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   We started on our way down the path, and as soon as we got out of range of the building, I started up conversation. "You seem...nicer." I said. "Well...that's because both of us are getting closer to coming together...Ray, he...he almost disappeared..." Saeran said. "...Did Rika hurt you?" I asked. "Not after that incident, but I do feel really queasy...I think it might be the elix-" he was cut off by the harmful chemicals coming back up his throat. "Saeran!" I exclaimed at this sudden surprise. I went over to him and rubbed his back as he sat on his knees, hunched over the ground, vomiting. "You'll be okay soon..." I repeated for the fifth time, in attempt of comforting him. Even after all his wrongdoings, I still cared for him. No matter what personality it was. About two hours had passed of him throwing up, he threw up so much that we had to change our locations a few times. " really were hurt so much..." I said as he still continued to throw up. I didn't really care for the smell of the throw up, I only cared for him. "I'm right here..." I said as he started to cry from the pain. "Y/N...It hurts so much, Y/N..." he weakly said and threw up again. I felt horrible for not being able to do anything for him besides being here.
   It was close to morning now. I sighed at the whole situation. Why did he have to be forced to take the elixir? Why did he even have to take it in the first place? Thoughts like these raced through my mind. Saeran threw up once more and said quietly, "I-I think it's over n-now..." I helped him stand up and he fell into me. I caught him and saw that he had passed out. "It's okay," I whispered. "I'll carry you until I find a safe place for us to rest." I lifted him onto my back and stood up again. Then I whispered, "...I love you..." and I set off. It took me awhile of wandering around the woods, carrying Saeran on my back, to find a place to rest. I settled for a small space underneath a tree's branches, which was barely visible at first sight. I crawled underneath with Saeran and leaned him against the trunk of the tree. I, also, leaned against the trunk of the tree next to him, pulling him close to me. I sighed in relief as I did this.
   Soon after, I ended up falling asleep. It had been awhile since I slept, so I was pretty tired. Once I fell asleep, I returned to the place I knew so well, Saeran and Ray's mind. This time it differed in both good and bad ways. The corrupted look it had before had mostly disappeared, but Ray was still somewhat faded. Saeran was there, too. He and Ray were both crying. I'm guessing of pain? I came up to them both and asked, "Are you two okay?" Both of their teary faces looked up at me. "It hurts so much..." Saeran groaned. "I never meant to hurt's all my fault..." Ray said, while wincing in pain. I sat down in between the two and pulled them close to lay on me. "Everything will be okay soon. I promise you both," I comforted them. "Does your stomach hurt, you two?" I asked shortly after that. They both nodded, and Ray added, "Our head, too..." I took this information in and snuggled them both closer, giving them both a kiss on the forehead.
   I laid there with the two of them, patiently waiting for their pain to calm down. "Y/N..?" Saeran asked. "Yes, Saeran?" I asked softly. "Can you..." he started, then winced in pain. "...sing us a song?" Ray finished for him. I smiled and agreed. "B-but a song just for us..." they said with all they had in them at the moment. I nodded and thought for a good fifteen minutes before starting to sing. In those fifteen minutes, I had thought up a tune, then some lyrics to go along with it. I sang as best as I could for the two of them. They both laid there, smiling, listening to my voice.
   "Hey, Y/N?" Ray asked. "Yes?" "Can you really make a big garden for us to walk in?" I replied, "I will try to in the future." I smiled. They were both now at peace with their thoughts and were closer to coming back together again. As for me, A/L was slowly going way, the tear in my mind slowly bringing itself back together. I loved both of them dearly, regardless of anything that they have ever done to me. They were both cinnamon rolls in my mind. I reminded myself of where we were sleeping and decided I would wake up in a minute. "Before you go, Y/N, can you make us more of that song for the next time you sing it?" Saeran asked. "Haha, of course. I'll get going now. You two rest up. I'll keep a look out," I said before leaving the two of them alone in their mind again. I woke up against the tree trunk, Saeran drooling on my shoulder. My lips curved into a smile. "So cute..." I muttered.
   I crawled out and looked around us as best and as much as I could through the thick brush, trying my best not to cause any noticeable signs we were there. I, luckily, heard and saw nothing. I crawled back over to Saeran and cuddled him to keep him warm, and myself, too. It was fairly cold out this morning. I looked at his sleepy face and smiled again. Saeran just looked so cute when he slept. I remembered of his hurting stomach, and gently rubbed his belly through his clothes. "How could someone so sweet like you have ever been treated this way?" I asked, knowing I wouldn't receive an answer. He definitely was still sick from all those hours of throwing up. "Why would she intoxicate you like that?" I asked, again, not expecting an answer. My eyes burned with tears, but I quickly fought them back so I wouldn't have any chance of missing a presence. He shivered and I brought him as close as I could to me. "You don't deserve this pain...If anything, I should take it..." I spoke. I hated how he was treated his whole life. Why him? Why couldn't the world let me take his pain, too? I sighed and snuggled my face into the crook of his neck. "I love you so much..." I whispered. "Please don't ever forget that."

*DISCONTINUED* My Cute Tomato (Saeran x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now