The Plan

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   I sat there in the car with Vanderwood, anger, sadness, and anxiety rushing through me. Tears dripped from my face to the car's seat, each falling one after another. Vanderwood watched me with a sympathetic look. He tried to say comforting things, but he stopped himself  each time until he said, "It's okay...We'll, um...we'll go get them now..." "No." I sternly said. "What?" "No. We'd be driving directly into a trap..." The words I said hurt...They hurt so, so much. I didn't want to leave Saeran there, or Saeyoung, but if I'd learned anything about Rika, it's that she was a manipulative bitch. If anything, she would immediately have Vanderwood and I captured as soon as we even got close to the building. As much as it hurt, we needed to strategize before going in to get them...But there was one idea I had. "What if I went?" "Are you crazy?" "What if I went alone and acted as if she had me under control? Then you could come at a later time when she's forgotten about you." "No, that won't work." "V!" I realized. "V can help you! He's the head of the RFA, which I'm sure you've heard of him from Seven."
   "Oh, that really 'important' guy that Seven always made me leave for," he said in realization. "Probably," I responded. "So what about him? " Vanderwood asked. "Well, he's an expert at getting in and out of that building undetected. We're just going to have to find him first." I smiled at my plan, hope flooding my sadness away. If this actually worked, we could get Saeran and Saeyoung out safely. "And how will we do that?" "What?" I replied, lost in my thoughts. "How will we find this so-called V?" he repeated. "Oh. Well, I guess I can try calling him until he picks up, and I'll tell the other RFA members to do that too, and to tell me if he does, but while I'm doing that, I'll need you to try to track him. I can give you his number." The brown-haired male sweatdropped at the last part. "'s not really my area of expertise..." he stuttered. "That's okay!" I quickly tried to recover from the realization that he couldn't. "You can still try, right?" I asked. "Y-yeah...I guess..." he sighed. I leaned my head towards the car window and started my hours of calling Jihyun.
   As the ringing started, I felt the car start to move, then we started back to Saeyoung's bunker. The whole ride back, Jihyun didn't pick up once. We both stepped out of the car, and as we walked out I left messages for the RFA members in the empty chatroom.

~Y/N has entered the chatroom~

Y/N: Hello?
Y/N: I guess no one's here, but I have a very urgent message to you all.
Y/N: I can't tell you the details, but I need all of you to try your best to get in contact with V as soon as you can.
Y/N: If any of you end up getting in contact with him, tell him I need him to call me or pick up my calls immediately.
Y/N: Jumin, I know you're the best in these kinds of situations and I trust you to know that this is extremely urgent and people's lives are in danger, so you need to do the best you can.
Y/N: Jaehee, I know this leads to extra work for you, I'm sorry, but this needs to be done quickly and I trust you can do that.
Y/N: Yoosung, you're a college student that always occupies himself with games or classes. But please, try your absolute best with this, even if it means you need to miss out on gaming time. I trust you.
Y/N: Zen, you are an actor with little time on your hands due to needing to be kept in shape, keep your skin in good condition, memorizing lines, and caring for your hair, but whenever you get the chance, please try to call V.
Y/N: That's all I needed to say, but please, please, please, if any of you are able to contact him, tell him to call me and that it is extremely urgent and lives are in danger. Thank you all for your help. Take care of yourselves. Goodbye.

~Y/N has left the chatroom~

   "You coming?" Vanderwood asked from the garage door leading inside. "Oh, yeah, sorry. I was just texting the RFA members about the situation," I explained and followed in after him. He closed the door and we both went over to Saeyoung's computers, and there was a bunch. "He told me the password awhile ago incase of an emergency," I said and typed it in. I was granted immediate access, and then I worked on finding some files that related to Mint Eye, while Vanderwood worked on tracking V. When I was little, we were trying to hack into the orphanage's files, and we used a book that taught us all the basics of hacking. We actually almost failed, but just barely made it in, so I knew a little bit of hacking. The files took a long time to find, plus I was continuously calling V, and the ringing was getting annoying. " he did know..." I mumbled. Little did I know, V gave him these files just a few days ago and told him not to open it unless there was an emergency, so he didn't know. But, I didn't know that. I opened the file and much more than I could've imagined came up on the screen.

Welcome to Mint Eye
Here at Mint Eye we help the people who have been broken by the world. We take them in and give them love and care. No matter what mistake they make, they will always be forgiven in the end.

Luciel. This was opened because there's an emergency, correct? I'll tell you all I know. Mint Eye was created by Rika...who isn't actually dead. As far as I know, it was named after my mint-colored eyes right after Rika hurt them. She created this place because she felt it was the right way to cleanse the world of its darkness, but really, it's just shrouding select people in the darkness. She gives them a thick blue liquid called "The Elixir of Salvation" when they get there, then they stay loyal to her and her rules. If they don't, a ceremony is held where they're strapped down and the liquid is forced down their throats. As far as I know about that liquid, it also can change the colors of their eyes and hair if taken in large amounts. Luckily, most of them don't have to except for one of them. The "them" are called "Believers". They have certain rules they have to follow, but I won't get into depth with them. When our new member, Y/N, was there, Rika tried to kill her for her attempts at freeing the most important believer. She, luckily, failed and that believer stopped her. Rika isn't stable anymore...she hasn't been for years. I've tried to help her, I really have but...enough about that. I've been researching on her ever since she left and I've collected this. Her ultimate goal is to bring the whole RFA into Mint Eye. She loves her demons and nurtures them at any costs. She believes punishment for all wrongs needs to be done with her ceasing her "love" for them until the punishment is over.

This last one, this one is the one that hit me the hardest. The one that killed me on the inside. The one that made my heart stop.

Rika also...she also tortures your brother every day, not allowing him sleep or food until he completes his given work, no matter how long, and even then only gives him small amounts. He takes the most elixir and he's in love with Y/N, an "outsider". Her goal is to destroy Y/N because she's the only one who can save us all. We need her. So please, protect her.

Thanks for 4.45k!!! Lots of love~~
Bye bye!

*DISCONTINUED* My Cute Tomato (Saeran x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now