New Place to Stay

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   "Y/N...Y/N!" I jolted awake and looked around. "Where are we?.." I yawned tiredly and stretched. "This is where we're going to stay for now." V's voice sounded from behind me. "Oh...okay," I responded, opening the car door and stepping out. I looked around and realized we were at Vanya's house. I sighed. I've been to so many different places to stay that I shouldn't even be surprised at this point. "How long will we be here?" I asked them. "A few weeks until things settle down with Mint Eye," V said. Then I exclaimed, "Saeran and Saeyoung!" V turned towards me with a questioning look. "Rika captured them and brought them to Mint Eye! I can't stay here for weeks or even two days! And V, you need to come with me, please." My eyes met with his and his gaze drifted down. "I'm sorry I can't-" "Please!" I cut him off. "I need him..." My eyes were shining with tears. "I won't leave him there! I won't!" I felt the hot tears roll down my face. He watched me and sighed. "Fine, I'll help you. But we can't stay there for long, they'll discover us. I can get us both a way in, but it won't be easy, and we'll only have one chance, so if we fail, we can't go back for awhile, and by then they'll most likely be brainwashed." I nodded and thought about this. "I'll make sure it works. But aren't you worried for them?" I asked. "Of course I am, but going there more than once in such a short amount of time puts not only us and them, but the rest of the members in danger." I nodded again, this time slowly. Then V turned and walked into the house with Vanya.
    I was outside all alone now. I felt distant from reality, like I was all alone in this cruel world. Memories of Sae and I kept surfacing and I grew more worried by the second. When Rika returns to Mint Eye after she wakes up, she'll definitely harm them. We didn't have much time, then. I took my phone out of my pocket and called Vanderwood. "Yes?" he said when he picked up. "I'm at Vanya's house with V," I stated. "Who's Vanya?" he questioned. "That doesn't matter right now," I said as I started to pace. "V said he can only get us in once. But also, Rika tried to get rid of me again, and Vanya tased her, so it's only a matter of time before she gets to Mint Eye and completes the process." Vanderwood was silent for a second before responding. "So you're telling me we need to leave soon?" I sighed, "Yes..." "Send me your location, I'll be over soon." "Okay," I agreed and hung up. I sent him my location and went inside. "V! We need to start to go soon!" I heard no response. "V and Vanya!" I called. "Yes?" I heard a voice, but it sounded distant. "Come out here please!" I called again. The two came up from the basement after that. "V was helping me with laundry, what is it?" Vanya asked. "V needs to help me go to Mint Eye by tomorrow." He looked shocked. "Tomorrow?" V repeated. I nodded. "Or else they'll definitely be gone...maybe for good this time..." He replied, "Okay, I can help you. But it'll be quite difficult to get two-" "Three," I interrupted. "What?" He now looked panicked. "Three. You, Vanderwood, and myself." A look of recognition and confusion crossed his face when I mentioned Vanderwood's name. "You mean Saeyoung's maid?" he questioned. You paused for a moment before nodding.
   "Y/N...Why Saeyoung's maid?.." Jihyun looked frustrated and rubbed his temples. "Okay. I can manage this. go get some rest. I'll get our ways in tonight." I agreed, but was worried for his rest at the same time. Vanya lead me to her spare room and gave me some clean clothes and said, "You get ready for bed. I'll take care of V." Her expression was fierce, like she was prepared for anything to happen and to protect him. She then walked out of the room, closing the door behind her. Vanya's occupation was a bit quirky. I don't know how many she has, but I know she has secret ones other than her job as a part-time therapist. I was curious, but didn't want to dig into it too much. I changed into the shirt she gave me and underwear, but nothing else. I didn't want to have pants on tonight, Vanya's house was pretty hot. I shut off the light, covered up, and laid in the darkness for awhile before my mind settled down and I fell asleep. I dreamt of Saeran and I playing a game together and Saeyoung came in joyfully with a girl who had brown hair and bangs that mostly covered her gold eyes, she was up to Saeyoung's shoulder height, and she wore a casual outfit. I was confused in my mind, but apparently I knew her and invited them to play with us. I woke up and checked the time, 4:32 a.m. "I guess I'll just stay up then," I said with a yawn. I used the bathroom, showered, got dressed, made the bed, ate, brushed my teeth, and then I sat down on the couch. I was still a little bit sleepy, so I entered a chatroom to wake me up.

~Y/N has entered the chatroom~

Yoosung☆: Y/N!
Y/N: Hi Yoosung.
Yoosung☆: What happened with Seven? I didn't get ahold of V, though...sorry
Y/N: It's okay. I'm with V now anyways.
Yoosung☆: wHAT? YOU'RE WITH V???
Y/N: Umm...yeah?
Yoosung☆: You're with V when no one else has gotten in contact with him??
Y/N: Yes, I am. I had a little help from a friend who is closely aquainted with him.
Yoosung☆: Now he has secret friends? Wow. I wonder how many more secrets he has.
Y/N: I think you should calm down a bit, Yoosung. He is helping me very much and doing his best not to put you or the other members in danger.
Yoosung☆: What about you?
Y/N: I'll be fine. Don't worry about me.
Yoosung☆: If you even get the slightest injury, I swear to LOLOL...
Y/N: Yoosung, it's not Jihyun's fault at all. If anything happens, it's my fault for running head first into the situation.
Yoosung☆: Oh! I just got an invitation from the party to fight a dungeon on LOLOL! Bye!

~Yoosung☆ has left the chatroom~

   I left the chatroom too and got up from the couch. I sighed, running my hand through my hair and holding my phone with the other. I threw my phone on the couch and walked over to the window. I watched the window fog up from my breath as the cold weather settled in for the next few months. For a split second, I thought Saeran was behind me, touching my shoulder. I spun around and there was no one there. I closed my eyes for a few seconds to regain control over my emotions and opened them again with full determination. "I will get him back. I'll get both of them back. No matter what it takes, I will bring them back safely. Even if it means sacrifice."

*DISCONTINUED* My Cute Tomato (Saeran x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now