Part fifteen- Rohan Montgomery

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Anxiety fills me, my body coated by a fine sheen of sweat as I worry about my situation, if I have someone watching Daisy and finding out information for me, then who's to say her father hasn’t been doing the same to me.
I manage to calm myself before my tension wakes my bed partner and I'm questioned again.
If Lord Greville had any inkling about me he'd have called the whole thing off by now and my entire family would be here trying to cast me out or cast out the demons they would think were inside me.

Daisy and I were a lot more alike then she could comprehend, did she honestly think I would want to spend my life with someone I wasn’t in love with, that I wanted to be at the mercy of her father and my family? Both of us pawns in a medieval game.

I guess I’d made it sound like I wanted it but like her I just wanted to be left alone to lead my own life but it wasn't going to happen, my father wasn’t a cruel man like Daisy's but he was an old man who loved me to the point of obsession, I was his pride and joy and to join our two families meant everything to him.

My lover and best friend stirred beside me and I smiled down at them, this was the person I wanted to spend my days with, we'd been together since school and no one had known about it, sure we'd nearly got caught many times but we'd always thought fast and managed to keep suspicion away from our door.

The night I'd first met Daisy I'd been paranoid that someone had been watching us and I'd been unnecessarily mean to her, she wasn’t over weight, she was perfect and very beautiful, any man would be proud to call her his wife just not me, she was also very much in love with another man, Marcus had seen them both entering the same hotel and leaving together the day before the gala which was extremely sloppy on her behalf anyone could have seen it but they'd got lucky and well nothing got past Marcus and that's why he was my assistant, my eyes and ears.

Marshall had also given the game away, kissing her hand like that and staring at her all night, the look on his face while I was holding the hand her father had hurt was priceless, he'd wanted to hurt me badly, I smiled at the thought.

He as well as the person beside me were innocent in all of this, they were both going to end up getting hurt at the end of it all, caught in the crossfire.
If I was going to have to give up my lover then Daisy sure as hell would be giving up hers.

I had wrestled with the idea of talking to Daisy and telling her my secrets, she of all people would appreciate the struggle I was going through, I more than likely would, I felt like I could trust her and I actually liked her as a person, I once overheard her father telling my father that he had broken Daisy's spirit and that she would cause no issues but having spent time with her now I knew that not to be true, she was still there and once she realised she'd come out all guns blazing.

I couldn't imagine myself being naked with her and trying to have sex with her, the thought repulsed me, I'd only had sex with one person and that was the one lying beside me, sleeping peacefully.

I would go with her to California, my lover would meet me there and I'd spend a week in the arms of the person I loved more than life itself and in turn Daisy would get to spend a week with Marshall if she wanted to, and if she promised to be more careful than she was in New York, we would cover for one another, if she agreed to this.

Reaching for my phone on the bedside table I sent her a message asking her to come to my hotel room in the morning, ten minutes later she replied that she would be here.

Settling down and feeling a little more at ease with the situation, I wrapped my arms around my lover and fell asleep spooning them.

The next morning I woke up early to find them gone and a note saying they'd gone to the gym and would return around lunch time, I showered, dressed and waited for Daisy planning the things I had to say to her in my head, words I’d never spoken out loud to anybody before.

A soft knock at the door bought me back to the here and now and getting up I answered the door and let her in, she kissed me on both cheeks and I beckoned her over to the sofa to sit down next to me, I fiddled anxiously with my signet ring as she looked on patiently, after another minute I felt her soft hand close over mine, stilling me.

“What is it Rohan?” she looked at me kindly as she asked, smiling,
I felt immediately reassured.

“Daisy, you and I are in the same boat sweetheart,”

she looks at me confused by my statement so I clarify for her

“You are in love with Mathers and I'm in love with someone too" her eyes blink rapidly as she begins to understand.

“We both feel obliged to carry out our parents wishes and marry one another but then we'll also be heartbroken together. “

She looks down at our joined hands “I think you have some explaining to do Mr Montgomery!” 

I laugh “I do indeed, tell me Daisy, how much do you love Marshall?”
she smiles, her eyes light up and she shrugs her shoulders

“how long is a piece of string Rohan, its immeasurable this feeling!”

I nod, I completely understand and I take my time to explain about my significant other and I to her.
The more I talk to her the more I like her, she's none of the things her father says she is, I have a feeling that Daisy would cope with this situation a thousand times better than me

“How long have you been with.....” she fishes for a name,

I've been pretty frugal with details about my lover and that's the way it'll stay, for now at least 

“twenty odd years" I answer truthfully.

She makes a wow shape with her lips “Does this person know what's happening with us?” I nod and hide my head, it makes me feel so bad to keep stringing this person along, knowing we won't be together always.

“ Marshall knows, he hasn't known for long though" she looks desperately sad and I pull her closer to hug her.
I try to cheer her up and mention about California and her getting to spend a week with Marshall as long as she promises to keep it on the downlow, she beams at me and is contrite about being so sloppy in New York and she promises she'll just disappear for seven days.

“You know this is about money, don't you Daisy?” she shakes her head

“Sweetheart your father is broke, all of his business ventures are failing and from what I hear Grace is bleeding him dry, your father isn't even bothered about family honour he just wants money, Marcus also tells me he owes money to some fairly nasty individuals.” She breaks down in tears as her world crashes down around her, 

“he's just plain rotten your father" she laughs and agrees with me.

“Can we find a way out of this Ro?” she asks hopefully and I give her a hopeful answer

“yes, Marcus is working on something that will satisfy both parties without our secrets getting out, but it will take time my dear" she sighs but looks like a weight has been lifted off of her shoulders.

“you'd better go call your rapper see if he can hide you away for a week, see if you can get a ticket for Marcus too, apparently he's a fan!”

she leaves the room quietly but I hear her running down the corridor to her room and smile.
I hope this can be sorted out and as I sit back and relax my door opens and the most beautiful person in the world strolls across the room to kiss me passionately.

Thank you to everybody still reading this story, its my first fan fiction and I appreciate all of your votes and comments. Thank you

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