice started cracking. "W-What if I make the wro-ong move and S-Saeran..." I trailed off. I couldn't finish that sentence. I didn't want to finish that sentence. My tears started spilling over and I couldn't control myself as I shook and bawled into Vanderwood's arms.
   Vanderwood told me repeatedly it would be okay, but it took a little while before it sunk in. When I finally calmed down, we pulled apart from the hug and I wiped my face. "S-sorry..." I apologized to him. He shook his head, "It's okay." Just as I was about to say something else, my phone got a notification. I pulled it out of my pocket and saw it was from V. It said:

V: Hurry and get here, I don't know how long the secret entrance will stay open before they find out

I showed the text to Vanderwood and we immediately got ready to leave. Within one minute we were in the car and he was driving the way to Mint Eye. The drive there was surprisingly quite short compared to how long it usually took. Vanderwood was flooring it the entire way, but managed to keep the ride smooth. I was thoroughly impressed and didn't even notice that we had arrived when we did. "We're here," he told me. I glanced out of the car window to see the building, with us out of sight in the darkness. I sighed with relief, finally able to be so close to Saeran. V was already in the building and sent me the coordinates to the secret entrance, which I then showed to Vanderwood. We both silently got out of the car and headed sneakily towards the entrance. It was still pretty dark out at 6 a.m. One of the guards flashed their flashlights over us, but our dark clothing thankfully saved us from exposure.
   I internally sighed in relief and slipped into the enterance. As soon as Vanderwood squeezed in behind me, V shut the enterance. "You're finally here..." V sighed, exhausted. "Sorry we took this long, we really came here as fast as we could. Really, ask-" I was interrupted by V clamping his hand over my mouth. "Shhh! Be quiet!" he whisper-yelled. I nodded as the Believers' footsteps descended. "It's not completely safe, we have to be quiet and careful," V whispered. "What did you find out about the twins?" I asked. "They're going to have a ceremony tonight. If we are going to help them, we need to move now." I nodded and Vanderwood added, "Now if you're all done with the chitchat, I found a way we can avoid the cameras and still get into the room." He explained it to us and we all followed the plan. We had to stop occasionally to avoid the Believers, but other than that we were fine. I nearly broke down when I saw Saeran gagged in the room, bound up to his brother. I wanted to run to him, but I had to fight every muscle in my body to stay still. Rika came over to them in a special cloak. She said, "Today, we will celebrate the joining of one new Believer, and the rejoining of an old one. Saeyoung and Saeran!" She raised the elixir. When she said Saeran's name, the cheering halted and gasps emerged, as well as a following murmur.
   I stifled a cry when Rika smashed an empty bottle of elixir on Saeran's head to quiet them. He fell unconscious and his full weight was now leaning on his brother. Tears streamed down my cheeks. I wanted to run out of our hiding spot and hold him in my arms once again. The expression on his face was just enough to make me kiss him all over his face to make him feel better. A small, pained cry escaped my mouth and no one except for Saeyoung took notice. He turned around attentively, wide-eyed, looking at me straight on with surprise. He nodded at me very slightly, as not to attract the attention of any of the Believers or Rika, and I nodded back through my tears. I tried to fix my composure before straight up ripping the Believers' cloak off of V. I put it on, made sure my face could barely be seen, covering it up with the hood, and waited for everyone's attention to be on Rika facing the other way. As soon as she did, I stepped out silently, pretending I was already there. This was a very dangerous thing to do. I had never done anything like this before. All of my life was depressing and boring before, but that day changed everything. That man, the man that I love, he changed everything. He sent me that email, causing me to meet up with Saeyoung. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't be happy. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't love anyone. If it weren't for him...I would've killed myself. I owe everything to him. He is my everything, and I know I'm his. I would sacrifice everything and anything for him. This was my chance. My chance to save him. My chance to prove myself. I can't mess this up.

*DISCONTINUED* My Cute Tomato (Saeran x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now