His Toy

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   When Saeran said those words to me, they hurt. As a result of this, A/L took over. I was suddenly in my own mind. I was a little but scared, but I knew what it was like since I had gone into Ray and Saeran's mind before. Despite where I was, I could still hear and see everything that was going on. "Interesting..." I muttered. "You shouldn't go around talking to people like that, Saeran. It's not healthy. Plus, it could result in another person being like you are right now, and that's not good either," A/L spoke through me. "That's not yours to decide, toy," he spoke back. "Now listen, Saeran," A/L stepped towards him a bit, causing him to lean on the railing. "Just because of the pain in your past and what Rika is doing to you, it does not excuse your actions or let someone else be used by you as a tool. You need to learn respect, and if that involves forcing the elixir out of you, I will." This other me was pretty smart, but kind of commanding, too. I like her.
   "Pfft, like you could even do that if you tried, toy," Saeran responded, sounding unphased, but his body language told otherwise. "Now I'd better be going back to work. It seems this was a waste of time. And just so you know, you won't be getting fed in awhile," he commented as he left the room. "Ugh, that bitch..." A/L muttered under her breath, and I suddenly was in control of my body again. "Thanks, A/L." I whispered. "But he's not a bitch...he's just scared and alone, he only knows what Rika has taught him," I reminded her. "Oh, right. Sorry..." she said. I pulled out my phone again, to see more texts from V.

V: I hadn't gone far from here, and I saw an opportunity to get in, so I took it.
V: They're talking about a cleansing ceremony for you, and Saeran just showed up to tell Rika you were still here.
V: I'll be up there soon.
Y/N: Okay, V. Thank you.

   With this in my mind, I felt comfort, but A/L stepped in to tell me something. "Since I was in control of your body just now, I'll be here longer than expected. I was supposed to be gone by tomorrow or the next day, but now I'll be here another day. I'm sorry," she apologized. I nodded and accepted her apology. As I waited for V, I pondered about what Ray was going through right now. Their mind seemed corrupted and Ray seemed to be fading, like he was going to disappear forever. I thought more about what I could do, and A/L mentioned I could believe in him and shout out to him when I'm with Saeran, since Ray is in their mind. I smiled and said that I would do that, in chances of getting him back. Hours passed and there was a knock on my door. "Open up, toy!" Saeran yelled. I hesitantly opened it, and he pinned me against a wall. "I'm going to have fun with my toy, now." Instinctively, I called out to Ray, saying that I needed him and I believed in him to come back. "Stupid toy, he's not coming back. That airhead is gone forever." Saeran scoffed. 'That's what you think...' I thought to myself.
   Saeran kept saying to me how annoyed he was of my eyes and my scent and how I was shaking. Well, if you were pinned against the wall by someone who was drugged way more than usual and was giving you hickeys, what would you do? Don't blame me. I had finally had enough and pushed him away. "That's enough, Saeran! I'm done with being your toy! You only have me as your toy so you can feel stronger and superior, don't think I don't see through that! A/L has shown up now because of what happened earlier, and I don't want to deal with this right now! Just leave if you're so annoyed with me! What the hell is the point?!" I screamed at him, ultimately disobeying every single thing he had said to me so far. "So that's how you want to play this game. Fine then, Y/N," he wiped his mouth with his sleeve. "We can play that game." I was on the verge of tears now and just couldn't take what he was saying. "I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU SAY, I WON'T GIVE UP ON RAY, OR THE REAL YOU!" I shouted, tears rolling down my face. "Because I love both of you..." My voice got smaller and smaller the more I said. Unable to take it, I fell to the floor, causing Saeran to turn around to look at me. "Do you want me to take over for you, Y/N?" A/L asked, speaking through me. "No...you don't need to, A/L...I'm fine..." Saeran looked at me in disbelief of what he was hearing. "So you weren't lying about that A/L of yours...I'll keep that in mind," he stated before shakily walking out of the room.
   Seeing Saeran and Ray like that broke my heart. I cried more and more, not able to come up with a solution of what to do. After a short bit of time, I heard my phone buzz. I checked it while wiping the tears from my face. It was from V again, telling me to put the rope down. I did just this, trying not to cry anymore so when he got up, he wouldn't see my face all puffy and red. V climbed up the rope diligently and landed on the balcony. "H-hi, V," I greeted him. "Hello, Y/N. I brought you some food since I heard they weren't giving you any," he handed me some bread. "Thank you, Jihyun," I used his real name to show sincereness. I ate the bread and he told me exactly what he had heard from downstairs and told me he was going to get me out of here the next time he visited. "But what about Saeran?" I asked. He sighed and responded with, "He's been ruined beyond imagination by Rika...I don't know if he can recover from that." Immediately, my response came. "Of course he can! I can help him with that, I promise. I'll try my best!" My determined words filled my mind, and my confidence rose. I smiled at V and he asked me a question.
   "I overheard a rumor that you have another personality now. Is this true?" I sighed and nodded, but added that she wouldn't be here for long. He believed my words and I gratefully smiled. "Thank you, Jihyun. I really appreciate it." I hugged him. "You're welcome, Y/N. I need to leave now before they find the rope...or before Saeran comes back. I'll be back again, Y/N. Goodbye!" He called as he went down the rope once again. V really was kind and understanding, but he needed help, too. I decided to text Vanya about this. She responded quite quickly.

Vanya: Tell me where he is and I'll meet him right away. He seems to need much emotional support, from what you've said, and I think I can help him with that.

*DISCONTINUED* My Cute Tomato (Saeran x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now