Part twenty six- Marshall

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It's a tad smutty!!

Checking my watch yet again I notice it's nearly four pm which means Daisy will be calling at any time soon for some phone time fun, I make my way up to my bedroom and settle on my bed and wait patiently.

I open my phone to check if I've missed her knowing full well I haven't, my screensaver is of the note Daisy left in my cooler written on two bananas.

Royce and Porter had seen it yesterday and kept sending me random photos of fucking fruit with Shit carved into it

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Royce and Porter had seen it yesterday and kept sending me random photos of fucking fruit with Shit carved into it.... fuckers!

After I dropped her off at the airport I’d come home and moped about for a few hours, had a bit of a cry and then later my girls came over and cheered me up some.

We'd had a fantastic week and I knew deep down there’d be many more to enjoy so I’d decided not to dwell on missing her too much.

My fucking dick on the other hand, was continually up and down, weeping like a bitch and was generally a pain in my ass, the slightest thought about Daisy in any form was enough to provoke a semi at any given moment, I'd cut it off but I kinda liked it, it was my favourite toy after all.

My phone rang and a picture of Daisy and I in the garden flashed up reminding me of our last evening together, I answered it quickly, "Good evening sexy!"

“Hey Dirty boy" she sounds odd, if I didn't know better I'd say she was drunk “You drunk D?” I enquire,

she hums and it goes straight to my fucking dick

“maybe baby, I had a couple glasses of wine thought it might help me be dirtier for you!” her voice is low, flirtatious and extremely seductive.

Christ I'm in trouble, I thought I was going to lead this but I think she might just get the upper hand.
She's not slurring her words so I decide to go with it

“What's the nastiest word you know D?” she snorts out a laugh

“umm cunt" she giggles, in her accent its about the most sexiest thing I've ever heard

“Say it again baby" she growls down the line “cunt, cunt, cunty, McCunt!” I roll around on my bed laughing.

My ears prick up when I hear someone yell in the background, it's a man's voice, I can feel my blood starting to boil

“Christ sake, hang on Marshall, Rohan is the worst drunk in the world!” the jealousy starts to subside as my brain registers he's gay and no threat, she comes back and sounds irritated,
“Bloody hell, my blankets are too itchy for him, he's lucky I let him stay, he's a bloody diva fetch me this and fetch me that!”

I laugh at his antics til I hear a shuffling noise and the sound of Daisy's phone being taken from her

“you swine Rohan, give me my phone back now" she demands and I can hear him laughing down the phone “Hey sexy rapper" he slurs at me,  “Hey dude!” I reply listening to him and Daisy struggle with her phone “Rohan go to bed!” she shouts at him, I hear Daisy swearing as she picks her now abandoned phone up from the floor

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