Dream World

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I ran and ran, struggling to get away from my family. My mother with a wooden rolling pin stained with my blood, my father with a strong metal chain, which he often used for locking around me when he felt like it. My tiny legs went as fast as they could, my legs bare, wearing nothing but a passed down sweater dress, which was getting small on me. A door came into view. I continued the run, the door coming closer. I tripped on...something. I don't know what, but I didn't stay to find out. I scrambled back to my feet as fast as I could, nearly tripping again in the process. The door was closer. I excitedly gasped and extended my arm out towards it, and my fingers touched it. Then my palm. I turned the doorknob, opening the door. I pushed the door back, swinging it open all the way. Without even glancing back at my parents, I leaped through the door. I expected ground to be there, but it wasn't there. I had now turned back to my regular height and size, but now I was falling. I couldn't see the ground, and that startled me, but there were clouds all around me. I was falling right through them, disturbing their peaceful nature.
The ground came into view and my heart rate sped up. How was I going to land safely from this height? The ground came closer and closer until I hit it, causing a flurry of emotions to course through me. I didn't feel much impact, just a soft landing at the last second. I stood up and examined my surroundings. It was like...a memory capsule. But instead, the memories were playing back in all of the objects and living things there. Even the ground had a memory, which was my most important one. I stared down at it with a soft smile. In the memory, Saeran approached me, hugging me from behind. At that time he was still Ray, but he snuggled up to me and I held his hands with my own, both of us looking out off of the balcony at the mesmerizing sunset. That was the first time I had ever felt completely safe. In that moment, I had no worries, just happiness. Happy that he was here with me, happy that I could finally enjoy the view of the world, happy that I finally had someone to call my own.
That happiness from the memory did not last long, though. Soon all the bad memories came out of the ground, corrupting the best memory I've ever had. It tranformed into a crooked smile, one from the one I love most. He stared at me with icy eyes, showing no care at all. He laughed at me and called me stupid, unneeded, a worthless person, a moron. The insults kept coming and I crouched down as all the horrible things that had happened circled me, seeming to taunt me. I clutched my head, hiding it in my knees as all of this continued. I needed to be brave and stand up to deal with all of this but...I couldn't. I didn't know how. I shook and shook in that cowardly form, tears brimming my eyes. Why am I so weak? Stupid, stupid, stupid! Just get up and do something already you weakli- My train of thought was cut off as all of the taunting came to an end and a hand extended out to me, offering to help me up.
I saw the hand out of the corner of my eye and looked up. It was Saeran. I blinked the tears away and took his hand. He lifted me up and I wiped my face to rid of the tears. "So you're here too," he said as he looked around. "I-Is it really you Sae?" I asked, sniffling. "Yeah. This place is weird. I really don't like it," Saeran replied. "Did that happen to you, too?" I asked, stepping towards him. "Yeah, it did. But then it all went away and came this way, so I followed it and found you," he said, turning towards me. I could see it now, the traces of fear and tears on his handsome face. I saw the puffy redness around his eyes and the redness of his nose. I went up to him and cupped his cheek in my hand. He leaned into my hand, closing his eyes and allowing more tears to slip through, breaking his strong composure that, I imagine, took him a while to create. I pulled him into a hug and he nestled his face into the crook of my neck, still sobbing. "I just- they came at me all at once- I couldn't-" I cut him off, gently shushing him. "Shh...I know...I know..." We both slid down to the ground and I rocked him back and forth. "It's okay, I'm here," I softly reassured him, letting some tears slip myself.
After ten minutes or so we both stood up, gazing into one another's eyes. "Those are all just memories now," I reminded him, some tears still managing to find their way to my cheeks. "I know...Thank you, Y/N," he said with a smile, still crying a bit. We both inched closer to each other, and now our noses were almost touching. I gently closed my eyes and leaned forward, brushing my lips against his soft ones. He, too, leaned in and we kissed. His soft lips passionately danced across mine, and I returned the favor. About a minute passed and we parted. I stared into his loving eyes with my own, which felt like they were sparkling. "That was much better than the one in the park," he joked and started to laugh. I laughed along with him, agreeing with his joke. "We should try to find a way out of here now," I said. "Okay, let's go," he replied, offering his hand for me to hold. I took him up on his offer, entwining my fingers with his as we set off to search for the way out together. "Why did we come to this place anyway?" I questioned. "I wanted you to have a good rest, not some dreamy, kinda scary, dream land adventure," I whined. Saeran chuckled and with a sweet tone said, "At least I get to experience it with you." I blushed and we continued walking.
After some time of walking, I began to wonder how long it had been, if time was the same here as it was in the real world, and if there really was a way out at all. "Um, Y/N, do you think we passed the way out?" Saeran said. "I don't know, maybe. But maybe we can find it if we keep going?" I suggested. We kept going but found nothing. We decided to sit down and take a break, both of us tired of searching for an exit to this place. We both laid down and looked up at the sky together. Suddenly someone who looked like Saeyoung popped out of the ground and came up to us. He was dressed in a silly outfit. He wore baggy yellow and purple striped pants, fancy shoes, a purple vest with a gold pocket watch in the pocket of it, a yellow and purple striped long sleeved shirt underneath the vest, white gloves, and a purple and yellow hat. I jumped towards Saeran a bit, startled that someone else was here.
"Um, Saeyoung, is that you?" I asked. "Why of course it's me, silly," he responded. I glanced over to Saeran suspiciously and back to Saeyoung. "Well, um, do you know how to get out of here?" I questioned. "What a brilliant question! Yes, in fact, I do," Saeyoung answered. "Could you tell us?" I asked yet another question, getting slightly annoyed. "Hm, should I?" I just nodded, weirded out by this new form of Saeyoung. "Ahem!" he cleared his throat and many of the same Saeyoung stepped around us. Saeran and I sat up, confused. Then, they all froze and stared at us.
"Of course, it must be the choice you both must not have tried yet. Since when have the both of you become so ignorant? Well, then again, that cutie has always been ignorant, hasn't she?" they spoke at once. I felt a bit offended, but didn't respond. Saeran's brow furrowed in slight anger at the way the Saeyoungs were speaking about me. "I'm sure the both of you would figure it out if you gave it some thought," they said. "Tell me, how did you get into this world?" "Um...by sleeping?" I responded. "Correct. That is why they call it the Dream World, after all," they answered. "And how do you think you will get out?" they asked. "Finding an exit," Saeran replied. "Incorrect!" they shouted, their eyes glowing yellow. "...Sleeping?" I replied hesitantly. "Correct! It seems that that adorable one isn't so ignorant after all, although she did miss the fact that I fell for her first in her world," the Saeyoungs said, all of them sinking into the ground except for the Saeyoung that appeared to us first.
I looked up at the last Saeyoung and he winked at me. "I hope that answers your question, darling. Now I must take my leave. Sayonara, cutie," he waved and disappeared into the ground with the others. Behind me, Saeran tried to contain his anger and asked, "That fool actually fell for you?" "I guess so. We should try doing what he said, though. Let's just close our eyes and go to sleep," I answered. "Okay," he responded, laying back down with me. He cuddled me from behind and we both closed our eyes and fell asleep.

*DISCONTINUED* My Cute Tomato (Saeran x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now