Part twenty- Marshall (Shady time)

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What the fuck am I doing at work, when everything I want is at my fucking house, because I made commitments before I knew that Daisy would be coming and I don't like to let people down I tell myself.

“Yo, Marshall!” where's your head at bro" Porter calls me out from my Daisy daydream
I just glare at him “Can we hurry this up!” I'm being short with him now, I want to get home.
“I swung past your house to pick you up Em, this pissy mood wouldn't have anything to do with the fancy chick sleeping in your hammock, now would it!” He asks slyly, I keep quiet with my back to him, “Only I noticed she was the same fancy chick from the concert, ya know, the one you couldn't keep your hungry eyes off!” he says it like it's nothing, like it's something he finds at my house everyday, I'm going to have to tell yet another person and Daisy will be pissed off with me, so much for lying low.

I take a deep breath and turn to him “What do you mean by fancy?” I ask and he busts out laughing,
“From all that, that's the part that bothers you? I mean she's hot bro, that bikini left little to the imagination!”
Immediately I feel angry with him and her “You were staring at my girl while she was sleeping, what the fuck!” I step up to him well aware I'm in his personal space now and that I want to hurt him for looking at what is mine.

He holds his hands up in front of me in a submissive gesture,

“Hey calm down man, it was seconds, I was shocked that's all, ain't never seen a chick all at home at Casa Mathers before" he steps back and sits down once more, I take a step back but remain standing, unsure of my next move, he's my brother and he's loyal, In all truth I probably would have told him about her ages ago had it not been so fucking complicated

“The girls are coming by for dinner tomorrow night, you should come too, meet Daisy properly and then you'll know what's going on, I just need to get back to her now..... please!”
I sound like a fucking pussy, he nods though and we get back to work and plough through two tracks in thirty minutes.

Arriving home I walk in the house, my home already feels different, coming home to a woman, I smile at myself.... My fucking balls have gone again, she's been here less than twenty four hours but it feels like she's always been here, I go up to my bedroom, smiling at Daisy's messy clothes as I step over to my closet and strip off, I take a quick shower and dress in my swim shorts, grab a baseball cap and go to join her.
Denaun was right she is a sight in that blue bikini, I want to wake her up and fuck her brains out, but I don't, instead I clamber way too gracefully onto the hammock, top and tailing with her, glad for once I bought the biggest I could find, she doesn’t notice me at all just continues her sleeping and I continue my staring until I drift off to sleep briefly, waking when Daisy wriggles around nearly making me topple out of the hammock.

I feel her warm hand stroking up my leg, my dick feels it too although when I don't wake up quickly enough for her she tugs on the hairs on my leg making me yelp, I'm still a little angry with her over the Denaun thing, I mean rationally I know she was asleep and not flirting with my best friend but the jealous irrational side of my brain blames her, blames her for looking too good in a bikini.

Christ I needed to have a word with myself before Shady comes out to play, I look at her, our movements causing the hammock to swing gently, she smiles at me and strokes higher up my leg, I close my eyes and let her try and seduce me for a bit but all that happens is my need to not have her flirt with my friends rises further, the jealousy builds, as does my anxiety about losing her, I  remember that nothing is certain with her and it infuriates me.
I move as quickly as you can in a hammock so that we are lying face to face, she closes her eyes and  leans in to kiss me but I pull away and deny her.
Her eyes snap open and she searches mine, she tries to kiss me again but I pull away again, as she's about to speak, I cover her mouth with my hand “Quiet!” I command.

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