Small Misunderstanding

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   As I laid there with Ray, I could smell the delicious breakfast being cooked downstairs. The scent made my mouth water. The last time I had eaten was awhile ago. I hadn't eaten much yesterday when I took care of Seven, though I did have a little bit of the soup I made for him. My stomach grumbled from the hunger and I sighed. I glanced over at Ray, who was still asleep, and smiled. I'm glad I was able to help him. He looked as if he hadn't slept for days. When breakfast was done, Aislinn brought it up to me. "Did you also make a plate for Ray?" I asked. "Yeah, although I wasn't sure if I should bring it up now since he's asleep." "It's fine, just bring it up." I told her. Aislinn left to bring the plate upstairs as I gently woke Ray up. "Ray, we have some food for you. Wake up." I said and he continued to sleep. I stood up, this time his arms having no control over my whereabouts, and shook him slightly to wake him up. "Ray, wake up." His eyes opened and he sat up and looked around the room, alarmed. "W-where am I?.." He asked. "Aislinn's house, remember?" He must've remembered because his expression turned from fear to relief. He rubbed his eyes and then asked me, "Why'd you wake me up?" It had been about an hour since he fell asleep and I felt bad for waking him up, but he needed food as well. "For breakfast. I thought you might want it. When's the last time you ate?" I questioned back. Ray pondered about that question for awhile.
   "I...don't remember. I don't usually eat that often. That's normal, right?" Ray had innocent words and I immediately felt sorry for him. "Why haven't you eaten?" "I don't deserve it. Saeran doesn't care enough to eat, anyways." I felt sorry for the both of them. Instead of waiting for the food to come up, I rushed him downstairs to the food. We sat at a table with all our plates, since I had also brought my food, and ate together. Aislinn finished first, then went to her video games in the other room. Ray was eating slowly, looking around occasionally as if he was afraid he would get in trouble. "It's okay," I assured him. "You can eat what you want here." Ray looked over at me with surprise and embarrassment. "Oh, you noticed?...Sorry. I'm not used to being treated like this. I usually can't get a reward before I do something useful." I stared at him in disbelief of the way he has been describing his treatment so far. It was horrible. I couldn't stand the thought of either of them being treated that way. By the sound of it, he'd been treated that way his whole life. "You are useful," I said. "In many ways." He gave me a small smile and continued with his meal. I finished mine before him, and I put my dishes in the sink before getting glasses of water for both Ray and I. I handed him the glass and he drank it almost immediately and so I served him another glass. "I haven't drank in awhile, either." He added sheepishly.
   I gave him a sympathetic look and he returned with a curious one. "Why are you giving me that look?" He asked. "...I want to help you as fast as possible. I want to help you and Saeran." I said. It was beyond me how anyone could treat someone else that way. He finished his meal finally and looked at his clothes. "I...really want my clothes..." Ray said. "Yeah, it is a bit confusing. But, um, I could go out and get you some. I mean, I've seen your outfit a few times," I offered him. "That would be nice...Just please don't get hurt, okay?" "I'll try my best." I grabbed Aislinn's car keys and yelled, "I'm going to the store!" I heard a faint, "Okay!" and headed out the door. I got in the car and started it. I noticed that the gun was still in the car. I checked to see if it was locked and then put it on the floor of the passenger's side. I drove off to the store, and, lost in my own thoughts, remembered about Seven. "He must be really worried about me..." I said aloud. I reached the clothing store and bought everything Ray needed, plus a small magenta-colored heart keychain. It matched his outfit.
   On the drive back, I received a few messages. The supposed "Unknown" name had turned into "Ray" and had a picture of himself as the photo. I smiled and waited to check the messages until I got back. Once pulling into the driveway and stepping out of the car, I texted him back. He had sent:

Ray: Y/N, where are you?
Ray: Are you okay?
Ray: I'm really worried.
Ray: Please text back, Y/N...!

   I chuckled and texted back:

Y/N: It's okay, Ray. I'm back.

   Immediately after sending that text, Ray came rushing out of the door and practically jumped on me. "Y/N! You're back!" He said ecstatically. He let go of me and while taking the bag of clothes out of the vehicle, I said, "Yup, and I brought your clothes." He smiled and took the bags from me, running inside to the bathroom to change. I followed him inside the building and visited Aislinn, who was still gaming. "Whatcha playing there?" I asked while dropping the keys onto her computer desk. "It's a game called LOLOL. It's a strategy game." She informed me. "I'm playing with a guy named Yoosung. That's not his exact username, it's 'Superman Yoosung', but he told the group his real name like the rest of us. Our group consists of four people. I'm the only girl, sadly." "Oh, I know Yoosung. You should meet him sometime." "He's really cute..." she mumbled. "What was that?" I asked teasingly. "Shut up..." she said, flustered. I said goodbye to her before walking away. 'It's been awhile. I wonder if Ray is okay?' I thought to myself. I walked upstairs to the bathroom and knocked. "Ray?" I asked. "Are you okay?" "Y-yeah, I'm fine..." He replied. "Can I come in?" "U-U-U-UM," he started and cleared his throat, clearly embarrassed. "'m changing still..." "It's been a whole 15 minutes, though. Are you sure you're okay?" I asked once more. "W-well um..." I could tell from his voice and stuttering he was flustered. "I might need a little bit of help..." Ray finally admitted. "Should I come in?" "S-sure..."
   I entered the restroom and found him stuck with the buttons of the vest. "I-I swear I can usually do it...I wonder what's wrong with me today..." He glanced at me sadly. "There's nothing wrong with you. We all get confused sometimes," I reassured him. "Thank you for your kind words," He said and I started to fix the buttons on his vest. Ray was blushing and I had left the door open, when a certain someone walked in. "Hehehehe..." She giggled. "Ai-Aislinn!" I stuttered. "I thought you were playing LOLOL?!" "Kehehehe..." She laughed again. "What have I found here?" "Y/N was just helping me dress, Aislinn. I assure you it's not that bad," Ray had said. I blushed furiously and started hitting Aislinn's arm half playfully. "S-STOP ITTTT!" I begged. "Fine. But I'll be asking about this later..." She teasingly said and walked away, leaving Ray and I alone once more.

*DISCONTINUED* My Cute Tomato (Saeran x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now