Part thirty nine - Daisy

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Bright lights were hurting my eyes and I couldn't see properly, there was this other feeling but I couldn't quite get a grip on what it was, I could hear muffled voices one of them sounded like an angel for a second I thought maybe I was dead but the more I listened to the voices the clearer things became, it was Marshall and someone else talking about me, I was sure of it.

The fog lifted and several things hit me at once, Pain, pain all over my body even my hair was hurting weirdly enough, then grief but I couldn't remember what it was I was grieving for.

“Marshall" I managed to croak out my throat feeling raspy and sore, I tried to lift my right hand but it was heavy and looking at it I saw the metal wrapped around it, I feel Marshall pick up my other hand and he kisses it gently

“Hey D, your awake at last, I missed you" I'd smile but it hurts too much.

Then I remember what I'm grieving for my baby “baby!” I shout and keep shouting it, it's like I can think normally in sentences but I can't say them, I just say baby over and over and struggle trying to get up, but I'm in agony every time I move until Marshall tries to gently hold me down

“Daisy, Daisy calm down, Please calm down the baby is fine" I stop talking and struggling against him and look into his eyes, he's not lying, our baby is really good?

“Look at this" he points to a small screen with a fast heartbeat, “That's our baby, he's ok, he's good and strong, you kept him safe!” I look at the screen, I can't take my eyes off it and eventually I drift off to sleep again, the rhythmic heart beats soothing me.
Did he say he?

Waking up again later, the pain is ever present but seems a tad more bearable, Marshall and Paul are talking quietly at the bottom of the bed, they both notice me trying to sit up, my bloody ribs hurt and I clutch my side

“Daisy, you've got a couple of broken ribs honey, try and keep still" it's Paul talking to me while Marshall faffs with my pillows, making sure I'm comfortable. Paul sits down and starts talking about my mother

“I've spoken to a lawyer and he seems to think if your mother pleaded guilty to involuntary manslaughter then there's a chance she won't have to go to prison”

I smile and nod, I don't want her to end her days in prison and she did what she did to protect me and my baby, I'm not mad at her, I'm bloody grateful if anything.

I'm not entirely sure how I feel about my father's passing and it confuses me that I'm sad about it, I spoke to the doctor at length about it earlier when I'd woken up and Marshall wasn't here and he said that it was perfectly normal to feel like that and that I would probably process it differently as time goes on.

Paul speaks again “I've also looked into what happens now your father has passed, the laws around you noble families are ludicrous, you and your mother will keep your titles, the next male heir is a cousin twelve times removed from your father, unfortunately your family line ends here and your baby won't inherit anything.
However Your mother has made some very strong investments Daisy and money will not ever be a problem for either of you"
I'm relieved that it is all over and grateful to Paul for finding all of this out since he's been here.
“Thank you Paul, I really appreciate it" he leaves moments after, leaving Marshall and I alone.

Marshall arranges me on the bed to make room for himself, he lifts my leads and wires carefully and keeps a space between him and my ribs but he holds my upper body tightly and occasionally strokes my belly which I notice seems to have sprouted over night

“Has anyone heard from Rohan?” I ask him and I feel his head nodding on my shoulder

“He's fine, got a lead on Marcus, so he's following him around, he's relieved and he says he'll come visit us when we're back home"

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