Part twenty eight- Marshall

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Trying to wrangle these kids and their suitcases back in Detroit was a fucking nightmare, we're only going for four nights and they wanna take everything including the mother fucking sink.

I have one bag, Hailie has three suitcases and one bag, it's a good job it's a private flight is all I can say, the girls are bouncing for the first couple of hours of the flight and my head was hurting, I love these kids to death but I wanted to sleep all the way and wake up and be closer to Daisy in what felt like a long time.
The girls slept the rest of the way to London and when we landed at Biggin hill airport  they came to life again, it was ten pm when we stepped off the plane finally and a chilly rainy night, I made them all pull on their jackets and as they grumbled a sleek black van pulled up on the runway beside us, It had a Warwick castle farm estates logo along the side and I knew Daisy had sent it, an old man got out of the drivers side and introduced himself as Bernard he was our chauffeur for our stay, he loaded all of our baggage and I tried to help him because he looked about a hundred years old,  but he was having none of it, instead asking me to get in the van with my children.

I couldn't hide my disappointment that Daisy hadn't come to meet us, Hailie must of sensed it because she held her dad's hand. “Sir, Lady Greville has asked me to take you straight to your rooms at the castle, she would like to give you a tour of the castle herself and asks that you all be dressed for breakfast by nine am, she will join you for breakfast!”

I thank him for the message and he drives us for about an hour until we cross a river and wait for a massive drawbridge to drop before we can cross a moat into the castle grounds, the girls faces were pressed against the Windows, taking in the magnificent sight of the castle lit up in the dark, a flag flapped about in the evening breeze from one of the towers, it was an amazing thing to behold and bought back to me just how different Daisy and I were.

“Daisy really lives here Daddy?” Whitney asks looking at me with wide eyes “Yes baby" they've only seen things like this on tv to see it in the flesh was something else, we pulled up at a side door and two men in uniform appeared and begin taking our luggage inside, Bernard led us to our rooms, I was looking forward to getting my head down and sleeping.

The girls were sharing a room across from me and as I walked into mine, I took a deep breath and hoped to fuck it wasn’t haunted,

“Sir!” Bernard addressed me walking over to the massive ceiling height fireplace “If you or your family require anything at all, please pull this cord and a footman will attend to you" he bid me goodnight and I walked across to the girls room to make sure they were alright, they were in various states of undress and getting into beds, not worried about ghosts and shit at all, their massive fire was lit and a woman walked in with a tray of mugs of what smelt like hot chocolate, I could go to bed stress free, they seemed to be handling this much better then me, I kissed them goodnight and went to crawl in my own bed, my fire had been lit and the light it gave off in the dark room was hypnotic,  the heat coming from it caused me to fall asleep almost as soon as my head hit the very comfortable pillow.

I was woken an hour later by a light knocking at the door, worried it was one of the kids I leapt out off bed and opened the heavy wooden door, my eyes fell upon Daisy, I looked her over she looked sleepy wearing shorts and a vest top, I stood back and holding the door open for her she stepped inside, I locked the door behind us and turned to take her in my arms, she felt warm and cuddly “Hey baby" we both said at the same time, I laughed quietly, it felt so good to hold her again, I pulled back to look at her, she smiles shyly at me and strokes my lower back, she still looks a little pale and I worry that she's not well yet

“You ok Daisy? Feeling better?” I whisper and she nods before reaching her hand up and stroking my cheek, I automatically lean into her touch, our lips touch and we kiss for a minute or two until I can feel her shaking, she feels cold so I pick her up and put her in my bed and snuggle in next to her, her hand sneaks down to my dick but I remove it and place it on my chest “Don't you want to Marshall?” She sounds hurt.

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