Part twenty five- Daisy

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"No Mars! You don't have to pack a tuxedo"

Three days after I'd arrived back in the UK, Marshalls morning call had me crying with laughter, the things he wanted to pack for his visit to the castle were mind boggling, a fly fishing rod as far as I knew he'd never been fly fishing or any kind of fishing his entire life, a deer stalker hat for country walks and now a tux!

"Marshall stop your actually hurting me now, my god you're funny!" my ribs hurt from laughing so much.

He huffs down the end of the line "well I was just asking" I've offended him

"Baby just bring yourself and the girls, that's all I need!" and then I think as my father won't be here maybe I can convince my mother to have dinner with us and then the girls can wear fancy dresses if they like "actually Marshall if I arrange dinner with the Countess, then the girls can dress up if they like" he says they will love that and he'll let them know.

Leaving him that morning had been hard, much harder then I had thought possible, poor Rohan and Marcus had to put up with me crying all the way from Detroit to London, of course I was wildly jealous that they could spend the extra time together and I couldn't have the same but no matter how much I was hurting I didn't regret my week with him at all.

As I'd gotten out of his car at the private runway, he'd taken off the hoodie he'd been wearing most of the day and handed it to me, I loved it, not only did it smell like him, it was also far to big for me and was ultra comfortable, I'd also stolen a couple of his t shirts which I'd been wearing to bed every night.

He'd been the strong one then, putting me on the plane when I childishly tried to refuse to leave him, he calmed me down and told me how much he loved me. I told him I'd left him a message and a in his refrigerator.

"So Mars I'm really pleased the girls are coming with you, can't wait to see them again but umm when are we going to fit in some special time for us" I ask shyly, I mean I'm glad they're coming but It'll be six weeks since I last had him and I'm going to want to indulge myself.
It's his turn to laugh now "D, they got all sorts of plans while they're in London, we're gonna have plenty of special time, I mean it's not like I can hit the shops with them is it!",

I breathe a huge sigh of relief, it's only been three days but I'm getting hot and bothered already "side's there's always phone sex Daisy" I shudder at his seductive tone, my groin starting to tingle, I can't get into this right now "Dirty boy, you're turning me on!" I purr down the phone to him I hear him take a huge gulp the other end of the line and he speaks excitedly "Damn baby, now?"
Laughing at him I tell him he'll have to be patient and hold onto that thought as I have to leave, he swears and says good bye, I hang up smiling at my phone.

We are in constant contact if we aren't phoning each other, we're texting or sending one another silly photos and it's helped so much.

There's a knock on the door of my cottage, answering it I smile at Rohan and beckon him into my home

"Daisy, I really do not want to go to dinner with your parents!" he slumps down on my sofa, looking thoroughly fed up, crosses his arms over his chest and scowls at me "Don't look at me like that, I don't bloody want to go either!" I say to him,

"I just turned down phone sex with Marshall for this!" Rohan laughs at my frustrated tone "Don't laugh at me" I kick his ankle and he yelps whilst leaning over and rubbing the spot I kicked.

"Are you this savage with the rapper?" laughing I reply "Yes but he likes it!"

Rohan makes a face at me, Standing up he towers over me and holds his hand out for me to take " come on lets get this disaster done and out of the way" I get a text as we leave and checking it see it's from Marshall "Phone sex later tonight, call me 9pm your time" I smile and shove my phone in my bag and get into Rohan's car, as we approach the castle I ask Rohan if Marcus has managed to find us both a way out of this yet, he grits his teeth and shakes his head "Don't worry Daisy, he's still looking for an out!" he grips my hand and smiles at me in a way that suggests everything will come together at some point. If It doesn't then I don't know what I'm going to do.

As we arrive at the castle gate my father and mother come out to greet us, my father looks at us holding hands and beams from ear to ear, why has he never looked at me like that before? I'm almost taken in by his smiles and charming manner over dinner, even my mother looks delighted to see Rohan and I getting along so well.

Rohan and my father discuss business and I find myself having a conversation with my mother

"Have you ever loved him mother?" I ask her quietly angling my head towards my father, she takes a sip of her drink and looks at him

"Yes before you were born, not for long though I soon learned that love is cruel the hard way" she sounds bitter and I can't say I blame her, when I was occasionally allowed home from boarding school, I would stand outside my mother's bedroom door watching her apply make up to bruises on her face, her clothes would nearly cover her all over to hide bruises. if he didn't physically abuse her, he'd pick her apart emotionally and mentally.

I couldn't blame her either for the way she behaved towards me, I'd ruined her life and after a difficult pregnancy and birth with me she'd been advised not to get pregnant again, by me being a girl I'd single handedly heaped this misery on her, forever to be made to feel the guilt of it too.

"Can you help me mother? I want to find my own husband, lead my own life far away from here" she looks at me, I see pity in her eyes momentarily "I'm sorry Daisy, you don't have a choice in this matter, you will marry Rohan" she walks away from me.
I feel deflated I can't believe that none of these people will stand up for me, Surely I matter and the life I want should matter too.

Rohan approaches my mother and I watch her all smiles for her future son in law, I idly wonder if she'd be all smiles for Marshall, I must ask her about dinner with girls, the hairs on my arms stand on end as my father appears and stands beside me "Did you spread your legs for him Daisy? Is that why he's keen to get engaged quickly?"
well my father thinks I'm a whore clearly "No father we've become good friends" I smile in my head because he doesn't get the rise from me he would like.

"Friends won't get me a grandson, get to it Daisy!" he commands and walks off to the others, I wander over to the huge sash windows and stare out into my mother's ornamental garden, she loves those flowers more than she loves me.
I hear my father talking loudly and realise Marshall and his family are the topic of his derision.

"Daisy, Rohan surely you remember that shabbily dressed rapper from the auction in New York?"
I step towards Rohan who says he doesn't remember him, he takes my hand preventing me from getting into my father's space

"I remember him father, didn't he give the largest donation of the evening?" I remind him of Marshalls generosity as he seems to have conveniently forgotten it.

He glares at me "Yes well, he's coming to stay here in a few weeks time and he's asked to bring his three children here.... to the castle, can you believe the audacity of the man!"
He laughs at his own pompous statement, he's the only one laughing,
I'm going to fuck Marshall all over this castle, perfect revenge for my pompous prick of a father.

"Thankfully I've arranged to be away that weekend so I won't have to witness that man and his spawn dribbling all over my castle" I want to hurt him, he's insulted the man I love for the last time.

My mother at least has the decency to look appalled by him "Mother when Marshall is here, would you mind having dinner with him and his daughters, we meet them at Marshalls concert and they would absolutely love it, they are really sweet girls"

I'm aware of the daggers my father is shooting both my mother and I but in a rare act of rebellion my mother agrees to the dinner with them all. I smile at her and mouth thank you.

Rohan takes me by the hand and announces that we have to leave for another function at his brothers house, he drags me out quickly before I can cause myself any more trouble

"You're fucking father is an insufferable prick!" Rohan vents his anger in the car,
"I can't marry into this shitty family Daisy, I just can't" I sit quietly not wanting to be lumped into the same category as my mother and father, Rohan reaches over and clutches my thigh "I don't think of you like that Daisy, I don't know how you are you when you come from those two arseholes"

I laugh "lets go to yours and get bloody fall over drunk" I smile as he drives to my cottage, I want to get totally shit faced too.

At last! It's done lol

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