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    After we both felt that the silence had been there for long enough, we stood up and hugged each other. "I had no idea..." Saeran said to me. "I...know. I'm sorry for not telling you before..." I apologized to him. "No, it's okay. You didn't know much about my past, either," His words were soft spoken, I could tell he didn't want to upset me. We let go of our embrace and I headed to the bathroom while he went downstairs. I did my business and washed my face to rid of the dried tears. I stepped out of the bathroom and made my way downstairs, only to find the back door left open. I walked outside and found Saeran laying on the grassy ground and staring up at the clouds in the sky. I went over to him, laid down next to him, and gazed at the clouds in the pretty blue sky. "You know, whenever I got a chance to go out with Saeyoung, he would always take me to get ice cream and we would eat it while looking up at the sky..." Saeran told me. "So the sky is one of your treasured well as ice cream, I'm guessing." I stared at the slowly moving clouds, gradually changing shape. "Yeah..." he sighed nostalgically.
    We stayed there looking up at the sky for awhile, and I was thinking about when I went out when I was little. That's when I noticed something in those memories. The two identical boys back when I was hanging out with Aislinn at that park...We were watching the clouds and when my father showed up...that must've been Saeran and his twin, Saeyoung. Saeyoung was definitely the one with the glasses that caught Saeran when my father dropped him. "Do you...remember a park...and one day while in that park, a grown man held you up...?" I asked cautiously. Saeran flinched and nodded. "O-oh...I'm sorry..." I apologized, not able to say anything else. "...You were the daughter of that guy, weren't you...?" Saeran asked me. I stayed silent and just stared at the fluffy white clouds. I felt him look away from me and he sighed. "...My brother told me you were tied up to a stake in your yard after that incident...He also relayed to me that you apologized profusely when you saw him...I went straight home after that, but he followed you..." "I'm sorry, Sae...I should've stayed home...I-If I did, you...that wouldn't have happened to you..." I apologized once again for that day.
   I felt a warm hand gently pat my head and I moved a bit closer to him, slightly leaning my head on his shoulder. The clouds seemed to become darker with each passing one, but we decided to stay there until it started raining. We sat in yet another silence until there was a rustling in the woods, which was about ten yards away from where we were laying. We both got up and stared at the woods, Saeran trying to push me inside the house. I tugged at his short sleeve shirt to tell him to come with me, but he refused. I was now at the doorstep, waiting for Saeran. All at once, cloaked believers stepped out of the forest from all around, along with Rika at the front. "I thought you told me you were the most loyal believer, Ray...Now I guess I'll have to take both you and Y/N by force. I always did like how influential Y/N was...but she was just that in the wrong ways. Now we can save both you and your beloved Y/N at once," Rika said. I ran over to Saeran, grabbed his arm, and dragged him inside. We locked all the doors and windows except for the one in our room. "We'll have to get out of this window, it's the only one that we can safely get out," Saeran whispered to me. "I know," I whispered back, contemplating every possible solution to this situation.
   The banging on the doors grew louder. "Aha!" I thought aloud and told Saeran to wait in the room as I went downstairs. I called Saeyoung once I was downstairs and told him what the situation was and what to do. He told me he would get to work on it right away. I called Saeran and told him to do the other part of the plan, the part he could do best, and luckily, he had his computer upstairs from when we left. Now that the two best hackers in existence were teaming up on one project, I started my part of the plan. While both the security system and the surveillance cameras were being hacked, I set up a few things. I secured a backup hiding spot that was difficult to find, I analyzed their pattern of hitting the poor building, found a route out, and determined the weakest points in the building in case we needed to either break out or break in. I learned how to do all these things when I was little, trying to find a way to get out or if I needed to get in urgently. My skills got better and better everyday as I trained my brain to calculate all of these things. I ran upstairs and went into our room, seeing Saeran typing very quickly. "I set up everything needed on my end. You almost done?" I asked, grabbing a few things for our escape. "Yeah, it'll take me about 10 minutes or so before I can do everything you asked me to, though," he told me, not pausing in his work.
   I nodded and opened the window, looking down at them, and I noticed they were all equippped with guns. This made me pretty nervous, so I quietly closed the window and went to Aislinn's room in search of something that could help us. I know she was always close with military, police, and other people in those fields, so she should have at least something. I found one bullet-proof vest and a gun. Well, at least we had these two things. Aislinn taught me how to use a gun before through multiple lessons, so I could take the gun and Saeran could have the vest. I didn't want him getting hurt. Aislinn taught me a lot about this stuff. She learned about it from professionals, so I was confident in her teachings. I, once again, barged into our room and threw the vest next to him on the bed. "You're going to wear that," I demanded, not pausing for a response. Saeran glanced over at it and said, "No, you'll be wearing that. I'll be fine." My voice grew very serious and I told him, "You will be wearing it. I will be fine. No arguing. Now put it on." He sighed and did as told, continuing his work at the same time.
   I loaded the gun and took the extra ammo with me. Saeran didn't seem to notice this at all. Once I did this, I got a call from Saeyoung. I picked up and asked, "Yeah?" "I'm done on my part." I said, "Okay, good. Now try to get your butt over here as fast as you can." "Yes, ma'am," he responded and hung up. "I'm done. Haa," Saeran sighed and stretched. "You ready to do this?" I asked him. "Of course I am. Are you sure you're going to be okay?" he asked. "Trust me," I winked. "You better be. Oh, I also have my gun from Mint Eye with me." Saeran said. "Good. I have one on me as well. Be safe, Sae," I told him and gave him a kiss. "You be safer, Y/N..." he wished me and I recieved a kiss from him. He tucked his laptop in an inside slot of the vest and we prepared for the route I planned out. "I love you, Y/N." "I love you, too, Sae." We exchanged words and stepped out and down the stairs when I heard the sound of glass shattering.

Hi~ I got writer's block and have been writing this for three days so...sorry if it's not satisfactory?... ^^;
I'll try to make the next chapter better for the next upload, I swear. I love you all very much~ I hope you all have a great day/night! Bye bye~!

*DISCONTINUED* My Cute Tomato (Saeran x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now