Part nine- Marshall

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I pulled up outside my house and sat there in Alaina's car, arms folded over the steering wheel and my head rested on them, I had an bad feeling deep down in my stomach that something was going to blow up on us at any moment, we'd been too lucky so far, lucky not too get found out mostly.
We'd played with fire and not got burnt, yet I couldn't shake this feeling at all.

Eventually the need to pee and grab a drink forced me out and into my home, I needed to talk to someone about Daisy and my fucking girly feelings that I'd caught, trouble is once one person knows your secrets it’s difficult to stop it getting out there more and shit like this would spread like wild fire.

My mobile rang and seeing my pride and joys name flash up at me lifted my mood,
“Hai Hai!”
I greeted my middle daughter with a smile
“How you doing baby girl?”
I missed the house being full with the girls bickering, laughing and ganging up on me, what was it Porter said was wrong with me 'Empty nest syndrome' yeah I had that.

“Hey Daddy!”
her cheery voice greeted me, thank all that was fucking holy that me and Kim hadn't fucked her up with our many issues over the years, she was the best of both of us thank god.

“I'm good thank you, I was wondering if I could come stay the night with you, I've missed you!”

“Will you be bringing that mangy mutt with you?”
I asked as seriously as I could.
She laughed out loud and I smiled
“Yes Dad, I'm bringing your grand furbaby with"

“Hailie this is your home, you don't have to ask you know that girl and I would love it if you came over and kept your old man company!”
I said softly, didn't wanna sound too needy but I really needed to see her.

Thirty minutes later and Haillie's hairy, dribbling mutt was laying all over my favourite couch, one of my new Nike's getting chewed in its mouth.
Hailie was nosing through the fridge trying to find enough food to make us a meal and complaining about the lack of anything nutritious in the house.

“Hai, we’ll get take out baby, tacos?”  she turns and looks at me smiling and nodding at my suggestion. I knew she didn't really come to her dad's for a healthy meal

As we wait she tells me about her boyfriend, her house and her friends, I give short answers to her many questions, Daisy on my mind again, I haven't heard from her since she left and she should well and truly be home by now, we always let one another know we’re home safe, the bad feeling from earlier surfaces again and I find myself in a bubble thinking about her until I feel Hailie's small hand encasing mine, my girl knows something is up, I can tell by the look on her face.

“Daddy are you ok? You've been here but not really here ever since I started talking"

I let out a deep sigh, if I only trusted one person in this god damned world then it would be my daughter.
I grip her hand tightly and look down at my feet getting ready to spill my fucking guts all over her.

“Hai, I've been seeing someone for nearly a year now and I'm really confused about it, my head is spinning baby girl!”
I rush the words out I must sound at my wits end and I might even feel it.

She grips my hand tighter and starts laughing, I hold in my need to swear and ask her what the hell she's laughing at, she continues chuckling at me, tears rolling down her cheeks, she stops briefly and swipes at her eyes taking deep breaths to calm herself
“Oh dad, surely you must realise what's going on here!”
I look at her confused, not seeing where she's headed with this.

“my daddy is in love"
she says it all dreamy like and smiles.

I look at her like she's fucking stupid

“No way!”
I deny it way too quickly and up the ante in Hailie's already suspicious mind.

“Shit Hai, I mean we haven't been seeing each other as such, we've had an arrangement that suited both of us”

oh Christ I really didn't think this fucking conversation through I feel the back of my neck and cheeks burning. Hailie cringes beside me

“So you had a friend with benefits thing going on then, which I'm assuming you both were ok with, so what's changed Dad"

I don't know what's changed, I've changed maybe or Daisy had just worked her way in through all of my barriers and I can't stop thinking bout her, I'm wasn't about to tell Hailie how amazing the sex is ,which it is but my kid doesn't need to hear that.

“Truthfully Hai, I really don't know, I just know I've gone from thinking about her occasionally to thinking about her all the time, wanting to be with her more than the time we actually do get together, she's smart, beautiful and loyal"
fuck My baby had hit it on the head I was in love with Daisy.

“it's impossible though, I'm who I am and she's who she is, we're from totally different worlds it wouldn't work”

I find myself starting to try and convince myself that this isn't what I want. Hailie puts her hand over my mouth and silences me

“Tell her dad, how do you know she isn't thinking the same thing, make a grand gesture" she says very enthusiastically.

“What if she doesn't feel the same" I ask Hailie quietly, unable to make any eye contact staring at the bastard dog ripping my kicks to pieces, this is the thing I fear the most, being rejected by Daisy, I can't see my life without her in it so maybe I keep quiet and we carry on as we are or I say something and lose her.
She's not mine forever as it stands anyway, she's just allowed me to borrow her for awhile.

“If she doesn't feel the same, you do what we all do, pull up your big girl pants and get on with your life, her loss Dad!”

I think over her words and a plan forms in my mind, just a baby of a plan but hopefully one that Daisy will appreciate.

“Now where's our dinner Dad I'm starving!”

A/N Thank you to all have read and voted, I can't tell you how nice that feels.
Found Marshall's chapter a bit of a struggle lol not 100 percent happy with it but I can't keep changing here it is.

Secrets ☆completed☆Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ