Part Twelve- Daisy

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I heard the phrase 'cum drunk' before in a film or somewhere like that but until today I never actually realised it was a thing but this must be it, I'm light headed, my legs are shaking and unable to hold me up, I can't string a sensible sentence together, I can't move my arms they are like lead weights either side of me and there are some intense tremors like aftershocks running up and down my body, I'm exhausted.
I glance at Marshall beside me my eyes appear to be heavy too, He's laying there breathing heavily staring up at the ceiling, his hand gropes around the bed until he finds mine and squeezes it tightly.

He's never been like this before his stamina today has been incredible almost like he's trying to prove some kind of a point, for the past eighteen hours we've done nothing but have sex, I'm hungry, starving actually, Marshalls stomach growls as if to agree with me, he sits up slowly and moves to the edge of the bed

"Fucking Christ, Jesus fuck"

he swears loudly and then starts to laugh maniacally.

"What's up baby?"

I manage to find my voice at last, he turns round and I come face to face with a rather erect looking penis....
I burst out laughing

"What the fuck Daisy" he whines looking at his dick in disbelief

" You going to waste that?"

I wink at him as he crosses the room to the bathroom, he looks down and looks at me considering my words but then shakes his head

"Yeah man, I'm fucking starving, order some food D while I take a cold fucking shower"

I laugh at his retreating back he looked so sad at wasting a perfectly good hard dick. I order some tacos and wait for him to come back out when he does I take the opportunity for a shower myself, I stink.

I felt a lot better after showing and eating, Marshall surveys the disaster of the room "Why do we always create so much carnage, wherever we hook up"

he asks with a smile on his face, I shrug my shoulders and carry on eating, him using the hook up line stung a bit, it was more than that now surely which was bloody dangerous for both of us, the first time we'd had sex today he'd looked at me so intensely I could feel everything he was feeling and vice versa for a brief second, a blink and you missed it situation, if I could admit it to myself I would break down the very thinly stretched barrier and tell him that I was hopelessly in love with him but I was promised to another man with no choice about it and I would have to let Marshall go sooner rather than later.

"Do you have a butler Daisy and servants?"

I burst out laughing again choking on a piece of lettuce, he asked so earnestly that I almost feel mean for laughing at him,

"No Marshall, I clean my own apartment and answer my own door, but at Warwick castle they have a whole household of staff, you've seen Downtown Abbey?"
I ask him
He thinks before making a face and speaking

"Yeah the girls fucking love it, I suffer through it in silence" He grimaces

"well my father pretty much keeps Warwick castle like that, he and my mother even have dressers, they have the upstairs, downstairs thing going on there, it's very medieval and so is my father!"

I hate bringing my father up memories of the last time I saw him come flooding back and I feel nervous and frightened about seeing him later tomorrow for the gala.
Marshall must sense something is wrong as he reaches over and strokes my hair and cheek

"How does a little girl grow up in the middle of all that and turn into a beautiful, classy, self sufficient and independent woman like you?"

he's deadly serious when he asks me and I reply seriously

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