Part thirteen- Marshall

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Grand gesture is what Hailie said I should do, but after last night's revelations I'm not sure this is the best thing I could be doing right now, I looked hard at myself in the mirror wearing a tuxedo and bow tie, I looked like a fucking idiot, my shoes squeaked as I walked, my movements restricted by the material of the suit, I felt the most uncomfortable I'd ever felt.
Paul appeared behind me in the mirror, the tux he wore suited him, he looked at home.

"Em, come the fuck on we'll be late and stop glaring at me this was your suggestion remember although why the fuck this gala is so important to you I'll never know!"

He straightens my bow tie as I continue glaring at him, once he meets Daisy he'll know why!

Sighing I stride towards the door and we head down towards our waiting car, last night plays on my mind, I'd never seen anyone as frightened as Daisy before and I could feel the fear radiating off of her, it was me crying that bought her out of whatever flashback she was drowning in.
I cried because I hated the thought that me touching her had made that happen, it made me sick to think of it.

I wanted to hurt her dad so bad, I could hurt him the most by taking Daisy away from him but then I'd be using her and that would make me as bad as him, as for that Rohan prick, there was no fucking way my Daisy was going to end up married to him, I'd do anything to prevent it.
The rage was bubbling and building under my skin.

I had to behave though I couldn't go rushing into this gala, tearing the place up and embarrassing her, especially as she wasn't actually mine yet, this was going to either make us or totally break us apart but I knew for certain I didn't wanna fucking hide any more.

As the car drew closer to the venue the more I wanted to turn back and go home, back to Detroit and away from all of this madness, just go back to my simple stress free one night stands and not giving a fuck.

"Are you sure you want to donate this much Marshall?"

Paul asked clutching my cheque for five hundred grand in his meaty fist, I nodded, keeping my concentration on staring out the window watching the New York traffic grinding to a halt in front of the town hall, tonight's venue, I knew Daisy was already there she'd messaged me apologising yet again for how yesterday turned out.
None of that was her fault she didn't need to be constantly saying sorry but if I could put my hands round her father's throat and squeeze an apology out of him, then I would gladly fucking do it for her!

The car pulls up at the bottom of the step and the door is opened for us, we walk up the six million fucking steps prolonging this stressful situation, I prayed to god that Hailie had been right about this

"Marshall keep up, why do you look like your a dead man walking. You asked me to get you on the guest list, which I might add I had to beg the fucking organiser you prick, so come on"

He's getting on my last nerve

"Get off my dick bro!"

I say as I stroll up past the giant man dick and enter the ballroom.
Standing still I take in my surroundings, some rich fuck has put this on, crystal chandeliers hang low from the ceiling, dinner tables covered in gold accessories, flower arrangements that are six feet tall top the tables and they are elaborate, gold roses, greenery all over the place, none of it to my taste, I fucking hate it, the people in there turn and look at Paul and I as we enter, we aren't part of New York society and they immediately sense it, if I wasn't the man that I am, I'd want to run, hide and wither away from their judging gazes but I'm me and I walked in with my head held high and my go fuck yourself attitude intact, snobby assholes!

As I look about the room I see a crowd of people shaking hands, the most stunning beauty in the world has her back towards me and can't see me approaching, I stop and wait for Paul to catch me up afraid my feet would start running towards Daisy and totally embarrass myself.
My knees feel weak as I continue walking, my palms begin sweating and I rub my hands on my trousers to dry them. People whispering about us as we stroll past them.

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