Part twenty four- Marshall

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“Yes D, I said I don't wanna see your ass back down here before seven thirty, now scoot!” I slap her ass as she walks away from me, her hips swaying seductively as she climbs the stairs.

I swear to god if any of the guys hear about this date night I've got planned for our last night together, I really will lose all of my fucking man points, I quickly text Alaina and tell her the coast is clear, she's done some shopping for me and picked up a couple of gifts I'd ordered for Daisy at the beginning of the week.

It's hard to take someone on a date when one and not to sound too egocentric your me and two when the person you want to take out is technically in hiding, what a fucked up relationship this was!
I loved her to bits though and we'd had a super week together it was going to be tough at four am saying goodbye to her and it would be six weeks until we saw each other again, her work commitments and mine were going to keep us apart, it would have been longer if not for the Earl's private secretary calling me earlier to book in the long weekend I’d bought at the charity auction, I snapped up the first available date and managed to get my kids in on it too.
Alaina came quietly through the side door laden down with bags, I took a few from her and placed them on the side, I don't know what I'd do without this kid in my life, all three of them did things for me that I could never repay but Laney was honestly the most selfless person aside from Daisy that I knew.

“I hope I got it all, if there was something they didn't have I just got the next best thing ok? The garden looks stunning by the way!” she grinned at me and I blushed a little. Daisy had been banned from the garden and pool today as I had a few things set up out there for later.

“Thank you Laney, I really appreciate this" she kisses me on the cheek

“we've all spoken to Daisy today, said goodbye and we'll see her soon, enjoy your evening" and then I'm alone ready to cook what Daisy tells me is her favourite food spaghetti and meatballs luckily I'm a fucking pro at it.
I even have enough time to shower and change my clothes downstairs, I put on my black cargo trousers and a skinny black long sleeved t shirt, my Rolex and gold chain in placed and I'm pleased with what I see in the mirror.
Just as I finish setting the dining room table with candles and Shit, Daisy calls out from the top of the stairs

“Can I come down now, Mars" I'm going to miss her lovely British accent, I look around making sure everything is ready,

“Yeah babe, come on down" she arrived in the kitchen looking a goddess, short black dress, shiny blonde hair and smelling divine “You look good D!” she blushes “well you said it was a date so I thought I’d make an effort" she gives me a twirl and I hum approvingly

“Yeah babe, come on down" she arrived in the kitchen looking a goddess, short black dress, shiny blonde hair and smelling divine “You look good D!” she blushes “well you said it was a date so I thought I’d make an effort" she gives me a twirl and ...

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I take her by her hand and lead her to the dining room, pulling out her chair for her and placing her napkin in her lap.

“Something smells amazing Marshall, I'm absolutely starving" I leave her to go and get her dinner, placing it down in front of her she leans down closing her eyes and smells the food “smells like heaven" I sit opposite her and we eat or dinner in silence with Daisy occasionally humming over how good it was.

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