Part fourteen- Daisy

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He loves me........

I sit at my table wedged between my father and Rohan, my own personal hell, as angry as I am at him secretly I'm thrilled that Marshall is here, his being here makes me feel calm and serene and the fact that no one knows our secret makes me feel invincible.

He really loves me..... I could burst with happiness and though I'm sat here with these two talking over me, I couldn't be any happier and I wasn't about to let them ruin the warm fuzzy feeling coursing through my body.

I love him too, so much and it feels amazing to be able to admit it, to myself anyway, I wanted to be able to vocalize my feelings for him too, I never thought he might feel this way he was always the one who just wanted 'fun',  and although I know in the long run nothing can ever come of it, I silently relish in the feeling that for once in my life someone loves me and cares about me.
He might even think about me each day the way that I often thought about him, he was a bright light in my dark little world. I highly doubt that Marshall would ever think of himself as the proverbial knight in shining armour but he was to me.

I felt high, I looked around the room smiling at any one who caught my eye while I searched for him, He's sat towards the back of the hall, good old father never one to let anyone get one over on him had insisted that the rapper was placed at the back, well out of the way of so called decent people.
He talked about Marshall and Paul like they were dirt and I was terribly ashamed that we even shared the same blood.
Marshall was a good man unlike my father who trod on everyone and anyone, used people and abused them, he was living in the past thinking you could treat people that way in this day and age.

He looks up at me and smiles, I'm careful to ensure no one sees us sharing a moment, Paul nudges his side and he looks away, I swear he's giving Paul hell, his facial expression is harsh as he berates him, as he turns back to look at me his face softens, he licks his lips and I'm squirming in my chair, I can still feel the ghost of his touches lingering on my skin from yesterday, I'm sore in all the right places but I could go another round right now.
The thought makes me blush and looking up at Marshall I watch him beckoning over the auctioneer for the charity auction later, Paul sits next to him mouth gaping at whatever lunacy Marshall is offering up for the auction. He takes his phone out of his jacket pocket and waves it at me, I look down at my phone under the table and read the message he's sent “win my auction prize, I'll pay!”

I look up and wink subtly.
Rohan touches my hand and I turn to him, smiling. Smilng because I'm genuinely happy for once and not because I'm looking at him.

“I can't wait to get you back to my room later and take you to bed!”

he slavers in my ear, repulsion spreads throughout my body, I feel nauseous and my great mood is about to evaporate, he leans back down to my ear and whispers

“Don't look so worried Daisy, you'll enjoy me I can promise you that"
he smirks and I want to slap his stupid face.

His assistant Marcus approaches him, he drops my hand and excuses himself to go off with him. I watch them curiously as they huddle together, an awful lot of hand gestures are thrown around and Marcus looks irate.
He doesn’t like me one bit.

My father is staring over at the pair of them too, I turn my attention back to the table and the food that has been placed in front of me, glancing up I find a thunderous looking Marshall glaring at me, guess he saw Rohan whispering in my ear, He’s nothing to worry about even if I am saddled with Rohan and providing him with his offspring for the rest of my days, I will only ever love Marshall, he's the only man I will ever be in love with that fact might be enough to get me through later this evening with my sanity intact.

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