Part forty one- Daisy

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Marshall opens the door to our home, I'm impatient to get inside and start unpacking my stuff, it feels weird calling it our home, I never dreamed this would become a reality for us and I'm over the moon, he turns looking at me,  smiling and then I'm cradled gently in his arms as he lifts me over the threshold

“Welcome home baby!” Laughing at the romantic fool as he carries me into the living room, the three girls yell

“Surprise" and I nearly wet myself, making a pregnant woman jump, no way, my bladder gets full every five seconds I swear.

He puts me down and I hug them all, I feel I need to apologise for leaving Marshall but as soon as I start they tell to stop and that's it's forgotten, but Whitney adds don't do it again!

I'm feeling so good right now, my ribs ache only a little now, the bruises are fading slowly and my stupid right hand needs some work to help the muscles work properly but other than that I feel great, our baby is growing more and more each day and I'm so happy I could burst.

Before we left London we'd visited my mother in prison, I hated seeing her there, she didn’t look like herself although she said she felt much happier now.
Marshall offered her a place over here to live but she very graciously declined and said that the new Earl had offered her a cottage on the castle estate.

Her solicitor was sure that after her trial for my father's murder she would be freed, she was pleading guilty and claiming self defence which I would back her in if needed.

Then it was my father's funeral, Marshall as promised had come with me despite the media circus our relationship had caused, I said goodbye to the man who made me and the man who tried to kill me.

I cried but not for him, for me and for how my life could have been had I had decent loving parents, although the irony was that I was now going to live the life I'd always wanted with someone who loved me.

I feel a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist from behind instantly making me forget about life back in England.
Leaning back against his chest I felt his teeth nipping along my collarbone softly, It makes me shiver and gave me goosebumps, I feel his tongue tracing back along the same path, turning me on

“Marshall, the girls are here, stop!” He laughs quietly in my ear

“But the Doc said it's ok now, I'm going to fuck you senseless Daisy, we've got two months to make up for!” he whispers sensualy and I feel a surge of desire race straight through my body. 

Oh god I have to escape him until the girls leave, I shrug out of his hold and go sit between Hailie and Laney, I'm safe here.

“Guys I've got a surprise for you all!” Marshall announces suddenly, all of us turn to look at him except Laney she seems to know what this announcement will be, we all look at him expectantly “We’re going on holiday, the five of us and Nate and his family, Laney booked us a couple of weeks somewhere" he looks confused, I know he's forgotten and laugh but Laney saves him

“Maldives unc, we've hired one of the stalks at this place so they'll be just us in private villas over the water. It'll be hot, private and relaxing. Everyone jumps up and down and rushes over to Marshall leaping on him and knocking him to the ground
“We leave tomorrow”, he shouts out from under the pile of bodies causing yet more screams of excitement, ten minutes later a whirlwind of girls chatting about suitcases and bikinis leave the house, leaving us alone, I feel nervous and I don't know why. “You know how to clear a room don't you Mars!” He smiled and pulls me up by my good hand. “Seemed like the ideal opportunity to get the house back to ourselves!” he wants sex, I know him well enough to know the look in his eye right now and he's been without for awhile there's no telling how this is going to go

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