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 Note: A/L = Alias

  "YOU TOOK HIM AWAY FROM ME!!" she screamed. "HE WAS PERFECTLY FINE AND HE WAS THE STRONGEST BELIEVER BEFORE YOU CAME ALONG AND RUINED HIM!!!" The knife inched closer to me every passing second, her forcefulness growing stronger and stronger every word she said. Her green eyes seemed clouded with hatred and the weapon pressed against my skin, causing me to do the first thing I could think of. Scream for Saeran and Ray. "RAY!! SAERAN!! HELP ME!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, hoping to be saved. Sadly, there was no response to my pleading. She must've taken extra precautions in planning this situation. No one was coming to help me. Just like back then. No one saved me from my parents. I wasn't about to let myself die just because she disliked how I was changing him for the better. While continuing to struggle against her power, I kicked her foot, causing her to lose her balance. She fell ontop of me, dropping the knife as she did so.
   "Argh, YOU LITTLE PEST!!" she snarled and I kicked her off of me. I reached over and grabbed the knife before she could. I ran over to the window and threw it out before she had another chance of reaching it. "MY KNIFE!" she yelled. Rika tackled me down and my head smashed against the hard floor. "Mmph..." I mumbled as my sight became blurry. "Hahaha! I'VE FINALLY GOT YOU, YOU LITTLE PEST! DISGRACE!" I grabbed my head in pain and, luckily, someone showed up. "Y/N!" I heard my name and someone grabbed Rika and dragged her off of me. "WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!" Rika screamed at the person. "YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE FAITHFUL TO MINT EYE!" "YOU HURT Y/N!" I could tell it was a male now. "SHE'S CHANGING YOU AND YOU NEED TO STAY FAITHFUL TO US!" Rika continued. "I love her...SO YOU CAN'T HURT HER!" It was Ray. He came. I smiled slightly at this before my vision blurred more and more until I passed out.
   The next thing I knew, I was back in the room Ray put together for me, on the bed. I sat up, and my head hurt badly. "W-what happened...?" I asked aloud. "The Savior put up a fight. She didn't like you being here because of the way Ray and Saeran reacted to it," whoever said that answered me. "Wh-who are you?" I questioned. "I am you. A different part of you. My name is A/L." "How did this happen?" I questioned the other me. "I won't be here for long. I am only here as a result of your trauma." "Oh...does that mean you're my other me? Like how Ray and Saeran are?" "No...theirs is worse. I am only here to help you, then you'll be okay again. I'll disappear after that." The answers she was giving me were precise, but I still didn't understand them. "But your name is what I used to call myself online except for the chatroom...are you the part of me that helps everyone and is better?" "No, Y/N. You need to understand, I am you. But you just got split apart a small portion. You won't see me after that." "Okay, but it's kind of weird talking to can we stop now please?" I asked. "Okay. I'll tell you things occasionally."
   This was different. Maybe both teas were drugged? Or was one drugged stronger than the other? That was probably it. I sighed and stood up. I needed to get Ray, Saeran, and V out of here. A knock came from my door again. This time I asked who it was before opening it and a response came from through the door. "It's the Savior. Open up, please." Instead of opening it, I ran over and locked it. She was not going to even do so much as touch me. Although I was on the third floor, I went over to the balcony and decided to hang on it. V must've had some sort of tool here for escaping. I saw something I could hang from and took my chance. I heard the lock click and the door open, then two people stepping in. "She couldn't have gone far..." Rika said. "I just wanted to torture her~," Saeran's voice came. Wait. Torture? Rika must've given him the new elixir she was talking about before.
   They continued searching the room for about ten more minutes before they left, but one of them walked out onto the balcony. "She must've jumped," a conclusion came from Saeran, who was right above me. Once he walked out of the room and shut the door, I struggled to climb back onto the balcony, my arms feeling weak from hanging for so long, but I did it. I sighed in relief and snuck over to the door and silently locked it again. I sat down on my bed, pulled out my phone, and texted V what had happened. He texted back quickly, despite his eyesight.

V: I'll be there soon. I'll let you know when to drop the rope.
V: I can't believe she did this...Rika...
Y/N: It'll be alright. Be careful, V. I'll be waiting.

   I texted back, being careful to put my phone on vibrate in case I got more texts. I couldn't risk being caught. I tucked my phone away and laid down on my bed. "Rika must've brainwashed him with the elixir because of what he had witnessed earlier..." I sighed sadly. He couldn't be completely gone. I needed to see them both. I needed to sleep. I closed my eyes and fell asleep quickly. I materialized into their mind, but their mind was different this time. It looked like a glitched screen would, random glitches throughout the entire place. I saw Ray in a corner, who seemed to be fading. "Ray!" I called out to him. "Y/N! Wait, no, shh!" He shushed me and I quietly walked up to him. "What's going on?" I whispered. "After what I saw the Savior do, she put you back in your room and made me take so much elixir...Saeran took over, but he's worse than he ever was before...I just didn't want to see you getting hurt...Y/N..." Ray whispered back. I nodded and hugged him in thanks. "I'll fix this, I promise..." I said. "Quick! You need to wake up! Saeran is approaching your room again!"
   I woke up as fast as I could and the door handle was rattling. I ran back onto the balcony and instead of going down, I climbed up. There was a small space where I could stand above to hide. I crawled up and the door opened with a slam. I was sweating now and he walked into the balcony. I suddenly lost my balance and fell directly ontop of him. "A-ah!" I landed on him and he was out of breath from my fall. "Y-Y/N! There you are! Now you can be my toy, you worthless airhead. I knew I could smell your scent earlier, and I know you were in my head, so I thought that you must be here, and I was correct. You're much dumber than I thought." My eyes watered as he said these words to me, and I realized that not only was he getting to my head, but A/L wouldn't be gone as soon as I thought.

*DISCONTINUED* My Cute Tomato (Saeran x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now