Part two- Daisy

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I stared ahead in the chapel as I watched the pomp and ceremony around me moving forward as it had done for hundreds of years before me and would continue for hundreds of years after me, I was grateful for the life I've been given and all of the privilege that came with it and I would work hard until the day I died to pay back to the communities I lived in.
The weight of expectations from my family crushed me at times, the constant disapproval of any life I tried to lead that didn't fit their idea of how I should behave, my father managed to make me feel worthless on a daily basis, the curse of being an only child in a family with wealth, history and titles to keep in the family.
The constant arranging of dates with suitable men was becoming very tiring as was the need to produce an heir.

I don't do drugs, I don't bring shame upon the Earl of Warwick and I didn't sleep my way around London society, I didn't party constantly and actually I was quite a boring woman. Although now I having amazing sex with a sexy rapper whenever I could.

The text from Marshall flashed in my head and I smiled at the thought of the things he could do to my body. He was probably the person I was most open with, certainly the most intimate. I promised myself I would keep Marshall as long as no one had an inkling about us, my time with him was precious to me and yes we had a lot of sex but I could also talk to him about anything as he could to me and he made me laugh so much that I forgot myself sometimes. we'd made a pact with one another not to develop any feelings and so far so good, I was thoroughly enjoying our friends with benefits situation

We'd got chatting at the airport, him reluctantly at first but I kind of wouldn't let it go, he was unwittingly the most charming, hilarious human being I'd ever met, effortlessly sexy and very real, blunt at times but at least you knew where you stood with him.

As our flights were called I'd given him my number and asked him to call me sometime, he probably wouldn't but it had felt so good just being Daisy with him I didn't care if he did or didn't but he surprised me by calling me a week later, we'd chatted for awhile then he'd asked where I was and after telling him I was still in the states for a couple more days he suggested meeting up, we made a plan to get away from our respective people, oh Christ it felt so good to be naughty and we decided to meet halfway between Detroit and Atlanta where I was currently working, Kentucky was the destination we giggled like children as we planned our escapes meticulously, as luck would have it Marshall had a credit card under a pseudonym and he booked a hotel room for one night and we were all set to escape our lives for an evening.

Sex wasn't even on my mind at that point until I saw him again, I had knocked on our hotel room door, he opened it and stepped side allowing me to enter, turning off my phone i left it on the nearest table , there was a strange tension in the room and seconds later we were tearing at each other's clothes in desperation, kissing and groping one another the sex was amazing.

After I was laying with my head on his damp chest, my head gently rising and falling in time with his breathing, one of his hands played in my hair while the other was stroking up and down my spine, it was a delicious feeling. I felt him shift before he spoke softly telling me he hadn’t arranged this for this specific reason but that he was very fucking happy that it had happened and that's when boring Lady Greville asked Marshall Mathers to become her friend with benefits

So eight months later here we are no relationship, no promises, no complications, no one knew and it was perfect, he was my bad boy and best kept secret, I'd never felt more alive then when I was with him.

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