Part forty- Marshall

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It's become a fucking circus outside of the hospital for the past two days, we’d had two weeks to ourselves and now the bastard world had descended upon us.

Thankfully no one knew that Daisy was pregnant which made me even more determined to get the both of them outer here and home before word got out or before someone saw her and put and two together

“You'll never fucking guess what this" I stop in my tracks as I enter Daisy's room to find a nurse undoing the wires of the baby monitor and turning it off, my heart stops for a second before I hear Daisy laughing with the nurse if it was something bad she wouldn't be laughing

“What in the blue fuck are you doing to my baby?” I shout loudly at the nurse, Daisy looks at me

“Apologise right now Marshall Mathers!” she sounds really mad at me,  I lower my head in shame and mumble an apology to the nurse as she hurries past me from the room with the monitor, Daisy continues to look at me sternly, while I look at my feet like a scolded child

“Baby, I just saw her taking it off you and thought something might have happened to our baby, I got scared!” Daisy sits up and holds her hand out to me, I notice she's moving a lot easier these past couple of days

“We don't need the monitor any more Mars, our baby is doing just fine and they need the equipment for someone else, that's all" she strokes my hand gently “You'll apologise properly to that nurse too"
Dammit she won't let me get away with my shit!

“So anyway the fucking newspapers have come up with a name for us and splashed it all on the front page along with a fucking picture of me arriving with flowers and tomato ketchup yesterday, fuck sake D"
I hold the paper up in front of her as she reads the headlines, she bursts out laughing.

THE LADY AND THE TRAMP, I ain't no tramp I roll my eyes as Daisy begins crying from laughing so hard, she's holding her side but it's obviously not hurting her enough any more to stop her laughing at me

“If you don't stop laughing you'll jiggle my baby outta there!” which makes her laugh louder “Christ Marshall stop, please"  I smile its nice to hear her laughing again, I rub my hand over her belly, it feels firmer now, my baby is cooking nicely.

“If you don't stop laughing you'll jiggle my baby outta there!” which makes her laugh louder “Christ Marshall stop, please"  I smile its nice to hear her laughing again, I rub my hand over her belly, it feels firmer now, my baby is cooking nicely

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“Enough of that funny business Marshall"

The Doctor says sternly as he walks in her room without knocking, this asshole Doctor is on my back all the time, he looks at me disapproving as he walks over to Daisy

“I've been looking at the x rays of your hand, the bones have started fusing together nicely so we're going to operate tonight and remove the halo, I expect you'll need to be here for a couple more nights then you’re free to go” We both look ecstatic

“Marshall I'm going to give you a copy of hers and the baby’s medical notes for your doctor and she'll need rehabilitation for her hand" I nod, I'd already thought about that and set it up for when she was ready, the doctor says he'll be back to let her know what time they'd operate

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