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   Sweat was covering my body, my breathing was too fast for my own good, and I was lightheaded. "Y/N?!" Seven called for me from the kitchen as he heard my gasping. "What happened?" He rushed over to my side. "I-I..." I tried to reply, but the words were all jumbled up and I couldn't think straight. "Just calm down first. Breathe, Y/N." Seven gave me his advice. I nodded and took a few minutes to recompose myself. I took one final deep breath before I told him, "I...had a nightmare. I-It was really...unpleasant and...horrifying." Seven gave me a look that said, "I'm here for you. You can tell me." I grasped his hand as he lent it to me. "Someone I really c-care for was re-really some blonde girl," I told him. "Who was this beloved person of yours?" he asked.
   I contemplated on what I should tell him. I don't want to break his heart and tell him it was Saeran, because then he would figure out I stayed with his...whatever the two were. I decided to tell him about Saeran instead of his name. "Well, they know you...Saeyoung," I stared directly into his eyes as I said this, showing a serious expression. He looked taken aback as I used his birth name. "How do you know that's my name? Who told you this?" He questioned. "Someone who you know well," I answered. He let go of my hand to grip the collar of the borrowed clothing I was wearing. He brought my face close to his and wore an angry expression. "YOU KEEP TELLING ME THAT THIS PERSON IS 'SOMEONE I KNOW WELL' AND THAT 'THEY KNOW ME WELL, TOO'! WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT!? WHO IS IT?!" Saeyoung shouted. He teared up and then said, "Who is it?..."
   I must've looked scared and surprised because once he looked at me, he apologized and let go. "I...was out of line. I'm sorry..." he said, starting towards his room. "I...I'm sorry...I can't tell you yet, Saeyoung. It's not the right time," I apologized myself, and he closed the door of his room behind him. I sighed and opened the RFA app. A chatroom was open, so I joined.

~Y/N has entered the chatroom~

Jaehee Kang: Hello, Y/N.
Jumin Han: Welcome.
Y/N: Hello, everyone. Did Seven come on yet?
Jaehee Kang: No, he hasn't. Did something happen?
Y/N: Yeah, I wanted to see if he was okay... ^^;
ZEN: Just give him some time. He'll be back to his normal self soon.
Jumin Han: True. Luciel has always "bounced back", as commoners say, after something like an argument. He will be fine, Y/N.
ZEN: As commoners say? Really, Trust Fund Kid?!
Jumin Han: Did I use the term incorrectly?
ZEN: No, but you didn't need to add that comment afterwards!!!
Jumin Han: Then I don't see the issue here.
Jaehee Kang: ...
Y/N: Uhm, can you both please calm down?
Jumin Han: I am calm. The one who is upset is Zen.
ZEN: Ugh, I'm done with you. I'm leaving. Goodbye, Y/N and Jaehee.
Jumin Han: Why did you not bid me a goodbye as well?

~ZEN has left the chatroom~

Y/N: Well then.
Jaehee Kang: Mr. Han, I need to leave to finish watching Zen's DVD. I will see you later, Y/N. As well as you, Mr. Han.
Jumin Han: Don't stay up too late. I am expecting full effort from you tomorrow at work, Assistant Kang.
Jaehee Kang: Of course. I will take my leave now. Goodnight.

~Jaehee Kang has left the chatroom~

Jumin Han: Y/N, I was wondering, have you happened to finish taking care of your loved one?
Y/N: Yes, I have. Thank you for asking, Jumin.
Jumin Han: Of course. I have finished my glass of wine, so I should go to bed. Goodnight, Y/N.
Y/N: Have a good rest, Jumin.

~Jumin Han has left the chatroom~

   Instead of the chatroom closing like it usually would when everyone left, it had an odd pattern of words and numbers scrolling down the screen and flashing. I tilted my head in confusion and the chatroom background had become those numbers and letters. It looked like Saey- No, Seven's screen when he hacked. I noticed someone had entered the chatroom after that.

~Unknown has entered the chatroom~

Y/N: Wait. Saeran..?
Unknown: Y/N...I m#$/^!-
Y/N: ?
Unknown: I'm so>&$%
Y/N: Please come back.

~Unknown has left the chatroom~

   The green text reversed the direction it had entered and the chatroom closed, erasing everything he had said when he came. I missed him. I really missed him. I walked up to Seven's door and knocked. "Sae-...Seven?" I said. I heard rummaging and then he said in a small voice, "...Go away..." "Can I please come in?..." I requested. "No. Go away," he was more persistent than Ray. I sighed. "I'm...sorry," I said. "I'll just leave you alone then. I'm sorry for bothering you." I started to walk away but then he opened the door. I glanced behind me and creaked the door open little by little. "Are you okay?" I asked as I saw a figure on the bed in the dark, just sulking. I came over to him and touched his shoulder, letting him know I was there. "I didn't mean to act out like that. I'm sorry, Y/N." I replied, "No, it's okay. I've been through worse." I took his hand and told him, "I'll tell you who this special person is soon, but for now, I want to ask you something." "Mhm?" he managed. "Who is Saeran to you?"
   The question hit him like a brick in the face as he fell sideways onto his bed. Seven then replied with a question. "Why do you want to know?" "I just need to, okay?" I said. He sighed and revealed a small portion of the answer I wanted. "He's someone very special to me. At least he was, until I had to leave him..." he mumbled the second part, thinking I couldn't hear him, but I very well could. "Thank you for answering," I smiled. "Haaa...I need some HBC right about now..." Seven avoided any further investigation on the topic and walked out of the room, towards the kitchen once more. I smiled and returned to my place on the couch, where my phone soon buzzed with a text. I checked it and it was from Saeran again.

Unknown: Y/N...I'll come find you soon...
Unknown: And just in case you were wondering, it's Ray. Saeran changed the username back to Unknown. I love you. I need to go now, I won't talk for awhile. Bye. ^^
Y/N: I love you, too, Ray. I can't wait to see you again. Stay safe, and stay away from that 'Elixir of Salvation', please. Goodnight. ♡

   I smiled when I typed my response and hugged my phone. I sat on the couch, thinking about that elixir stuff and hoped both Ray and Saeran stayed safe. Seven peeked into the room and asked me, "Did you eat my last bag of HBC?" I turned around slowly to look at him and yelled, "YOU ATE THEM ALL ALREADY?!"

*DISCONTINUED* My Cute Tomato (Saeran x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now