Part thirty one- Daisy

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I stand there staring at the door after he's slammed it shut, wondering what in the hell just happened, I feel tears burning in the back of my eyes, is that it? Are we over? The thought hits me like a punch to the stomach and I rush to the bathroom and vomit for a second time today.

I thought Marshall coming here was going to be amazing but I'm just exhausted, if I'm honest I'm exhausted by my whole life, maybe everybody would be better off if I wasn’t here anymore, I laugh at the thoughts running through my head, I'm being stupid but I can't shake off the feeling of impending doom, sighing loudly I lay down naked on the bathroom mat and wait for sleep to take me away, I'm living in my own personal oubliette.

Waking an hour or so later, I look around and feel confused, I'm in my bed, wearing a t shirt with the covers tucked in around me, a glass of water next to the bed! Did I just dream all of that? Then I notice a small piece of paper by the glass, picking it up, I recognise Marshall's neat capitalised handwriting 'SEE YOU AT DINNER, M X' the note doesn't make me feel any better about our fight earlier but the fact that he came back and put me to bed makes me feel loved.

Noticing the time, I rush to get ready for dinner my mother doesn't like to be kept waiting, I look myself over in the mirror, my mother will approve of the way I'm dressed and hopefully Marshall will still think I'm pretty, I gather up the three boxed gifts for the girls that I got for them a couple of weeks ago and drive over to the castle in my car.

Bernie greets me at the main door and leads me through to the banquet hall

“Lady Greville, the Countess and her guests are already in the hall waiting for you!”

I curse inwardly, I'm not even bloody late.

Bernie opens the door and announces my arrival entering the room, I see the three girls looking beautiful and standing next to my mother, she looks beautiful in her formal gown, I used to want to be her when I was a girl, she's wearing the small tiara I asked her too,  she's smiling as she listens to them and I can see she's answering Whitney's many questions, Marshall stands off to the right looking handsome in his suit and smiling at his children. I greet my mother by kissing her on both cheeks, standing back I bow my head to her, we don't do this usually and she looks surprised but I wanted to give the girls the full experience of what it’s like to live in this funny decrepit world.

I greet the girls and then walk over to Marshall, he can't look me in the eye as I kiss both of his cheeks, My heart sinks, I feel like crying again but knock the tears back and do what I do best pretend that all is well with me.

I'm quiet throughout dinner answering questions with one word answers, laughing in the right places and recounting any stories my mother wants me to but apart from that I can't do anything but look at Marshall and will him to look in my direction, he doesn't though, he makes a point of ignoring me and I think the girls notice at one point although I do my best to smile at them and show them nothing is wrong.

After dinner and when my mother leaves I walk the girls back to their room with their dad following slowly behind us

“I got you guys a gift so you'll remember your dinner with the Countess! I'm gonna go grab them and I'll be right back!” 

When I get back to the room, Marshall has gone to bed

“There's one for each of you and I had them made all the same"

I hand them each a small box and they open them quickly, I laugh at their enthusiasm inside each box is a ring, a replica of the tiara my mother wore to dinner tonight, they are silver inset with small diamonds and a sapphire in the middle.
They put them on and they look lovely. They hug the life out of me as they say thank you and immediately begin taking pictures of themselves and their rings.

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