Part seventeen- Daisy

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I'm excited for so much, so much so that I'm nauseous. My father has left me alone for two blissful weeks, he thinks that Rohan and I have been together 'getting to know one another' , I have another week before work calls me back to the UK.
Today I get to see Marshall, I get to see him as his alter ego Eminem and I'm not sure I can handle all that. I have to share him with other people tonight, Rohan, Marcus, his children,  he informed me last night that they were coming and that he'd had to tell them about us as he didn't want to say that they couldn't come which I completely understood. A man that loves his children like that is a very attractive thing.

I was nervous as hell about meeting them and I hoped to god they could understand this messy situation and know that if I could have one person on this earth love me till the day I died, it would be their dad.

Then my week with him would begin. I packed my case quickly,  I'd lived out of this one case for the past two weeks and it was going to have to do for another week at least, good job I knew how to pack and how to get the most out of my suitcase.
I'd never been to a proper concert before, my father disapproved of them, my mother had taken me to countless music recitals and classical music concerts when I was younger, I’d loved watching her face as she closed her eyes and drifted far away, she always looked so serene at the concerts.  I was so excited for this.

A couple of hours later or so our  van pulled up at the check in for Eminem's family and friends, we were met by Paul who issued the three of us with our backstage passes and helped us to sign in, I was buzzing literally like a child,

Paul whispered in my ear as the other two were distracted “He can't wait to see you, He's been nervous as hell for some reason" he pulled away, looked at me and winked.

“Are the children here yet?” I asked nervously, he nodded and laughed “They can't wait to see you either, they keep ripping the Shit out of Marshall" I looked at him, confused, was this a bad thing.

“Don't worry, Marshall Mathers in love is a wonder to behold, it’s something they've not seen too much of before, relax it’s a good thing, it's nice to see him like this" Paul smiles a big toothy grin at me and I laugh nervously as Rohan and Marcus caught up with us

“Ready?” Paul asked.

We all nodded and followed him to Marshall. We approached a large white static trailer that a lot of loud noise was coming from,  climbing up the steps Paul opened the door and it went quiet as he led us inside, I scanned the room quickly until I settled on the blue eyes I loved so much, he had been busy messing about with two guys until he spotted me, Paul introduced us to everyone including Marshall as he was only supposed to have met me once before,  watching him clench his fists at his side's because he couldn't touch me like he wanted to  made me happy because I was fighting my own struggle not to press my lips against his.
He shook our hands and spoke to Rohan and Marcus who looked the happiest I’d ever seen him, beaming at Marshall and keeping hold of his hand, I asked Paul where the bathrooms were and he took me over to them.
As I exited I felt a hand wrap around my wrist and pull me behind the bathroom stalls

“Hey baby!” he whispered and attacked my lips firmly, he pushed me back against the wall, his hands roaming over my hips and bottom, I pushed him away before we both got to carried away, He passed his forehead against mine while he slowed his breathing down,
I laughed as I recalled our previous session making out in a bathroom

“What?” he looked at me,

“this is the second bathroom we've made out in, we're so classy Mathers!”

he smirks “Only the best for you Lady Greville, besides we aren't actually in it this time", his fingers wrapped around mine and he kisses me gently.

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