Part eight - Lord Robert Greville *may contain potential triggers for some*

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"Where is she?"
I bellow at my wife, she shrinks in her chair and refuses to make any kind of eye contact with me quiet as a mouse she replies quickly that my darling daughter is on her way.

I married this woman to better myself while I came with a title and castle, Marianne came into this marriage with everything my family didn't have wealth, class and influence and as soon as my ring was on her finger it was all mine to do with as I pleased.

I truly detested her family, I didn't really think all that much of her either, besides her beauty and money Marianne was worthless, she had one job to do in this marriage and that was to provide me with a male heir but instead all I received was a girl, she'd failed me in the worst way possible and it was utterly unforgivable.

Outwardly society thought that I had a happy family life and that was certainly how I liked to portray us to the outside world, Marianne and I hadn't had sex in over ten years she couldn't provide me with my heir so there was no point, I kept a mistress whom I spent most of my time with she's young enough to provide a bastard son and that would be so much better then trusting these matters to Daisy.

I was sick and tired of parading Daisy around functions and talking to men I felt would be suitable for her to marry, strong men like myself, a man that could carry on my businesses and my castle, Daisy's happiness is not my number one priority, I need my son in law to inject some cash into my various failing enterprises, I'll gladly let Daisy go but not those that I've worked so hard on.

I'll say one thing for Daisy though she is as beautiful as her mother she has a slightly fierce side to her and she will need it.
Rohan Montgomery is rich beyond all of our imaginations and he will be the one she marries and I will not be taking no for an answer this time, the rumours I've heard about his cruel treatment of women matter not to me the dynasty must survive at all costs.

I hear the gravel crunching on the driveway signalling my errant daughters arrival, I was suspicious of her constant travelling and concerned it was to do with a man, no one would take her from me.
Only I alone would decide her fate and after she married I was certain her husband would be able to control her.

She enters my office looking like a tramp off the street in jeans and a torn t-shirt and walks immediately over to her mother kissing her on both cheeks, she glares at me as she walks around to the front of my desk and sits down uninvited crossing her legs and staring straight at me, my eyes are drawn to her footwear. "What the hell are you wearing woman?"
I shout at her and to her credit she recoils only ever so slightly at my raised voice before stating she'd been flying for ten hours and hadn't had a chance to change yet
She sounds bored and has attitude as she talks to me getting my back up straight away. "Madam you will address me respectfully" she bows her head and apologises.

"Has Rohan been in contact about dinner?" she nods and says she is having dinner with him Friday evening, she looks at her mother as she talks to me, Marianne says nothing but never breaks eye contact with Daisy.

"Daisy!" I interrupt their moment, they both turn slowly to give me their attention. "You will do everything in your power to secure a marriage proposal from Montgomery and you will accept"
She blinks quickly and looks from her mother to me, as she begins to speak I cut her off abruptly, raising my voice again
"NO Daisy enough is enough, YOU WILL marry him and you will do your wifely duty, bare him children and I hope to god you aren't barren like your mother!"
I say it in a way that she knows how serious I am about this, she sits back in her seat and speaks quietly, her voice pleading with me "I don't want to father, I want to marry someone who loves me"

I get up and walk slowly around to her side of my desk, her mother moves forward in her seat as if to stop me but one look from me silences that stupid bitch.

"Father please, if you love me in anyway you won't make me do this" She tries pleading again her voice soft and submissive.

I lean over her quickly and startle her by grabbing her throat, she looks frightened to death and I tighten my grip, my finger nails digging into the soft skin of her throat, she grasps my hand and tries to pull me away from her my grip is too tight though. I put my face against hers aware of her gasping breaths. "I don't give a fuck about you Daisy, I want you off my hands, I want his money, his influence and you will get it for me. If you mess this up there will be no place on earth safe for you or her" I practically spit in her face whilst pointing with my free hand towards her mother.
I relinquish my grip on her throat, she falls forward holding her throat and taking deep breaths, I hear her crying softly, so quietly as if she's trying to hide it from me, it doesn't touch me in anyway at all.
Marianne sits twisting her fingers in her lap, she won't make a move against me if she knows what is good for her.
"Get out Daisy, I'm sick of the sight of you and you will let me know how your dinner goes"
She doesn't look at either of us as she gets up quickly and runs from my office. I tut at her running, ladies don't run.

(A/N I dislike her father a lot)

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