A Conscious-Minded Visit

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   I hugged Ray back as he embraced me tightly with sniffles and tears. "I-I'm so sorry! He-Saeran tried to k-kill you a-and..." "It's okay, Ray. It wasn't your fault," I cut him off. We hugged each other for a few more minutes before parting. He stared into my eyes. It was weird, even though they shared the same body, and used the same eyes, Ray's look was different from Saeran's. Ray's was kind and gentle, while Saeran's was piercing and frightening. "I'm so sorry, Y/N..." He apologized once more. "Ray, Ray...It's okay. I'm fine now. See?" I smiled and raised my arms halfway, allowing him to see I wasn't hurt. He returned the smile and hugged me one last time. "Where are we though?" Ray asked. "We're in my friend, Aislinn's, house."  I responded. "Oh. Well, any friend of yours is a friend of mine!" He wiped his eyes and stood up. He went to walk out the door and then asked nervously, "Umm...You probably already showed Saeran around so it will look weird but...could you please show me around?" He asked. "Sure." I showed him around and he seemed fairly interested in everything I said and showed him. After showing him around the house, I said, "You should go to sleep soon. You seem like you haven't slept in awhile." "Yeah," he replied. "I'm just going to use the bathroom first. Then I'll try to go to sleep." He headed off to the restroom while I headed down to Aislinn's room to sleep on her bed. "Night," she said as I drifted off.
   As I entered his mind again, I only saw Saeran. "Where's Ray?" I asked. "You should know, you just were talking to him." "Y-you mean the r-restroom?..." I blushed. "Well, if he went there, then yes, but he's still conscious in this body, so he's not here." "O-oh..." I said, still a bit flustered. I shook my head to rid of the thoughts I was having. Saeran smirked. "So, what were you thinking about just now?" "S-shut up!" I yelled. He snickered. I glared at him and he shut up...well, almost. "Why were you being so nice to me earlier? You should've been yelling at me." "When?" I questioned back. "Both at the gun and before Ray took over." "Because I care for you and I know you have a...different personality than others." I finally answered. It was silent for awhile until I remembered about Seven's phone. If Unknown had said he could see me earlier, though...was Saeran username Unknown? I asked him that first. "Do you happen to be the Unknown who was texting me before?" He didn't respond until I said one more thing. "I'll say it romantically if you don't respond soon." "Fine, yes. Yes, I am," he said hesitantly. "Then...who is Seven to you?" I asked cautiously. Saeran didn't answer but instead responded with complete shock and hatred at the name. I decided to avoid that question for now and asked instead, "Is his real name Saeyoung?" He nodded. "Both of your names start with 'Sae'..." I noted aloud. "Shut up!" He shouted now. I guess it was a sensitive topic? I wonder if they are related?
   We sat in silence and I didn't move. I was afraid he would get angrier. He finally broke the silence and said, "You're afraid of me, aren't you? That's good." "What do you mean?" I questioned. "You're afraid of me. It's good. You should be." He stood up with a murderous look. "Are you okay?" I asked, taking a step forward. "I'm strong, aren't I, Y/N? I'm strong." I didn't respond. "ANSWER ME!" He shouted, rushing forward and cornering me. He blocked my left and right with his arms and I stared at him. I said nothing to answer his question, but instead asked again, "Are you okay, Saeran?" His hands moved towards my throat and I couldn't breathe. "Saeran..." I choked out. "I...know you...are scared but..." "SCARED?! SCARED OF WHAT?!" He screamed and tightened his grip on my throat. "Your...self.." I barely managed to say. "I CAN KILL YOU! THAT'S HOW STRONG I AM! I CAN-I CAN...I...can't..." He let go of me and the look faded as I gasped air in. He looked straight at me and gripped my shoulders. "Are you scared now? You should be." "I...I am a bit scared, but I know you didn't mean it. You're just scared," I smiled. "I have nothing to be scared of. I am never scared of anything." "I know you must be scared for a reason. You can tell me," I suggested. "I don't even trust you. I will never trust you. Y/N, you are an airhead. I will never trust an airhead." "If you're sure, Saeran, it's okay. I'll wait until you trust me," I compromised. "I'll be going now, Saeran. Goodbye," I waved and dematerialized from their mind.
   I woke up and saw Aislinn staring at me from the side of the bed. "What are you doing?" I asked her. "You look peaceful when you sleep. By the way it's 9 am. Just thought you wanted to know." "Oookay then...I'm just gonna go check on Ray..." I walked out of the room staring at her the whole way. "I thought his name was Saeran." "Umm...it's his nickname..." I lied. She continued staring in my direction until I was out of sight. I knocked on Ray's door and he called, "Who is it?" "It's Y/N. I came to check on you since you didn't sleep." "Oh...come in." He replied, his voice getting weaker. I opened the door and saw Ray sitting there, looking dismayed. "Ray, are you okay?" I came into the room and sat next to him on the bed. "...I...My head hurts...Y/N..." Ray clutched his head and he had tears in his eyes. "Ray..." I put my arm around him and he rested his hurting head on my shoulder. "Y/N...Having you here comforts me and makes my headache lessen...I wonder why that is..." He said as he slowly drifted off to sleep. I pulled him in closer to me and rested my head on his. His hair smelled of...strawberries. 'His hair smells so nice and...somewhat comforting to me...' I thought to myself. Ray's soft hair brushed my neck as he moved a little in his sleep. "Y/N..." He mumbled. "I l-lik..." His voice faded before I could tell what he was saying. I giggled at his sleep talking. He was so cute.
   I laid us both down, careful not to wake him up, and looked at his sleeping face. I blushed and started to close my eyes. Then Aislinn came in. "Y/N! Where are yo-" She stopped in her tracks and looked at us both "Ooh...Y/N..." She said teasingly in a whisper. "Aislinn..." I angrily whispered back. I attempted to get up to softly slap her, but Ray pulled me closer to him and I just laid there. "You're lucky, Aislinn..." I said. "Just bring me breakfast...I'm staying here with Ray. I won't leave his side because it helps him." "Ugh...fiiine. So much workkk..." She complained before going downstairs to cook. "It hurts..." Ray mumbled and I held him closer. "I won't leave you, Ray. I promise."

*DISCONTINUED* My Cute Tomato (Saeran x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now