Mysterious Messages

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  I had recieved a message from an unknown number, as well as a missed call from it. The words from the text read: "I hope you're enjoying your stay with poor little Ray at Saeyoung's house, but it won't last for long. Believe me on that. Soon I'll take the rest of the RFA with me, and let you watch them leave you before ending your pathetic life." It didn't take me long to decipher who had sent this text. It was Rika, and she had called me, too. I wondered what she was up to this time, and I definitely didn't want to take it on by myself. Now that the secrets I had been keeping were revealed, well most anyways, I figured it was safe to ask for help now. Since Saeyoung drove off, I told Vanderwood first, starting off with small conversation. "Hey, Vanderwood." He turned towards me. "Oh, hey," he said. Just then I remembered that he probably didn't know my name. "My name is Y/N. I'm also the person whose stomach grumbled in Sae-um, Seven's room and who you saw driving his car that time." "Yeah, I figured. So why'd you come and talk to me? Definitely not to make small talk," he said. His words started to piss me off since he saw through my plan. 'Goddammit...Why does this guy have to be so observant...' I thought, maintaining my smile. "Well, I wanted to come tell you something since Seven isn't here, otherwise I would tell him first...It's about this." I showed him the text I got and and he nodded thoughtfully, taking note of the situation. "I am seriously gonna taze that idiot when he comes back." I slightly giggled at his statement, but then cleared my throat and defended Saeyoung.
   "Well, he is kind of shocked to see him," I pointed at Saeran. "They know eachother from childhood." I gave the basics of their past together so he wouldn't know too much or too little. "Something tragic happened to their relationship and they hadn't seen eachother for a little over eight years. Not to mention they were very important to eachother." "Ah, I see. Still, 707 should've gotten rid of his emotions for the past when he joined the agency, so there's really no excuse," Vanderwood ignorantly said. This upset me horribly. How could this man have no empathy for them? I scoffed then asked, "What agency? A hacking agency?" Vanderwood looked a bit anxious and replied, "...Did that nitwit tell you that?...Now I'm really gonna taze him..." I sighed and asked antoher question, "You really think that I'm that dumb as to not figure out what's going on with Seven from living in his house for a few days and then recieving more information from other people?" Vanderwood glanced away from me and replied with, "Maybe..." For some reason, this guy just had a tendency to piss me off. "Okay then, just...Let's all try to come up with a plan together once Saeran wakes up. And yes, his name is Saeran and I think it's a wonderful name despite it's meaning." I added that last part so he wouldn't judge him as much as he would me. "...His name means 'Eternal Chaos'..." he said aloud. I was already walking away, but I whipped around and semi-yelled, "Shut up and concentrate on the damn plan!"
  After that, I continued walking back over to the couch. I sat there for a bit before catching the whiff of a foul smell, cigarettes. I, again, went back over to him, holding my breath as long as I could before speaking so I didn't have to smell it. "If you're going to smoke, go smoke outside, or I swear, I will get the fire extinguisher." He rolled his eyes at me and went outside with the cigar. I sighed and plopped down next to Saeran, who was still asleep. I opened the RFA app once more and entered an open chatroom with Jaehee, Yoosung, and Jumin. 'Hm...I wonder what they're talking about...' I thought to myself.

~Y/N has entered the chatroom~

Jaehee Kang: I also recieved a message from that number.
Yoosung☆: This is really freaking me out!! I'm so scared... T^T
Jumin Han: We all need to remain calm in a situation like this. It doesn't do anything but make the situation worse if you waste your emotions on things like this.
Y/N: What's going on...?
Yoosung☆: Oh, Y/N! You're here! Did you get the text, too?
Y/N: What text??
Jaehee Kang: We all have gotten threatening texts from the same unknown number. Have you recieved one, too, by any chance?
Y/N: Yes, actually, I did...
Jumin Han: Do you know of anyone who could've sent this to us all?
Y/N: Yes, but...I'd need to discuss it with V before revealing the name
Jumin Han: I understand. I will put you through to him as soon as I can. I will go get ahold of him...

~Jumin Han has left the chatroom~

Jaehee Kang: I will need to go assist Mr. Han with that matter. I will also take my leave. I hope V will let you relay who it is to all of us soon. Goodbye.

~Jaehee Kang has left the chatroom~

Yoosung☆: It's just you and me now, Y/N.
Y/N: Are you alright, Yoosung? You seemed pretty freaked out back there.
Yoosung☆: I'm not exactly okay yet, but hearing that you know who it is is kind of comforting. But who is it?
Y/N: I can only tell you that it's someone you all know...or, knew.
Yoosung☆: What???
Y/N: Seven knows, too. I bet he would have a better chance contacting V in this situation...
Yoosung☆: "In this situation"?? Is there something we don't know? What's going on???
Y/N: ...Um, I can't tell you yet...We'll tell you when the time comes
Yoosung☆: You remind me of V right now...Agh, so many secrets...I need to go clear my head...See you later, Y/N
Y/N: Bye

~Yoosung☆ has left the chatroom~

For some reason, the chatroom didn't close after that and I was just sitting alone in the chatroom. Then Saeyoung entered.

~707 has entered the chatroom~

Y/N: Seven! Where are you?
707: ...
Y/N: Seven?...
707: I'm sorry, Y/ both you and him...
Y/N: Seven...? What's wrong?
707: ...I won't be coming back tonight
Y/N: But you have to! Something happened and we might get hurt or even killed without you..!
707: Him too?
Y/N: Yeah...but I can protect him as best as I can...With my life, even
707: ...Then do that
Y/N: SEVEN! Please, we need you here.
707: ...I'll be back tomorrow...I'm sure you'll all be fine with the bunker's security system and your life protecting him
Y/N: You say that like I don't matter
707: Maybe you don't...You don't even realize how the people around you feel about you and you keep important secrets from them, too!
Y/N: ...Those words describe you more than me, Seven.
707: ...
707: I just wanted you to be my 606...

~707 has left the chatroom~

The chatroom didn't close again so I exited myself, and tears I didn't even know I were crying dripped from my eyes. "Y/N..?" Saeran asked from beside me. I hadn't even noticed he had woken up. "Why are you crying? What's wrong?" Instead of answering, I just fell into his arms, hugging him tightly. "...I never meant to hurt anyone..." I mumbled softly into Saeran's shirt. He rubbed my back and kissed my head. "I'm sure you didn't mean to..." Saeran reassuringly said to me. "You never do," he added and I sobbed into his shirt. His words echoed in my mind as my sobs continued.

I want to thank you all for nearly 3.5k reads and all the support recently! It's honestly really heartwarming and lovely to see so many people enjoy reading this. Also a shoutout to rayofsunshinex for all the funny comments left today lol
They honestly were my motivation today
Anyways, see you all in the next chapter or the comments section, either one! Have a great day and I send my love to each and every one of you! Bye bye~

*DISCONTINUED* My Cute Tomato (Saeran x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now