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   I got up from the couch and walked angrily past Seven, giving him a glare, and went to check the cupboards for his Honey Buddah Chips. I rummaged through every cupboard, only to find empty bags of them. Seven was watching me nervously from the kitchen opening, and I turned towards him. He backed up a bit and I declared I was going to the store to, once again, use my money to bribe the store's workers for his favorite snack. On the way back past him, I dropped all the empty bags at his feet. "Throw your garbage away when you're done with it, Seven!" I called. "Yes, ma'am..." he replied. "Thank you. And by the way, I'm taking one of your cars again," I informed him as I grabbed the keys. "My babies!" he cried and I shut the door leading to the garage.
   I started up the engine of the car I chose, and then I started out to the closest store. After about 5 minutes of driving, I passed a car that looked similar to some of Seven's. Inside was a man with light brown hair down to his shoulders, black attire, and leopard print on the inside of his cape. "A cape?" I asked aloud. As we drove by eachother in a split second, he studied me fully and went back to focusing on the road. "Huh," I shrugged and continued on my way. I arrived at the store and got a bunch of HBC for Seven and a few things for me. Just when I was about to go to the check-out, I heard Aislinn's voice from the next aisle over.
   I poked my head into the aisle and there they were. Aislinn and Yoosung. I grinned and walked over to them. "Hehehehe..." I giggled as I walked up to them. "Well, well...what do we have here?" I gave a mischievous smile and Aislinn started blushing furiously. "Y-Y/N!.." she struggled. "Oh, hey there, Y/N! So this is how you look. Hm," Yoosung studied my figure and smiled. "Cute," he said. Aislinn turned to him with a death glare then innocently asked, "Aren't I cute, too, Yoosung?" Yoosung turned to look at her and replied, "Of course you are!" He blushed then mumbled, "You're cuter." I smiled at the two and Yoosung asked me a question. "Are you still staying at Aislinn's, or are you back at Seven's?" My smile faded as I remembered Saeran and Ray. "Oh, um, actually I'm back at Seven's now, haha..." I faked my laugh as I said this. Aislinn gave me a questioning look after I said that.
   I covered Yoosung's view of my mouth and mouthed to her, "I'll explain later." She nodded, but took note of the look of sadness and desperation in my eyes. I, once again, faked a smile and happily said, "I'll see the new lovers around! Bye bye!" Once said, I rushed to the check-out and paid for the items I had gotten. I brought them to the trunk and placed them in, when I received a text. My heart quickened, "Is it Saeran or Ray?" I asked aloud, receiving judgemental glances from the surrounding people. I pulled my phone out and checked my messages. It was from...Seven? The message didn't include any spaces, so he must've been in a hurry. The rushed text read:

707: Vanderwoodisherehewasexpectedtmr
707: Dontcomebackhidesomewhereelsehesontoyou

   As I picked out the words, I realized, that man in the car must have been Vanderwood. Wait. But last time someone was there, he was a woman? The question confused me, but I realized I needed to go hide somewhere else. My phone got another text and I checked it.


   I sighed and took the groceries out of the trunk. I couldn't just let the things I got rot in there. Yoosung and Aislinn came out of the store and I went up to them. "Ah, um, I need a favor from you two..." I requested. I hopped in the backseat of the car they were using with the groceries. "Thanks you two," I told them. "But I have a question. Where'd you get this car?" "Aislinn rented us a car. Isn't that cool?" Yoosung replied. I nodded and asked to be taken back to Aislinn's. Obviously Aislinn drove since Yoosung couldn't. He hadn't gotten his license yet. "Ah, so this is where you live, Aislinn. Cool! It looks so big!" "It's not that big, Yoosung." Aislinn replied to his comment. "But Y/N, I thought you were staying with Seven?" he asked with a perplexed look. "Ah, this is just temporary. I'll be back with him in no time," I excused. "Okay. Bye, Y/N!" They both called as they drove off, leaving me and the groceries at Aislinn's empty and lonesome household.
   I entered the household with my extra key to the place, and put the groceries away. I took a bag of Seven's treasured Honey Buddah Chips and bit into one of the golden chips. A flavorful sensation coursed throughout every inch of my mouth and it tasted like heaven. Now I finally understood why Seven liked those chips so much. As I dug deeper into the bag of the rare chips, I sat on the couch and watched my favorite show. Before I knew it, hours had passed and it had now been exactly a day since I had last seen Saeran or Ray. I didn't want to sleep, although it was 1:46 am, because I was terrified of what I would dream about. I heard the sound of glass shattering, and I heard a familiar voice. "Damn..." It sounded from Ray's room upstairs. I rushed up the stairs, tucking my phone in my pocket, and opened the door to the room with a slam.
   Mint green eyes darted to the entryway of the room and sighed in relief. "It's just you, Y/N...I-I mean, Y/N YOU'RE COMING WITH ME!" Saeran grabbed my waist to bring me out of the window before I shouted, "STOP!!" He froze and I unwrapped his arm around me. "You forgot to greet me with a kiss," I teased. "N-NO! I DON'T EVEN LIKE YOU! WHERE'D YOU EVEN GET THAT IDEA!?" I smirked at him and a light blush covered his face. "F-fine..." Saeran gave in and kissed me gently on the cheek. "A-ARE YOU HAPPY NOW?" his flustered voice yelled. "Yes. Continue jumping out of the window with me now," I said, satisfied.
   As we ran into the woods, I asked him a question. "You left for a little over an exact day. Were you that eager to see me again?" "Maybe, maybe not. BUT IT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!!" I smiled at his response. "I missed you, too. Both of you, I said. We continued to run, dodging branches and stones as we did so. As we came to a stop, we approached a huge white building, with a mint-colored eye on it. "What is this place?" I asked. "This is called Magenta. It's paradise. I promise you you'll be saved from the outside world as soon as you enter," he responded with a slight smile. It was the first time I had seen Saeran smile sincerely, ever. Another success to bringing them back together.

*DISCONTINUED* My Cute Tomato (Saeran x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now