A Nice Evening

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   After Aislinn left, I turned back to Ray and quickly finished with his vest's buttons. I rushed myself out of the bathroom, closing the door behind me. I headed to Ray's room and sat on the bed, flustered. I heard the bathroom's doorknob turn and before I knew it, I was walking down the stairs. "Y/N!" Ray called to me, watching me head downstairs. "Y-yeah?" I replied and turned to face him while halfway down the stairs. "What's this?" he walked over to the top of the stairs and held up the keychain I had bought for him. "O-oh. That. It was a small gift for you. I th-thought you might like it." My face grew hotter and hotter as the words came out of my mouth. "Oh. Well, in that case, thank you, Y/N. I thought you may have accidentally put your belongings in my bag. Haha!" He smiled with a tint of pink brushing his face. I continued on my way down the stairs and reached the living room. I took out my phone and entered a chatroom with Yoosung☆, 707, and ZEN.

~Y/N has entered the chatroom~

707: Y/N! Where have you been?! Where are you now!?
Y/N: Uhm...I'll tell you later..?
Yoosung☆: You haven't logged on for awhile...We were getting worried.
707: Yeah, I was even thinking about hacking your phone.
Y/N: ...
ZEN: Stop it, you guys. You're scaring her.
Y/N: Well ANYWAYSSSS, I'm with two of my friends right now so you don't have to worry for me. I'm safe. I logged in to tell you guys one more thing, though.
Yoosung☆: What is it?
707: Type faster plz
Y/N: Calm down, it's not a big deal. I just wanted to inform you guys about what will be happening for the next few days. I'll be taking care of someone dear to me in that time and so I might not log in often. You shouldn't worry about it though, unless someone informs you that you should be.
707: But...sigh
ZEN: Did you just type "sigh"?
707: I thought it would express my feelings about this situation more
ZEN: Okay then...
ZEN: I need to get back to rehearsal. Good luck with your loved one, Y/N. Bye!

~ZEN has left the chatroom~

Yoosung☆: I'll get going too. I hope you figure out the whole situation with your friends. Bye bye!

~Yoosung☆ has left the chatroom~

707: I guess I'll leave, too. But if you're in danger, don't hesitate to contact me. Also, I'll be monitoring your location until you get back. Please don't be out there long.
Y/N: Okay, Seven. I'll see you in a bit. Bye! ^^
707: Bye bye~

~707 has left the chatroom~
~Y/N has left the chatroom~

   I sighed as Ray sat down next to me. "What are you doing, Y/N?" he asked. "Ah, nothing. Would you like to go out for a picnic today?" "That would be very nice. I'll get ready now," he stood up and walked upstairs. I went into Aislinn's gaming room and found her there. "I'm going to be going on a picnic with Ray for a little while. We'll be leaving soon. I hope you don't mind," I told her. "Of course not. You two go have fun, and take all the food you want. I'll be going grocery shopping tomorrow," she responded. "Okay, see you later!" I ended the conversation. I prepared our picnic meal and necessities in the kitchen while Ray did whatever he was doing upstairs. I put our lunch in the car while I waited for Ray. I eventually got worried and came upstairs to look for him. "Ray?" I called. "Ray?" I opened all the doors I passed by in search of him. I couldn't find him in any until about the 4th door from the stairs, which was his room temporarily. When I opened it, I could see him repeatedly checking and fixing things about himself in the mirror, like the blue rose and even the keychain he attached to the blue rose. I smiled and asked him, "Are you ready?" He turned in surprise and then replied, "Yup, let's go." He took my hand and we walked together to the car.
   I started the car and drove us to the park I was talking about last night. We set up our picnic and started to eat together. I stared at him while he ate his food and he looked so happy. I wished he never had gone through any pain or suffering. I mean, he was so nice and wonderful, and Saeran, if thought about from his point of view, he's just haunted by the past horrors he has experienced. I felt so bad for him, but I shouldn't think of this now. I should enjoy the time I have with him before I have to go. I took a bite of my food and some got on my nose. Ray must've noticed since he reached over and wiped it off with a napkin. He smiled at me and said to me, "You're so cute, Y/N." I blushed at his remark and his face. We finished our meal with a few more gazes at each other and took a stroll in the park, hand in hand. We talked about how we had both lived up until now and we both said some pretty stupid things. "Hey, Y/N?" Ray said after awhile. "Can I tell you something?" "Anything," I replied. "Well, I've never felt this way about anyone, and I've never experienced this feeling before, so I'm not sure, but I-um...I think I've fallen for you..." Ray was blushing very red now and had let go of my hand to cover his face. We stopped walking and I removed his hands from his face. I looked into his eyes and said, "I like you, too, Ray." Then, I kissed him. He was surprised by my actions and ended up saying, "I'm sorry...I...my body feels weird...I'm going back to the car..." and then he ran off. I walked back to the car with our picnic items and found him waiting in the passenger's side of the car.
   "I-I'm so sorry, Y/N...but can you bring me home really super fast because I need a cold shower to collect my thoughts..." Ray said in one breath. "Of course, Ray." I drove home quickly and as soon as we got there, he dashed inside without a word. When I arrived in the house, I came up to the bathroom and knocked. "Ray..." I called. "I'll wash your clothes if you can hand them to me through the door, please?" He slid them out the door in a split second, not opening it any more than needed, and shut it again. Not even a minute later I heard running water. I took his clothes down to the washer and washed them. After about half an hour, they were done being washed and so I transferred them to the dryer. I waited on my phone for another half hour, then I folded the clothes neatly and put them in a pile to carry them up to the bathroom. I knocked on the door once more, heard the sound of the water turning off, and he took the clothes without hesitation. I smiled to myself and walked away, the thought of Ray, my embarrassed new love, spreading throughout each and every corner of my mind.

*DISCONTINUED* My Cute Tomato (Saeran x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now