Part thirty three- Marshall

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I feel fucking awful and I'm worried for Daisy, wondering what the hell is going on over at her place.
Her mother definitely has the demeanour that you don't want to disobey her, I just hope that she is at least the one person in her life looking out for her but I did notice at dinner that communication between them was awkward at best. 
I'd like to say I'm embarrassed that her mother caught us but I'd never feel that way about loving Daisy or making love or fucking her it was special connection between us and truthfully I was a little angry at the interruption because I was enjoying my girl bouncing on my dick.

I pace the floor and wait for any sign that's she's ok and one comes moments after I decide to get in bed in the form of Daisy appearing smiling beside the fire place, this place is like fucking hogwarts I swear it!

I get out of bed quickly and go to her enveloping her warm body in my arms

“Are you ok baby?”  asking a little fearfully, her hands wrap in my t shirt and she nods against my chest

“I'm fine, thank goodness that wasn't my father" she blurts out, sounding relieved. She pulls back from me

“My mother is sending me to France in the morning so this is it tonight and I won't see you again until Detroit Marshall" I can't fucking believe this Daisy is a thirty five year old woman her mother can't just banish her to another country, Daisy must read my mind because she says to me

“She wants us apart, it doesn't matter how old or independent I am, I'm gone" she says confidently

“and I don't want to spend the rest of the night arguing about it, I'm horny as hell and I want to fuck" she changes track just like that, my neck still aches from the whiplash of her mood swings earlier.

I rub at my neck again “We need to talk about this D!” It’s slightly ironic that for the second time today I'm saying I don't want to have sex with her because I do really, I really do but changing the subject by throwing her body at me is not going to work,

As I'm thinking this her panties hit me square in the face, I remove them slowly from my head and throw them into the fire

“Hey those are my favourite" she whines at me,

“Daisy, what did she say?” I ask yet again, Daisy giggles and sits down, she removes her bra and flings it at my head too, I duck this time and it follows the panties into the fire

“opps" I say to her as she laughs again, I walk towards her with a menacing look on my face “if you want this, you'll tell me what I want to know" I point to my dick, she licks her lips and looks longingly at it in my boxers, damn she really is horny.

“She says I'm to end it with you, she won't help me get away from my father and I'm not being fair to you by leading you on when I'm marrying someone else!” it hits me hard that her mother has demanded this of her

“What did you say?” I ask her, she shrugs her shoulders

“I told her I'd go to France and get over you!” my heart misses a beat “but I won't baby" she purrs at me she stands and puts her hands on my chest

“I'm going to see you in Detroit in four weeks, hopefully with news from Marcus and speak to you everyday inbetween, fuck my mother, fuck all of them!” she states a little too confidently for my liking.
I know she's fronting this out, whatever happened with her mother has hurt her, her eyes are red and swollen so I know she's been crying and now she's here naked and trying to seduce me so I won't keep going on about this.

“Please Mars" she starts begging me, I'm a weak man, I can't resist the pitiful look on her face, I sigh loudly

“Lock the door D, don't want any more fucking surprises tonight" She does as she's told and comes back to me, placing my hands on her perfect tits, they feel so hot and soft, I could hold on to them forever, her hand snakes down into my boxers and she fondles my dick in her warm, soft palm

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