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   The glass shattered, startling both of us. I instinctively pointed my loaded and ready gun at the broken window, waiting for any sign of a threat. "I'll go this way..." I heard a near-silent voice say. I nodded, barely visibly, and continued waiting for my move. If our Plan A didn't work, Plan B was to go out of the secret passageway in Aislinn's game room. I didn't even know she had a secret passageway, but I found it while thoroughly examining the house earlier. 707, I might as well call him by his agent name in this situation, would be here soon with his "maid", which I'm assuming meant Vanderwood. Mary Vanderwood. While thinking about all these things, a slight movement was coming up silently from the window. I aimed, shot, and the believer got perfectly struck in the forehead with a bullet. I didn't have time to think about how the first shot was fired on our end, or how I had just killed somebody, I barely had time to think at all. That first shot set off many other ones, mostly not on our end. Saeran was seemingly handling the situation perfectly fine, but I could tell he was struggling a bit, too. I mean, who wouldn't? Who knows how many Believers were out there right now.
   We fought off the ones trying to get in and ran upstairs. Part one of our plan was complete. We had efficiently lowered their numbers, but sadly, it wasn't done in a good way, like the first way would've gone. Now was for part two. We needed to either get on the roof or on a high ground, not in the house. We climbed on to the roof from a window that was in the roof itself. The Believers and Rika were still trying to break into the house, and luckily had no idea we were up here. They finally broke through not even a minute later, and I got worried. Seven wasn't here yet, and so we could do nothing but wait. We slid into a place on the roof that wasn't visible from the ground and stayed there until I heard a car. I carefully peeked out to check who it was, and it was 707 and Vanderwood. I sighed in relief. The noise had nearly stopped in the building from the car pulling up, and then there was a loud bang. A bullet shot out of the window and right past Seven's head, him grinning as it did. I looked over at Saeran and he was very surprised and upset at the sight of his brother. "I'll explain it to you later. Just focus on this for now, please," I told him. He nodded hesitantly and I took his hand in mine. We then moved to a spot on the roof we could shoot from and managed to kill a few more threatening people. Seven and Vanderwood infiltrated the house and took out a few more. That was when Rika showed up.
   Saeran and I made it to the tree next to our bedroom window and snuck back in, quick enough to see Rika encounter Seven. "R-Rika?..." he asked, shocked. "That's right. I'm guessing that V also told you about my "passing", hm? Well, you should know better than any of the other members of the RFA that Jihyun is a liar and a hypocrite. It's nice to see you again, though, Saeyoung. Isn't it nice to see me?" Rika had a conniving grin plastered on her face, staring straight into Saeyoung's eyes. "No...V makes these decisions to protect the RFA..." He looked perplexed and a bit horrified at the same time. "That liar has never done anything to benefit my charity group," Rika's words just kept getting nastier and nastier. "Saeyoung! Don't give in to her! She's a liar!" I called out to him, attempting to save him from her manipulation. Saeyoung looked over to me, then shifted his golden eyes over to Saeran. "Sae...ran?..." He now grew even more shocked, Saeran feeling both sad and angry. "Agh! We just need to get out of here!" I grabbed Saeran's arm and dragged him with me over to Saeyoung, grabbing Saeyoung's arm with my other hand, now unable to protect them with the gun if needed, so I asked Vanderwood to, or more like yelled at him to. "Vanderwood! Protect us please!" I shouted. He nodded and followed after us, very aware of our surroundings.
   We all made it to the car safely and I shoved Saeyoung inside, and asked Saeran to get in the back seat with me, when there was another shot. It was headed straight for me, probably from Rika, and would have plummeted through me if Saeran hadn't gotten in the way. The bullet hit the vest and went through the fabric of it, bouncing off of the thick metal plate inside. I was scared for Saeran still, but rushed him inside the vehicle, and I followed in after him. Vanderwood shot once more and stepped in the passenger's side. "Go, go, go!" I shouted at Saeyoung, who was still fairly dazed. Vanderwood slapped him and he got enough sense back to drive away as fast as the car could go. We were all shaken up after that incident, maybe except for Vanderwood. I was holding Saeran's hand in the backseat as he shook and mumbled incoherent words. He unknowingly leaned on me and I hugged him tightly. "It'll be okay..." I softly spoke into his ear and he slightly nodded. After all that has happened to him, I don't blame him for being so shaken up. Everyone has a breaking point, and this was his.
   On the ride to Saeyoung's bunker, Saeran eventually fell asleep against me, and Vanderwood and I ended up conversing. "Who is that man in the back with you? And why is he sleeping on you? Are you two dating or something?" I replied to his questions catiously, not wanting to upset Saeyoung. "Well...his name is Saeran and he's sleeping on me becuase...we are dating..." I winced, waiting for a reaction from Saeyoung, only to get none. Just an emotionless face, staying focused on the road entirely. I'm sure he heard what I said, though. "Oh, that makes sense. But it looks that if you don't take care of him, he won't be able to handle things. He seems like he can't do that on his own right now. Although I don't know the guy, he seems important to you, just giving you some advice." Vanderwood told me. I smiled in response and the conversation went silent. The whole ride was silent the rest of the way except for the quiet "mrrrrr" of the car as it rode along the road.
   I was honestly pretty worried for all of us now. Saeyoung, Saeran, Vanderwood, myself, even Aislinn. I knew both Saeran and Saeyoung's hearts were shattered at this point. I mean, they're twins who were separated, and then just met up for the first time in nearly a decade on a dangerous, life-threatening mission. I couldn't even begin to imagine what that would be like...except for that it would be very painful. Saeyoung parked the car in his garage and he got out, went into a different car, and drove off. I sighed and carried Sae to the couch where I slept before. It would've been difficult for me, but Aislinn's training really helped me quite a bit, plus when I had to carry him to Aislinn's house. I sat down next to my peaceful sleeping Saeran, and watched him. "...I'm sorry, Sae..." I mumbled quietly to the sleeping figure before pulling out my phone and seeing a message I did not want to see. 

*DISCONTINUED* My Cute Tomato (Saeran x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now