Part thirty eight- Marshall

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I hang up the phone before her mother finishes speaking and phone Paul straight after “Paul I don't have time to explain but can you get me a jet to England, now please" he laughs obviously my frantic tone amuses the fucker “Marshall if you wanna go get your dick wet, you can wait a day or two surely!”

Is he fucking kidding me If I knew how to do it I'd fucking do it myself,

“Paul I don't have time for your bullshit, there's something wrong with Daisy I need to go NOW" I yell at him down the phone, he's silent for a second.

“I'm on it, I'll call you back in a minute and let you know details, do you want me to come with you?” I breathe a sigh of relief “Yes please" he hangs up and I rush to my bedroom to grab my passport and throw a few things in a bag.

I pace by the phone thinking all kinds of horrific things that could be happening to her in London, instead of calling back Paul arrives less than ten minutes later in his car to take us to the private runway. I'm tense and bouncing my legs all the way there which I can tell annoys Paul.
We board the jet quickly, Christ knows how fucking much this has cost him but he knows I'm good for it, I can’t switch off the entire flight, there's nothing to take my mind off of this, I fill Paul in on everything that he didn't already know about Daisy, I don't care who knows now, I'm not leaving London without her even if I have to murder her father myself.

when we finally land, I turn my phone back on and a voicemail appears from the Countess, I listen to it as a man tells me that Daisy is in a hospital and I should go straight there.

There's a car and security waiting for us, thank god for Paul!
I tell them the name of the hospital and we finally leave the airport, I hear Paul phone the hospital to warn them who is coming to the hospital and that we’ll need a back entrance to arrive and leave by, he's busy writing down whatever they are telling him and I'm busy chewing the skin around my finger nails, I'm so scared of what will be waiting for me at the hospital.

We pull up out the back and I'm out before Paul or security heading towards the two men I see waiting at the door

“Lady Greville, where is she?” I don't have time for pleasantries I need to see my girl, the two men lead me towards her, there are two policeman outside of her door, they open it and my feet are stuck to the floor, standing there shaking like a shitting dog, I have a feeling that my whole world will change once I step inside this room.

Paul arrives beside me, I look up at him and he nods, understanding I need some support and he steps in before me, he takes a deep breath, looks I assume at Daisy and his face drops, then he looks at me and holds out his hand, I feel like a small boy again as I reach over and take his hand and let him pull me into the room, my knees shake and I'm breathing quickly, I haven't even seen her and I want to cry.

I look at the ground until he lets go of my hand, he's talking quietly to someone by her bed and looking up I see it's her mother, her clothes covered in blood and she’s cuffed, her hands chained to the rail by Daisy's bed so she can hold her hand, she smiles weakly at me and speaks quietly

“Speak to her Marshall, she can hear you, she's sedated a little so she doesn't hurt so much”

I continue staring at her hand chained to the bed it confuses the hell out of me.

I snap out of it and quickly move towards Daisy, pushing the hood down from my hoodie, I can't hold her hand there's some kind of metalwork coming it of it, so I rest my hand lightly on her upper arm and leaning down I kiss her forehead gently, brushing her hair back from her face because she hates it getting in her eyes, she's warm at least, her face is bruised badly, looks like her nose might have been broken, every part of skin I can see seems to bruised, she's hooked up to a heart monitor and it beats evenly and slowly, there's another screen with a faster beat going across it evenly, there’s wires and needles all over her.

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