Part ten- Daisy

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My fingers carefully spread light makeup over the tender bruises on my neck, guess my father never considered he'd mark me and they'd still be there for my dinner with Rohan.

The saddest thing was that Marshalls bite mark on my breast had faded fast and another man had marked me, a man that should be protecting and nurturing me instead of cutting off my air supply and leaving me bruised.
I truly hated him now, if I’d tried to defend his actions with me before then I was now done with it he'd never gone that far before but the look in his eye was like he'd snapped, he scared and intimidated me before that and now I was just plain petrified.
My mother had never lifted a finger to help me and hadn't called me to see if was alright since then.

I would do whatever he wanted me to do, I didn't want her fate to be in my hands and I couldn't live with the guilt of anything happening to her, I think he'd finally broken me.

My phone chimed on the dresser beside me and looking at it I noticed Marshall had text me again and not for the first time, I hadn't spoken to him since I'd left Detroit, I couldn't, my father had made it quite clear to me that I had to do anything to secure this man and even via email suggested that 'surely spreading my legs for him would be most advantageous'  The thought of prostituting myself on my father's behalf made me want to vomit, I looked at myself in the mirror, face made up, semi sexy dress on and a forced smile spread across my red lips.

I’d never dressed up for Marshall our thing wasn’t about that but now I found myself wanting it to be him I was meeting for dinner and wanting to look sexy for him.

Trust me to fall for the most visible man in the world even if I ran away and he wanted me there'd never be any hiding from Lord Greville, I'd put Marshall and potentially his children in harm's way, more people's lives on my conscience, shaking the lovely thought of being with Marshall out of my head I stood up took a deep breath and headed out to my waiting cab. My cab ride to hell.

I took a minute or two when it pulled up outside Quaglino's restaurant to collect myself, I paid the driver and heard my message notification going of again glancing at it, it was Marshall again

“Daisy reply to my fucking messages, I'm worrying and I don't like it, don't fucking ignore me"

Shit, He's agitated and I don't need this right now, I reply quickly telling him I'll call him later, turn my phone off and head into the restaurant, the Maitre D recognises me and greets me accordingly “Welcome to Quaglino's Lady Greville, I'll show you to your table your guest arrived just a moment ago madam"  I smile and beckon for him to move forward and follow him.

You could literally spot Rohan Montgomery a clear mile a way, He's roughly about 6'5 I would say, very tanned, dark hair falling in waves to his shoulders, my father would hate his hair.
He's a very good looking man.

The Maitre D announces my arrival to him, he stands takes my right hand and places a very wet kiss on it, I resist the urge to wipe my hand on my dress, I look up at him and he has small brown mean  looking eyes, nothing like the gentle icy blue ones I love to drown in.

Once we are seated he proceeds to order for me not giving me a choice in anything and my life flashes before my eyes, a taster of my life to come, I detest this man already.
Rohan talks about himself pretty much all the way through our meal, I'm a good daughter and I smile, agree and laugh in all the right places, he looks me over at one point
“you’re very beautiful Daisy, although it wouldn't hurt you to lose a few pounds, you have too many curves and no one wants a fat wife” he smirks as he watches me put down my knife and fork and push away my plate “ good girl, nice to see you can follow orders.
your father told me you’re quite feisty sometimes, I'll have that knocked out of you in no time"
I looked him square in the eye some of that feistiness threatening to make an appearance, then he spoke again.

“I'm going to ensure that everybody calls me Lord Montgomery once we’re married Daisy"
he looks so very pleased with himself that I can't help what comes out of my mouth

“Actually Rohan I'll be Lady Montgomery and you as a commoner will still be referred to as Mr Montgomery, you have to be knighted to carry the title Lord!”  inwardly I congratulate myself as he turns bright red

“your father has told me he will see to it!” he states firmly, I laugh My father really will go to any length “My father can't knight you, the Queen alone has that power, she could decide to give you a courtesy title if father asks properly!” he mulls that over for awhile before brushing my words off and telling me he has every faith in my father to get the job done. 

I go to call a cab after our meal finishes but he tells me I'll be getting a lift home with him whilst in the cab he tells me my father has invited him to the charity gala in New York and that he’ll be there as my date, great I think, I really can't catch a break but at least I'll have the day before being tended to by Marshall and that's enough to keep me going for now, I think of my plane booked for Nice in the morning, I can't wait to escape.

As we pull up outside my apartment building Rohan gets out of the cab with me and walks me to the door, he leans in and kisses me, it's not gentle, it's not rough, it's nothing! but I smile dutifully up at him

“Next time I'll come in Daisy, I'd like to sample the goods before I make any firm decision"

His words make me shudder “This is just a business decision for you isn’t it Rohan!” he chuckles and replies “Of course Daisy, marrying you and tying myself to your family may be a fantastic opportunity, we'll see how it goes down in New York first!”

I feel worthless.

He walks away and I stay glued in place making sure he actually does leave, once the cab pulls away I open my door and slip inside locking it carefully behind me. I fall on my sofa and grab my phone from my bag, turning it on, Ignoring several messages from my father, I call Marshall.

“Hey D!” He answers and sounds sleepy, I always forget about bloody time differences but as soon as I hear his voice I feel the stress of the past week wash away and I settle in for a night of Marshall’s chatter, two weeks and I'll be in his arms again.

A nice picture of Rohan at the top, Daisy and Marshall back together next part...... thank goodness 😂

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