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   I sobbed into Saeran's shirt, emotions completely taking over my actions. The only sound that could be heard throughout the entire house were my cries. From the crack in the door leading to outside, I only heard one other thing, Vanderwood's voice. He said, "Damn..." He was obviously saying that in response to my crying. I disregarded his comment and my mind filled with thoughts of Saeyoung. Memories of the time we had spent with each other came flooding into the front of my thoughts. When we met... I spun around to check behind me and there was this cute redhead with yellow and black striped glasses, golden eyes, a red shirt with a white stripe around the collar, jeans, and a black sweatshirt with amber accents running in my direction, with a group of armed people following after him, shooting. He ran to me, grabbed my arm, and yelled, "Come with me!"
   My tears came faster remembering this. When he hid me from Vanderwood... "MARY VANDERWOOD THE 3RD WILL BE HERE SOON!" he screamed. "Who?" I said. "JUST HIDE!" He pointed towards his room, grabbed my wrist, and dragged me towards the door of the only bedroom in the house. Seven shoved me in his bedroom closet, which was surprisingly large and filled with both male and female clothes. "So that's where he got those..." I mumbled to myself. Even when he got sick... I took his headphones off and said in his ear, "Are. You. SICK?!" He flinched as I said 'sick' from how loud I said it. "Geez, calm down, Y/N. I'm not-ACHOO-sick..." Seven's eyes widened a bit as he sneezed, leaving behind evidence of being sick. "Get off your stupid computer, Seven. You never slept either, did you?" I was now agitated and there were plenty of hints in my voice. I started to drag him out of his chair and to his room.
   All of these memories made me nostalgic. I just wanted to go back and relive them all. But Saeran being here and comforting me was the best thing I could ever ask for. While going back through our conversation in my head, a question came to me. "H-hey Saeran?..." I asked. "Hmm?" he hummed into my neck in response. "What d-does 606 mean?" He thought about it for a bit before asking me, "Like the error 606?" I nodded. That made sense, though. His agent name, 707, is an error, too, so that would be perfect. "It's an error that means 'reset', why?" I didn't answer but instead sniffled and snuggled into Saeran. He held on to me tighter and we stayed like that for awhile. When we finally parted, he looked me in the eye and asked me again gently, "What happened?" I wiped my remaining tears and told him the whole conversation. He nodded thoughtfully and said, "I'll go after him." "No!" I quickly responded, wrapping my arms around his waist before he fully stood up. "Don't go..." I quietly mumbled. Saeran turned around to look at me and told me, "I'll be back. I promise." I hesitantly let go of him and watched him search for a pair of keys, then go through the door leading to the garage to drive after his brother.
   My eyes dropped to stare at the ground and I heard him drive off. Vanderwood then stepped back in the door, shutting it behind him and walking over to me. "So that's what happened, huh?" he asked me. I wanted to respond but I wasn't able to move or speak. I was just still. "I heard everything incase you were wondering...and I'm not that good at being an emotional support and-" He was cut off by my body falling toward the floor. I couldn't feel anything. Just...emptiness. No emotion. Vanderwood luckily caught me before I hit the floor, but I couldn't feel his touch at all. I felt as if everything I had had just left me in an instant. I felt empty, like nothing mattered anymore. "They'll come back, I know they will," Vanderwood said to me before I blacked out.
   I woke up on Saeyoung's couch, Vanderwood tending to me with a cold washcloth. "You're up," he said. "W-what happened?.." I asked, still pretty dazed. "You nearly fell onto the floor, but you still passed out..." Vanderwood had a confused expression. I smiled sheepishly at these words. "I'm sure it was nothing..." I laughed it off as a pang of sadness rang through me. "Sae...ran...Saeran! Saeran, where are you?!" I shouted suddenly. "He left to go after Seven, remember?" Vanderwood saw my face and hurriedly added, "He'll be back soon though." I softly smiled and asked, "How long was I out?" "For about two hours." His answer surprised me. Two hours? Sae has been gone for two hours looking for Seven? "I need to go find him! He's been gone too long...What if Rika took him?! WHAT IF RIKA TOOK THEM BOTH?!?" I started to panic horribly and Vanderwood calmed me down. "If you want to go after them, I'll drive for you in my car, but first drink some water, you haven't been hydrated that much lately, and your tears definitely used up the rest of it." I gave him a weirded out look at this. How did this guy know how hydrated I had been? "I-It's something we learn to tell at the agency...Sorry if it seemed stalkerish..." I nodded and drank the cup of water he gave me and we headed out.
   It was pretty early in the morning, 3:47 a.m. Vanderwood has known Saeyoung much longer than I have, and he knew the places he would be. I asked him if the cars had trackers, and he said that they did, so we tracked them. Once we reached the point where Saeran's tracker was, there was no car. I panicked and in an attempt to calm myself I suggested, "Maybe he removed it after he knew it was there? Maybe since Seven was getting further away from him as he drove and he realized there must be one?" "It's possible," Vanderwood said and I sighed. We then tracked Seven's tracker and there was a note at that location. It read:

Y/N, Vanderwood, Saeran, if you're trying to track me, just know you won't find me. These are my vehicles and I know what's on them and what's not. You can't track me with my own trackers. And Y/N...why did you choose him over me?..

I put the note back where it was in case Saeran didn't see it yet, and we continued driving. They could both be anywhere. Literally anywhere. "I don't see how we're ever going to find the-" I was interrupted by a call on my phone. It was from Saeran. I picked it up and said, "Hello?" Instead of a greeting back, he despreately pleaded, "Don't come looking for me, Rika found me, and Saeyoung before me, but if you come, she'll kill you, so please, don't. Don't come, we'll figure this out...Y/N-" The call glitched out and I heard Rika's voice. "So that airhead contacted you? I told him not to...I guess I'll have to punish him...Hahahaha!" Her laugh sounded horrifying, but she continued to speak. "I look forward to seeing you soon, Y/N." Then the phone call ended. Just like that. Tears rolled down my face once more. That bitch...THAT CONNIVING BITCH!!

Yes. That happened. I put bitch in the story. BUT I'm sorry for all of the tears for Saeyoung in the last chapter...The last chapter had angst...and yeah. Well I just felt like writing today so yup, here's another chapter! Idk what to say anymore lol Have a nice day!
Lots of love~ Bye bye!

*DISCONTINUED* My Cute Tomato (Saeran x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now