Part twenty three- Daisy

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I wake up early its my last full day and night here and I want to make the most of it, turning over my arms reach out for Marshall and instead come into contact with an empty space on his side of the bed, what the hell!

Sitting up I see the small note taped to the lamp on my side, I snatch it up and open it “D, gone to the studio early, hopefully be back by twelve, love you, M x"

I screw the note up angrily, I wanted morning sex, it’s only just after eight am as well, I lay back down my head hitting the pillow with a thud, I lay there and pout and sulk, thinking of ways to get my man home earlier than twelve, it suddenly dawns on me and I chuckle to myself, leaping out of bed and throwing open my suitcase, I dig around in it searching for the new sexy underwear I'd purchased in New York, forgotten until now.

Feeling devious, I shower quickly and dress in my new underwear, I keep my hair long and curly just how he likes it and pull on the sheer silk stockings I had bought to match, finding a bright red lipstick, I plastered my lips in it and put some mascara on to complete the look. I took a twirl in the mirror and I looked pretty damn hot, I'd run home and have sex with me.

I can't help but laugh as I prop my phone up on his desk and press the button on the screen for selfie mode, my hands shake as I set the timer and stand back watching myself on the screen, I pose provocatively as it takes a series of photos, snatching the phone up I pick the best one and send it to him with a message

“Are you sure you need to be at the studio?”, I sit down and wait for his reply

“Mother fucker!  yes I need to be here, no kiss?” I laugh at his response,

time to step it up a notch, I set my phone to boomerang and peel the zip of my basque up and down slowly, just enough for him to glimpse a little bit of exposed cleavage. I send it with a kiss. I get a message back minutes later

“Daisy! Stop"

oh no he's not getting away with this, I sit and think of the perfect song I could play whilst doing a possibly non sexy striptease via video,  Then it comes to me and picking up my tablet from my case, I find it on YouTube, it's perfect,  closer by nine inch nails, it's Marshall and I all over.
I set my phone to record and the heavy beat of the song starts, I find my body moving in time with beat, suddenly feeling super confident and sexy as the first verse begins, my hands run all over my silk covered breasts

You let me violate you
You let me desecrate you
You let me penetrate you
You let me complicate you

I imagine it's Marshall singing those words to me.
I feel sexy and my body totally takes over, my mind is elsewhere imagining Marshall was here watching me, slowly I remove the basque and now I just have the tiny thong on, the suspender belt holding up my stockings and black heels, I bend over with my back to the screen, my hips swaying as I run my hands down my legs until I reach the floor, my black laced covered arse in full view of the camera, I swish my hair around for good measure and straightening up look straight into the camera lens, my lips parting slowly

Help me
I broke apart my insides
Help me
I've got no soul to sell
Help me
The only thing that works for me
Help me get away from myself

The beat of the song lifts as the chorus comes close, I start to remove the thong as it starts, slowly pulling them down my legs and turning so he'll be able to see me from all angles

I want to fuck you like an animal
I want to feel you from the inside
I want to fuck you like an animal
My whole resistance is flawed
You get me closer to god

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