Part twenty seven- Daisy

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*4 weeks later*

Only a week till Marshall's and the girls arrival,  I'm so excited to see them all,  or I would be if I wasn't coming down with the flu or something like that,  I've been working hard the past four weeks on the farm estates at the castle and my body and mind were exhausted.

Endless rounds of chatting and appeasing farm tenants who were up in arms over my father raising their rents and wanting a bigger slice of the profits had really taken it out of me,  my father really did need money that much was now obvious but to ruin others in the process,  I wasn't going to let that happen and in the end I'd told him I would sell the farm shop and he could have the proceeds,
I bloody loved that little shop, it had been my idea,  my baby,  everything that was sold there was Warwick castle produced and now it was all gone,  if I didn't hate my father enough already I sure as hell did now.

My alarm signalled that it was time to get up and out of bed, my body however had other ideas, as soon as I lifted my head off the pillow I felt light headed and dizzy, so I laid straight back down.
My phone rang on the table beside me, my arm felt heavy as I lifted it to answer it

“Morning Marshall" I croaked out even my voice sounded tired and strained.

“Morning baby” he sounded bright and breezy, a brief smile landed on my face probably the first genuine one since I'd last spoken to him

“Babe you sound rough, are you ok?” he enquires, concern lacing his voice.

“I'm sick, I don't feel good at all" I sound whiny and I'm good with that right now.

“You need a special appointment with Dr Mathers, can I take your temperature? I have a special device!”

He's trying to make me feel better I know and I love him for it but I can't deal with the sexual innuendo right now, my mood swings away from loving him and wanting comfort from to him to wanting to hit him over the head with my phone, I keep quiet, I don't have anything nice to say.


“What?” I snap! I know I sound short with him, I hear him take a deep breath the other end and for some reason it angers me so much that I can't help what comes out of my mouth

“You know what Marshall, I told you I'm not feeling well, but you bring every little thing between us back to sex" as I'm saying all of this all I can think is 'stop Daisy, your going to take this to far' I'm not being fair to him at all but I'm on a roll and the pent up anger from dealing with my father's shit comes out

“I knew all along you were lying about being in love with me, you just wanted a willing pussy to stick your dick in if sex is all your fucking interested in then fuck off and find someone else!”

I hear him trying to speak but I don't let him, he keeps trying but it's no good and after I'm done ranting at him I hang up and throw my phone on the floor and then I howl into my pillow for a good thirty minutes not believing I spoke to him like that, I've never sworn at him in anger before and now I feel sick and worried to death that he'll finish with me and I can't deal with the things in my own head right now.

It's just all to much!

My phone doesn't ring again so he's obviously and quite rightly angry with me, getting out of bed slowly I make my way to my bathroom and swallow some paracetamol hoping it'll make me feel better, I'm so hot that I strip off and have a lukewarm bath in a stupid attempt to cool down, it doesn't work of course so once the tablets kick in and I feel sleepy I head back to my bed, picking up my phone on the way.

It's turned off! In my fury I must have turned it off and turning it back on hastily, receive notifications for ten missed calls from Marshall and text messages from him

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