Part thirty five- Marshall

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The rage continues building in my body,  I'm seeing red and instead of stopping it as I normally would I let it wash over me, enter every pore on my body and let it settle,  I'm vaguely aware of Daisy's frightened face next to mine,  her silky, soft hair gripped tight in my clenched fist. 

I can hear someone making a noise,  it sounds like a wounded animal screaming but it's coming from my mouth,  how can she do this to me,  I fucking love her,  my heart pounds against my ribs,  hammering out of control.
Pushing her forcefully against the wall she screams, I pull my arm back clenching my fist, Daisy's eyes widen as she realises what I'm about to do, she struggles against my tight grip on her, trying to escape me, pleading with me to stop but I can't and I swing my fist towards her face, punching the wall beside her head instead, leaving a hole.

“Why the fuck are you doing this Daisy, I can't fucking live without you, you're killing me" I start crying, my body still shaking hard,

she's crying too “Baby, I don't want to but you knew this might happen" she tries to placate me but it angers me further I push my lips closer to her ear and speak harshly, spit flying out of my mouth as I'm shouting out of control

“You thought it was a good time to break up with me while my cums still warm inside you, you fucking twisted whore" she winces at my use of that word,

I release my grip on her hair and she falls to her knees “Marshall I love you, do you think I actually want to hurt you, I told you I'd never hurt you deliberately" she screams out clutching the side of her head, I stand before her with my legs spread apart, my joints locked and my fists clenched at my sides, my chest rising and falling rapidly in time with my gasping for air.

I'm going to hurt her if I don't get away from her now, turning to leave she grabs hold of my ankle and begs me not to walk away from her

“Get your shit together Daisy, you've got five minutes and your gone" She sobs loudly, my fucking heart hurts at the sound of her upset because of me but I can't shake off this anger and she's better off far away from me right now, I go to move again and she won't let go of me, losing balance I land against the wall,  ripping the other tv off the wall I smash it hard over the posts on the end of my bed, bits of it fly all around the room, some of it hits Daisy, she's shocked and let's go of me, removing myself from the room straight away, slamming the door shut behind me leaning against it trying to calm myself down.

My ears prick up at the sound of Daisy calmly talking to someone on the phone and then I hear Hailie's name and I lose it all over again, kicking the door open Daisy looks up at me shocked

“Who the fuck were you speaking too?” My tone makes her recoil, “I called Hailie, I thought she might be able to help calm you down!” she whispers to me, who the fuck did she think she was, dragging my daughter into this.

I make a grab for her again and pulling her up by her arm I start dragging her towards the bedroom door

“it might of helped if you didn't fucking dump me minutes after making love, you selfish fucking bitch" I yell again, my throat hurts from the yelling, Daisy is trying to dig her heels in as I carry on dragging her towards the top of the staircase, however she quickly moves her feet when she realises that I would drag her down the fucking stairs, when we reach the front door, I pull it wide open and manhandle her out of the door, I glimpse her falling to her knees again as I close the door behind me.

I'm aware she's wearing just my t shirt and those panties, everyone could see her and I wrestle with the possessive feeling that briefly takes over my anger, my head is fucked, I can't fucking think straight.

Running up the stairs and grabbing her bags, I run back down and opening the door I throw them out and at her.
To my surprise Hailie is there hugging Daisy, who is sobbing loudly on her shoulder

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