Part forty two- Marshall

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Waking up alone these days is pretty rare, Daisy must have got up at the ass crack of dawn,  smiling I can hear her moving around downstairs. I bet she's fucking cleaning again! The woman is obsessed.
I'm a man who has everything he ever wanted,  my beautiful woman,  three healthy gorgeous children and a son soon to arrive in the world.
Daisy has been here for almost six months and we've all settled nicely into family life,  the holiday was just what we all needed and we all came home closer than ever.
The only problem when you have everything that you desire is that you become paranoid about losing any part of it,  I managed to keep that feeling on the downlow and enjoy our new life together.
Daisy walks back into the bedroom smiling and carrying an arm full of washing

“baby be careful!” I say softly getting up to take it from her

“I'm ok Mars, stop worrying” my hands stroke her belly softly, he's kicking her again

“Did he let you sleep at all baby?” she looks tired, she's been having Braxton hicks for the past two days and the baby had become increasingly active during the night,  Daisy hadn’t slept properly for days which concerned me

“not really he started about three am and he's still going now, I think he's swinging on some internal organs of mine" she pats him gently laughing.

“Only four weeks to go D and then neither of us will sleep" she laughs at me and clutches her back

“ya back hurting?”  “ yeah, low down here" she points to where it hurts,  she moans a little as I start rubbing it

“get back into bed baby and try and sleep"  she gets back in and I climb in beside her,  she feels really hot and I get up and get a thinner cover for her. 

She's really frightened about giving birth, I try my best but I can only reassure her to a certain point, even when she is able to sleep she wakes up screaming from nightmares about giving birth, I really feel for her but she never complains and just gets on with everything. I fall asleep holding her swollen belly and willing him to go to sleep as well.

The sound of Daisy groaning loudly wakes me up again she's sat up on the edge of the bed holding her belly tightly,  I get up and walk round to face her,  she's sweating profusely and panting for breath

“D, what's happening? Are you alright?” she groans loudly in answer and starts rocking back and forth

“Somethings happening,  can you look please" she sounds panicked as I push her back gently on the bed and pull my boxers off of her, there's some blood in them and it makes my heart beat faster, fuck!

“Baby open your legs for me" I ask calmer than I feel,  I've no idea what I'm fucking looking for but she parts her legs and I look and see something I was not expecting to see in a million years!

“Fuck, Daisy we gotta go now" I pull the boxer shorts back up her legs and pull her up off the bed

“baby please,  you've got to walk" she tries to sit back down but I'm full on panicking now
“come on baby up,  we've got to get to the hospital" she groans again squatting down and she fucking starts pushing. 

“No Daisy, stop!” I plead with her but I'm battling against instinct and mother nature now Daisy is just doing what her body tells her to do.  I phone the emergency services I need help. 

The person on the other end of the line takes our details and an ambulance is despatched

“Sir can you see anything between her legs?” “Yes,  I saw my baby's head,  fuck! We have four weeks to go yet" the person asks me when Daisy went into labour and I have no clue

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